
Name: Heidi

Nickname: heidi

Date of Birth: October 22, 1987

Location: Canada

Ethnic: Vietnamese

MSN: [email protected]

Yahoo Messenger: -

Email Addy: [email protected]

Fave DBSG guy: Micky

Additional Stuff


Colours: Blue, Green

Food: Sushi, Pasta

Kpop bands/singers: Bada, BoA, Dong Bang Shin Ki, Fly To The Sky, Rain

Jpop bands/singers: Ayumi Hamasaki, Chemistry, Namie Amuro

Cpop bands/singers: Joey Yung, Miriam Yeung

Epop bands/singers: Kelly Clarkson, Outkast

A little about yourself: I'm pretty easygoing and I always change subjects a lot when i'm taking to someone, lol. =p

I knew DBSG by seeing their pictures posted at a forum

I got into the DBSG forum by a link at soompi
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