RAT: Born in the Year: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996
Rat's Characteristics
:Those   born in the Rat Years are extremely intelligent and ones of high survival skills. Rats are team-players for different reasons. They are able to take   inputs from others to create superb and highly effective solutions that   benefit others and, unselfishly, for their own credit and glory. Not easy to   guess what they are thinking of, if they choose not to say, for they are too   fast and unpredictable.  They are   highly family-oriented and will do anything (even at others` expense) for the   goodness of his or her family. Once in a while, they stray.
OX: Born in the Year: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997
Oxen's  Characteristics
: People who are born in the years of the Oxen, are well-known for their perseverance and stamina. When other people fizzle out, Oxen carry on.   And they do so in good stride and nature. Never quick to put blame on others, they are reliable friends and partners amidst their  stubbornness. Even in good  times and prosperity, oxen maintain their mellowed countenance. Oxen's partners, unless they are oxen too, can often get impatient on their slow-natured partner and that's where murmuring can go on for years but with little harm done, on our good natured Ox, of course.
TIGER:  Born  in the Year: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998
Tiger's   Characteristics: Men  or ladies born in the years of the Tigers are brave and strong in characters; behaviour. They are adventurous and enjoy threading on dangerous grounds.  Curious by nature, they like to embark on new things, learning new skills and settling on new environment. Unlike the oxen who are stubborn inwardly, tigers are outwardly defiant, making         them at times, seemed hard to get along with. Those who submit to them,  on the other hand, have much to gain, for the Tiger will do most of the  work for them
RABBIT:  Born in the Year: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999
Rabbit's  Characteristics: Rabbits are by nature, playful and fun people. Although timid at times, they enjoy light moments and good company.  They are sensitive to other people's feelings and as about   themselves.  Many Rabbits have problems getting over their past relationship,  although they know how to hide their scars well.  Their expectations in life can sometimes be unrealistic but hard   to snap them out of their dream world.  Rabbit people make wonderful partners for they are always caring       and gentle.
DRAGON: Born   in the Year: 1940, 1952, 1964,  1976, 1988  2000
Dragon's Characteristics: Those born in the years of the Dragons often lead a life of grandeur and gaiety. They are adventurous and like to go into areas where others avoid. Quite oftennot  seen as a good team-player, partly due to their over-bravery and  partly due to the ways they look at things differently, Dragons,  however, never failed to marvel people of their results. Trustworthy specialist, whom is capable to get the most  difficult task accomplished, Dragons make wonderful partner,  provided you decided to take the back seat.
SNAKE: Born in the Year: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989   
Snake's Characteristics: Peoplewho are born in the years of the Snakes are highly intelligent and  wise. Usually  very logical in their thinking, Snakes seldom make a move without  careful calculation. Once decided, snakes will put their plan to work till they attain their goals. That does not mean there won`t be a change in plan. In fact, that's one of the Snakes' unique characteristics: Flexibility. That's why snakes can 'scheme' to have people working  together for them and still have them saying, 'What a nice guy'!
HORSE: ; Bornin the Year: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990
Horse's Characteristics: Horse people stress more on freedom than any of the other 11 horoscopes' people. They want a carefree life, one with little regulation and control. They have very strong innate drive, having the 'always can do more'  mentality. If stiffened, they will feel trapped and easily be despondent. They are fast in their action and like to act first and answer later. Horse people enjoy courtship and recognition.  And they are good lovers.

Born in the Year: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 
Goat's  Characteristics: A  few common traits stand out of the Goat people: they are hardworking and peaceful people. Not quick to make impression, Goat people are not status-crazy. Rather, they enjoy what what they do best, with or without getting the credit. The only area where they will fight  relentlessly is where it comes to the affairs of the heart. They are good and reliable partners who will go through thick and thin for their loved ones
MONKEY: Born  in the Year: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980,      
Monkey's Characteristics: Intelligent   and versatile are the 2 common traits of people born in the  years of the Monkeys.  They have great problem-solving skills and are fast workers. The  problems that come along with these positive traits are that       they tend to make mistakes and are pretty unorganized beings. Yet, they exhibit such charms and aura that get many people captivated. Others may be jealous of them but the  Monkeys have their funny ways of winning them over.
ROOSTER: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969,  1981,  1993
Rooster's Characteristics: Those born in the years of the Roosters are highly capable people. Though not born a leader nor outstanding at first, Roosters have exceptional learning capacity and  adaptability.  It will not take long for Rooster people to rise to its fullest   potential.  Roosters always have a mind of their own and very hard to change  their perception once formed.    Quarrelsome to a certain extent, but nevertheless,attractive and charming.

Born in the Year: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982,  1994
Dog's Characteristics:Those born in the years of the Dogs are righteous and chivalrous by nature. They will  intervene quickly when their loved ones or friends are mistreated. Actions always speak louder than words for  the Dog people as they have problem expressing their feelings especially when comes to the affairs of the  heart.  Conservative and cautious, it takes a while to win their confidence but once done, you know you can count on them forever.
PIG: Born in the Year: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983,  1995
Pig's Characteristics: Those born in the years of the Pigs are fun and happy people. They   love companyand are party animals. Come to business, they know how to establish their positionand network but they are lousy rejecter.  Saying 'No'  is simply a hard word for them to utter. But that does not mean they are mild and can be taken for granted. Pretty much on the contrary, never             antagonise them, for they can be rough and merciless when provoked.  Flattery is the key to the Pig person`s                             heart.        
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