
Name: Kara

Nickname: fire ashes

Date of Birth: 10/26/1986

Location: California, US

Ethnic: Chinese

Msn: [email protected]

Yahoo Messenger: -

Email Addy: [email protected]

Fav DBSG guy: ...let's put it this way: youngwoong's personality & face + yoonho's dance/rap + micky's voice + sia's cuteness + choikang's height XD; ok but i'm leaning towards JAEJOONG ;)

Additional Stuff


Colours: varies depending on my mood

Food: -

Kpop bands/singers: HOT, Sechskies, EVE, Kang Sung, Shinhwa, list goes on and on...

Jpop bands/singers: jROCK baby

Cpop bands/singers: Anson Hu & LeeHom Wang

Epop bands/singers: ew. x)

A little about yourself: lol UHH i have nooo idea what to put here ._. <-- go here and read? and leave comments? puahah

I knew DBSG by: probably soompi or something

I got into the DBSG forum by: soompi/jenna [hunidip @ forum]
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