
Name: Julia

Nickname: Nana

Date of Birth: 9/29/86

Location: NJ

Ethnic: Korean

Msn: [email protected] (add me to your list!! >.<)

Yahoo Messenger:

Email Addy: [email protected]

Fav DBSG guy: Junsu, YoonHo, and YooChun

Additional Stuff


Colours: blue, black&white

Food: any type of korean food

Kpop bands/singers: DBSG, god, FFTS, BoA, Lena Park, Be, se7en ,WheeSung, BigMama

Jpop bands/singers: Arashi, Tackey&Tsubasa, Smap,V6, KinKi Kids, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Gackt, Utada Hikaru, Nakashima Mika

Cpop bands/singers:

Epop bands/singers: Beyonce!!, Evanescence, Avril Lavigne

A little about yourself: I love listening to music and hanging out with my friends.. = )

I knew DBSG byI actually knew them before their official debut, but i don't exactly remember how i got to know them..--;;

I got into the DBSG forum by
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