Fire Emblem 6 Challenges
The following challenges are meant to challenge experiences Fire Emblem players.  You should not attempt these until you have at least beaten Fire Emblem 6 on Hard Mode.  All the challenges should be done on HARD MODE.

Challenge 1 - Don't use Marcus! 
While Marcus is, no matter how you look at it, a pitiful character in terms of stats, he is very difficult to not use at all.  In this challenge, you are not allowed to use him to take hits, he cannot die, he cannot support, but you CAN use his weapons. 

Challenge 2 - BPs(Bad Prepromotes) Only
The BPs all have one good thing going for them:  They're all good for a period of time.  The following characters are not included in the BP list because they are GOOD prepromotes: Klein, Percival, Igrene, Karel.

That's it for now.  If you have any more,
e-mail me with them.
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