My Christmas holiday in Norway
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In these pages I will write something about Norway, where I had a wonderful journey during my Christmas holidays(2001.12.21-2002.1.2).

I had prepared for this trip for a long time since my Norwegian 'uncle' and 'aunt' had already invited me to spend this Christmas holiday and new year with them before I went to Germany. I was so excited about it.

21 December,2001, it was a clear day in Stuttgart. At 17:00 I finally arrived at Oslo, which is the capital city of Norway. The flight from Stuttgart to Oslo took almost 4.5 hours(I transited at Copenhagen airport). I had a warm welcome at Oslo airport from my Norwegian uncle and aunt.

they were living). Snow and ice was everywhere. I said to myself: It would be a real WHITE Christmas!

After we arrived home, we started to decorate the Christmas tree. Oh, I must say it was really my very first time to have a Christmas, of course it was my very first time to decorate a Christmas

They were so nice to come to the airport to pick me up. Though it was just 17:00, outside it was totally dark already. Cold! Really cold! I realized that as soon as I went off the train which connected Oslo and Asker (the town where
tree too. It was so interesting. And the Christmas tree looked so beautiful. I was curious about how people carried their trees back home. The next day uncle and aunt showed me in the town how people used the special tools to pack the trees so that it would be easy for people to carry them home.


The pictures on the left side are from the place where they are selling the Christmas trees. And the picture on the right side is my first Christmas tree!

In Norway I had many 'first times'. My first Christmas in Europe, my first Christmas tree, my first Norwegian breakfast, my first time to eat unique Norwegian cheese, my first time to drink COLD milk (I always had warm milk)... But just as my Norwegian aunt said:" You have to learn all the new things here, we all need to learn..." Yes, I am learning, to experience a totally different life here.

Aunt liked to use candles in her house. See the picture below, candles are everywhere. So romantic! At

night, we just lighted the candles and turned off all the lamps. Everything was showing: Christmas was coming!

Norwegian Christmast starts at 4:00pm on 24th December when the people all go to church. And in Norway the celebration will last till the 26th of December. The whole family just stays at home together to have Christmas meals, exchange gifts, play different games etc.

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