
Name: Semi

Nickname: ShootingStar / Semmerz / Sems

Date of Birth: 28.11.89

Location: England

Ethnic: Korean

Msn: [email protected]

Yahoo Messenger: -

Email Addy:[email protected]

Fav DBSG guy: youngwoong <3

Additional Stuff


Colours: sky blue, silver

Food: junk food & gum

Kpop bands/singers: Shinhwa, DBSG

Jpop bands/singers: NewS, T&T

Cpop bands/singers: -

Epop bands/singers: -

A little about yourself: I am a 14 year old girl who loves webdesigning..listening to music, surfing the net, watching TV....etc. xD I also love gum. O_O oh and I want an mp3 player so I'm saving up for one! XD

I knew DBSG by: I saw them at the Show! Music Tank performance...I loved their song...<3

I got into the DBSG forum by: omg, I can't remember! O_O How did I get there....O_O oh yeah! from soompi. xD man, I love this forum!! ^^
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