
Name: Michele Ng

Nickname: [M]icHeLe or MrsLeeMinwoo

Date of Birth: 28th September 1989

Location: Malaysia

Ethnic: Chinese

Msn: [email protected]

Yahoo Messenger: none

Email Addy: [email protected]

Fav DBSG guy: Young woong, Xiah, Micky, Choi Kang and Yoon Ho.. XD love them all.

Additional Stuff


Colours: Orange, Red, Blue, Black, White, Purple, erm.. many many more.. XD


Kpop bands/singers: SHINHWA,DBSG!, FTTS, H.O.T/JTL, Se7en, Whee Sung, Bi, 1TYM, Kangta, BoA, Hyori erm erm.. many la!

Jpop bands/singers: W-inds, FLAME, LEAD, Smap, Chemistry, Exile, Da Pump etc

Cpop bands/singers: Energy, Tension, 5566, Luo Zhi Qiang, etc

Epop bands/singers: Blue? 5ive, BSB, N-SYNC? i dunno. i like boyband type of songs.. ^^

A little about yourself: ME? YES! a little warning for you all who wants or plans to add me in MSN, BEWARE! yes, beware of Michele.. she can be very insane at times OR can be very boring. Assure yourself that you can deal with these things before adding me. XD not kidding.. ^^;;

I knew DBSG byMISS ANGELINA!!! SHE SHOWED ME THAT WONDERFUL HANDSOME GOOD LOOKING TALENTED GUYS! oh well, at first it was because of yoon ho, he being a look-a-like like Brian so.. you know

I got into the DBSG forum by MISS ANGELINA!!! SHE SHOWED ME! whee~ ok, i'm nuts.. don't mind me. ^^
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