
Name: tiffany

Nickname: k_krazie

Date of Birth: 1/12

Location: los angeles, california

Ethnic: korean

Msn: [email protected]

Yahoo Messenger:

Email Addy: [email protected]

Fav DBSG guy: yunho, xiah, micky, choikang, youngwoong haha in order of how much i like em ^^

Additional Stuff


Colours: blue, gray, orange

Food: pizzaaa ^^

Kpop bands/singers: dbsg, nrg, f-iv.....i like everyone except the people i hate....^^;;;;

Jpop bands/singers: boa...(both korea and japan), lead, ayumi hamasaki, utada hikaru

Cpop bands/singers: dont know anyy...

Epop bands/singers:

A little about yourself:someonee who likes the same things i do ^^ll

I knew DBSG by watching them on the boa and britney special on christmas day while i was visiting korea...harhar

I got into the DBSG forum by i dont remember..-_-;;; i thinkkk i just saw a link somewhereee and i clicked it hehehee
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