
Name: Lee Nozomi

Nickname: So Mang, Nozo, Nono

Date of Birth: August 20, 1985

Location: Middletown, RI

Ethnic: Puerto Rican/Caucasian

Msn: [email protected]

Yahoo Messenger: lpsmikeshinoda

Email Addy: [email protected]

Fav DBSG guy: Xiah

Additional Stuff


Colours: Baby Blue

Food: Kimchi Noodles!! ^-^

Kpop bands/singers: H.O.T. 1TYM, Se7en, Jang Nara, Lexy, Shinhwa, DBSK, Lee Soo Young, Harisu.

Jpop bands/singers: Hideaki Takisawa, Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru, W-inds, Lead, Kinki Kids, SMAP.

Cpop bands/singers: Eason Chan, TWINS, S.H.E. errrmm...a few others here and there.

Epop bands/singers: Not a lot of them at all. x.x

A little about yourself: Hmm...I'm REALLY hyper. I talk about the silliest of things, but I can talk. XD Errm...I can speak Korean, Japanese, and Spanish...and a little bit of Cantonese (still learning) that enough..? LOL

I knew DBSG by: I knew about them for quite some time. When I was still in Korea they slipped out a few hints about the new group, so with the help of my friend Rika and Kim, we kept tabs on them until they debuted and they flooded my email with pictures and info. LOL

I got into the DBSG forum by: Errm..I can't remember how exactly. I think there was an ad on Shinhwa Sarang forums and I went to take a look from there.
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