The heart of a fool is in his mouth, the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.
Discipline awaits he who leaves his path.
He who is a mocker dances without a tambourine.
To the dog who has money, men say: my lord dog.
He who touches honey is compelled to lick his fingers.
He who eats when he is full digs his grave with his teeth.
The dreaming man makes excuses for his inaction and places a fools cap on his head.
He is a good storyteller who can turn a man's ears into eyes.
He who mocks the poor shows contempt for their maker.
One man's shit is another factory of bliss.
A wise woman has much to say and yet remains silent.
If a man puts a cord around his neck, God will provide someone to pull it.
If you see a man riding a wooden stick, say to him "Good health to your horse".
Do not judge a man by the whiteness of his turban, soap is bought on credit.
In his heart a man may plan his course but God determines his every step.
The same destiny awaits both the wise man and the fool.
Man alone is the measure of all things.
He who follows the crow will be led the corpses of dogs.
He who has patience with his enemy, rewards himself.
If I listen, I have the advantage; if I speak, others have it.

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