Basics Name: Sarah Narly Kim

Nickname: nabi ((becoz my name is kinda similar)) // congcongii (( ppl say i look like it.. =_=^ ))

Date of Birth: 8th FEB 88

Location: Australia, Sydney

Ethnic: Korean

Msn: [email protected]

Yahoo Messenger: dont use yahoo..^^''

Email Addy: [email protected]

Fav DBSG guy: yoonho <33

Additional Stuff

Favourites Colours: pink!!! puhEHehe.. & white

Food: korean food(?) // chicken// pizza

Kpop bands/singers: DongBangShinGi, BoA*

Jpop bands/singers: Utada Hikaru, amuro namie, ayumi hamasaki, suite chic

Cpop bands/singers: dunno any..>.<''

Epop bands/singers: dont have one.. O_o;;

A little about yourself: hmm.. im talkative and loud.. nothing much to say about myself.. O_o;; harhar

I knew DBSG by[looking at pics posted up at soompi]

I got into the DBSG forum by [someone's sig i saw at soompi and den i came..]
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