
Name: Gaia

Nickname: La'Miss:Fairy

Date of Birth: 11.10.1983

Location: Italy.

Ethnic: Italian.

Msn: [email protected]

Yahoo Messenger: jishukixxei

Email Addy: [email protected]

Fav DBSG guy: YoungWoong.

Additional Stuff


Colours: blue; black; gray;

Food: Italian; Mexican; Chinese;

Kpop/rock bands/singers: ShinHwa; DongBangShinKi; M; also: EVE; VIRUS; Seo TaiJi; TRANS FIXION; lorelei; Moon HeeJun; H.O.T.; Cherry Filter; Click-b; NRG; SE7EN; Yoon DoHyun Band; etc.

Jpop/rock bands/singers: PIERROT; SADS; baroque; Janne da Arc; RIKU;

I never listen to Chinese and other kinds of music. ^^;

A little about yourself:I'm a nice person overall, I don't ask for much in a person just as long as we share some interests. I like music [kpop/krock] graphic design and dancing.

I knew DBSG by solid07. I'm one of their very first fans - I fell in love with the song "Hug" and I had a thing for YoungWoong's voice, then I saw their pictures and performances. :] I was in awe and I still am.

I got into the DBSG forum by Luna's signature on solid07.
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