I workout 6 days a week. Monday - saturday. I rest on sundays. I like to kepe my heart rate above 156 in order to keep burning fat cells and not muscle tissue. my workouts usually go like this:

-30 mins of weights:
=== 15 mins upper body:
   == tricepts, biceps, shoulders. 80 lbs on weight machines and 15 pound barbellsfor freeweights.
=== reps are 8 for sets of 4.
===15 mins of legs, thighs (in/out), calves, butt.
=== 80lbs on weight machines. 18 reps for sets of 3. rest 1 minute.

1 1/2 hours of cardio.
-35 mins of epiliptical/cross trainer - fatburn
-30 mins bike seated - cardio
-15 mins treadmill at low speed/hills

-afterworkout: 15 mins of streteches

WEDENSDAY: 45 mins of yoga ontop of regular workout scheduale.

FRIDAY; Spinning class.


Tips: Do not over exercise. At first week of exercising you should do 30 mins of cardio and slowly progress 10 minutes each week.
-The more you sweta the more in shape you are,
-Its better to exercise on an empty stomach
-Eat immediately after w aworkout to refuel muscle.
-Remember you want to stay lean and sculpted not flabby. ALWAYS USE WEIGHTS! Skinny fat is disgusting.
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