
Name: Mae Perci Belle

Nickname: Mae, Maple, Mae-Mae

Date of Birth: May 2, 1988

Location: Nevada

Ethnic: Filipino, Chinese, Spanish

Msn: don't have one ^^;

Yahoo Messenger: don't have one ^^;

Email Addy: [email protected]

Fav DBSG guy: Xiah!! <3 *whispers* And ChoiKang

Additional Stuff


Colours: blue, silver, black, white

Food: Filipino and Chinese food

Kpop bands/singers: DongBangShinGi, FlytotheSky, BoA*, Shinhwa, COOL

Jpop bands/singers: Utada Hikaru, Janne da Arc, Miyavi, Gackt, Two-Mix

Cpop bands/singers: Tension, Sun Yan Zi, F4, Yuki Hsu

Epop bands/singers: is this.. English singers? lol, System of a Down, Sean Paul

A little about yourself: I like mint chocolate chip ice cream. lol. I like nice people that I share common interests with. No being mean XD

I knew DBSG by: watching their first "Hug" performance and listening to their songs

I got into the DBSG forum by: a link on Soompi. XD I lurk a lot.
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