favorite sites and links
how stuff works
red meat comics
home star runner
the onion
the food network
a great site for finding out how stuff works from DSL to making a potato gun.
warning: these comic strips contain graphic material of dead clowns, aliens, milk men,  and sock puppets.
home made cartoons of the goofy nature. no blood or gore just some clean humor.
their mission is to build the most entertaining and engaging digital media brands in the world.there are several video ranging from commericals to home video footage that you might see on america's funniest video.
a humorous newpaper of just funny articles that is a satire of
joe cartoon
food network is the best place to find recipes or even learn some techniques that you can use in the kitchen
humor filled cartoon violence that is completely made on flash.
the happy tree friends are cute, cuddly animals whose daily adventures always end up going horribly wrong. warning: major cartoon violence
a girl i know. she makes some awesome custom fit clothes and sells them online.
happy tree friends
funny reads
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family related
its the family business that we've had for over 21 years now. you can find out some intersting stuff about my family and about our business.
once upon a time, co.
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