The Battle Within


By Fiona


Disclaimers: Not mine, none of it, wish it were. I just take them out of their pretty little box play with them then put them back where I got 'em.  Thank you Donald Bellasario for sharing your toys with us. Oh and i make no money off of my play time.


Note from Fiona: I have complete writers block for my story "WHY" so I thought I would try something else for a little bit to see if it helps. Here goes.




The pain that is shooting through my skull is so intense that my vision fades into a white abyss.  I blink, trying to clear my vision. I have to make it to the jeep.  The phone is in the jeep, if I can just make it to the jeep.  I stumble blindly in the general vicinity of the vehicle, falling to my knees when my toe gets caught on something.  Damn, I have to get to the phone, I have to call for help. I force myself to crawl forward, but it is a battle for every inch. 'MUST' hand goes forward, 'CALL' knees moves forward, 'FOR' hand, 'HELP' knee.  I continue this rhythm until I bump my head against something hard.  The pain in my head is intensifying; I didn't even think that was possible.  I know that I am going to pass out soon, 'I MUST CALL FOR HELP'. That one thought drives me forward.  My vision is still cloudy and now starting to fade to gray around the edges, I know I don't have much time.  I somehow manage to open the door and pull myself up into the driver side seat.  The change of altitude makes me have to lean over and vomit.  This is not good.  I feel for my phone and flip it open, unsure of who to call.  911 will take too long I won't be able to tell them all they need to know before I lose consciousness.  I hit one on my speed dial.


"Commander Rabb."


I am struggling to focus, I try to talk and all that comes out is a moan.


"Hello, who is this?"


Again I try to make my mouth work but it is taking a long time to move.


"Hello is anyone there?" He sounds annoyed, I have to tell him where I am.


"Harm--its me." I know that my words are slurred but I don't care I am just happy they are words.


"Mac, what is wrong, where are you?"


"Jog, went jog, usual trail, oh God," The pain pulses then and I cry out and drop the phone, grabbing my head in my hands. I vaguely hear his voice calling to me from the phone in my lap, but I cannot answer him.  The gray around the edges of my vision is now getting darker.  I think I may be dying.





"Mac?! SARAH!!! Talk to me!"  I am frantic now, she isn't responding.


I take out my cell phone and dial 911. "This is Commander Rabb, of the U.S. Navy.  I need an ambulance at the West Bend Park, at the head of Trail Three."


"What is the state of your emergency, sir?"


"I am not sure.  My partner, Colonel Sarah Mackenzie just called me, her speech was slurred and she slow to respond, she managed to tell me that she was at her normal jogging trail and that she was in a pain, and needed help.  Then she cried out and gasped and I haven't been able to get a response from her since."


"How long ago was that, sir?"


"Maybe two minutes, I am still on the line with her, but as I said I can't get her to respond." My voice is shaking with fear.


"I have a unit in route-"


"Thank you, I am on my way." I interrupt her.


"Sir, it would be more helpful if you stayed on the line with both her and me, to see if we can get her to respond."


I put my hand over the phone, and yelled out into the bull pen "Bud, in here now!"


Bud comes in and I let him know what was going on, then order him to take the phone and do whatever the 911 operator told him to do.


Thrusting the phone into Bud's hands, I grab my cover and car keys and run for the stairs.


"Please let her be okay." I whisper to God in His Heavens.


In my haste to get to my car I have to shoulder past several people who are going at a pace I deem too slow.  One of those people happens to be the Admiral. 


"Commander Rabb! Stop." His voice brooches no argument, and even gets through my need to get to Mac.


"Sir." I come to attention before him.


"Just where are you going, that you break protocol and ignore senior officers?" He stands with is hand clasped behind his back, looking at me over the tops of his glasses.


"Sir, I'm sorry, but I have to get to West Bend Park.  Mac called in distress.  Before you ask, I don't know what is wrong with her but it is serious, I could hear it in her voice.  An ambulance is in route and I need to get going.  Lt. Roberts can tell you more." I glance at the door, wanting to leave but knowing I have not been dismissed.


"Go, Commander.  Keep me apprised of the situation."


"Thank you, Sir." I throw caution to the wind and sprint to my car.


Once on the road I realize my mistake.  I have left my cell phone with Bud and have no way to communicate with anyone.  What if the medics take her away before I get there? I won't know what hospital she will be at. Damn, why didn't I think of this sooner?  I pound my fist against the steering wheel in frustration.


It wasn't the pain in Mac's voice that has me so scared.  I have seen her in pain before; I have talked her through it too many times.  It was the desperate fear in her voice that scares the hell out of me.  That I have only heard on rare occasions.  Very rare occasions.  She doesn't deserve the life that has been dealt to her.  Mac has been through so much, it seems like that she is owed the rest of a lifetime of only good fortune.  Yeah, that's really likely when she has to deal with me and my antics.  That thought makes me hurt inside.  I don't know why she puts up with me, it seems I only bring her trouble.


I turn into West Bend Park, and glance at my watch.  Wow, that must be some sort of record.  I pull up behind an ambulance at the head of Trail Three.  Mac and I both love this trail, we have often run together on it.  I shake my head and attempt to focus on why I am here.  Mac, in pain.


I run over to where two medics are working on someone on a gurney.  As I approach one of them looks up at me.


"Sir, we have the situation under control and ask that all observers please keep their distance."


"My name is Commander Harmon Rabb, I am Colonel Mackenzie's Partner and hold her power of attorney, as well as the ability to make medical decisions on her behalf."


"Well, Commander we are just getting ready to load her up and take her to Bethesda.  The doctors there can talk to you."


"Is she okay?"


"She hasn't regained consciousness, but she seems to be holding her own right now.  They will be able to tell you more are the Hospital."


"Thank you.  I will follow you there." I glance over at Mac's Jeep and realize in their haste to get Mac to the hospital, they have failed to close the door.  I jog over and hit the automatic lock button. I am just about to shut the door when I spot Mac's cell phone. I grab it and run for my car.




"Yes sir, I am here.  What is happening?"


"They are taking her to Bethesda, I am going to meet them there.  I will call you when I know more."


"Yes, sir. Anything else, Sir."


"Tell the Admiral.  Oh, and Bud?"


"Yes, Commander?"








Chapter Two:




Bethesda Naval Hospital



Harm had been waiting in the lobby of the ER for nearly an hour.  He was pacing like a trapped mountain lion. 


A nurse approached him, "Excuse me, Sir.  What would it take to get you to sit down for a little while?"


"Pardon?" I look up at her, confused at her reasoning.  Why should I sit down when my best friend, I don't know what Mac is right now, that is why I am pacing.  She has to be okay, she HAS to be.


"Sir?" Crap, I forgot that the nurse had spoken, now what was it she had asked?


"I'm sorry, what did you ask?"  She looks at me compassionately a small sad smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.


"Sir, I know you are worried about someone, but what would I have to do to get you to sit down.  I think you are starting to scare the other people in the waiting area."


I sigh, and run a hand through my hair.  Giving her what I hope is a charming smile I tell her what I want.


"I want to go back and see Colonel Mackenzie.  Or at the very least talk to the doctor.  I haven't talked to anyone since I filled out all the medical release forms almost an hour ago."


"If you sit down, I will go check on the Colonel's condition and try and get you in to see her. Deal?" She looks at me expectantly waiting for me to agree.


"Deal, oh, and thank you."


She smiles and walks into the ER proper.  I sit down and really look around for the first time since I came in.  There are about 15 other people sitting in the room with me.  They all look so sad and scared.  I wonder if I look like that too.  Across from me is a mother with a little girl.  She looks to be about five, with bright flame red hair, and freckles to match.  She is staring at me.  Tentatively I smile at her and wave a little.  Her face breaks open with a smile that almost blinds me.  Yeah, she is going to break some hearts when she gets older.  The only other person I know of who has a smile that can compare is Mac.  MAC, what the hell is going on?  I guess my thought must be written all over my face because the little girl gets up and comes over to me, much to her mother's displeasure.


"Lacy, come back over here. Don't bother that nice man."


"Just a minute, Mommy." She is right in front of me now.  She looks up at me and puts a hand on mine. "You look sad, is someone you love here?"


I take a deep breath before answering her, "Yes, my best friend is sick and I don't know what is wrong with her."


"That is okay.  It is good you brought her here.  They fix people here.  My Daddy fell and gotten broken and right now they are fixing him, then we get to take him home.  I am sure that they will fix your friend too, then you can take her home too."  The smile appeared again, Lacy was very pleased with herself that she could explain to a grown man how everything worked.


Near tears now, I put my other hand over hers and squeezed gently, "Thank you, Lacy.  I hope your Daddy is fixed very soon."


"So do I, I'm getting hungry." Lacy turned back to her mother, "Mommy can we go to Beltway Burgers after Daddy comes back?"


That innocent query from the five year old sends me over the edge. The tears that I had been so far able to hold back, come spilling out.  Viciously scrubbing my face I try with all my might to regain my composure. 'I will take Mac to get as many Beltway Burgers as she wants if she gets better. NO, Rabb, WHEN, when she gets better.' I scold myself.


Lacy turns back towards me, and despite my best efforts, sees me crying. "Don't cry mister.  My Mommy told me not to cry cause it would only make my Daddy sad to see me sad.  You don't want your best friend to be sad do you?" She pats my hand sympathetically.  "It will be okay, you'll see."


Lacy's mother comes over and takes her hand. "Come on Lacy, let's leave the nice Commander alone."


"But I want to make sure he understands everything." Lacy protests.


"Thank you Lacy, I understand.  Thank you for explaining it all to me.  I feel much better, really." I say this flashing a small but true smile.


"Okay, but if you get scared again, you just come get me, okay?" Lacy says this with such seriousness that I wonder if she is really a little girl, she seems a lot wiser than any five year old I have ever met.


"Okay, thank you."


"Okay, Mom, I can go with you now.  Can we get something to eat soon?"


"Yes, Lacy. Let's go down to the cafeteria." She pauses and looks back at me, "I'm sorry if she upset you, sir.  She just talks more than she should sometimes."


"No, please, ma'am, she said just what I needed to hear.  You have nothing to apologize for." As I tell her this I realize that it is true.  I needed someone to tell me that it was going to be okay.  That Mac was going to be 'fixed'.  Funny, here I am a grown man, lawyer, and macho ex-fighter pilot, and I find my comfort in the words of a five year old. Life is strange sometimes.


"Commander Rabb, I am looking for a Commander Rabb?" I look up at the nurse who has just announced this.


I jump up from my chair, "Yes, that's me.  How is the Colonel? What is going on?"


"Sir, please come with me the doctor needs to talk to you immediately."


I follow her without a word.  Finally! I am going to get to see Sarah. Finally I will get some answers.






Chapter Three:





Bethesda Naval Hospital Emergency Room



"Doctor Kevinson, this is Commander Rabb." The nurse made the introduction then steps back a let the doctor talk with me.


"Ah, Commander, the Colonel's condition is quite serious.  It appears that she suffered a blunt force trauma to the back of the head.  The skull doesn't appear to be fractured, but she has a great deal of intracranial pressure. Ms. Mackenzie regained consciousness a short time ago.  She was disorientated, had no memory of how she came to be in the hospital, or what happened before she came to the hospital. We are assuming she tripped and hit her head when she fell.  She has a few bruises elsewhere on her body that supports that she fell. We did a head CT, to rule out any internal bleeding.  We did find that she has some bruising on her brain.  The amnesia and disorientation are common with severe concussions. So far we can't find any other injuries other than the bruises. We are going to be keeping her at the hospital for a few days to monitor the pressure and bruising. Do you have any questions for me at this time Commander?"


I just stare at him for a moment. "I--well--I'm sorry Doctor, I'm still trying to process everything you just told me.  You said it was serious, is she out of danger?" I ask only wanting to hear one answer.  I want to hear this man tell me that she will be fine.


"Her prospects are good, providing the swelling goes down within the next twelve hours or so, and the bruising doesn't cause any long term problems."


"How likely is that?"


"Well we won't know for sure until the swelling goes down and we can perform a function skills test. It is a waiting game now.  Shortly she will be moved to the fourth floor.  Would you like to go see her now?"


"Yes please.  You said she was awake?"


"Yes she is, follow Lydia here, she will take you to the Colonel's room."


Before I turn to follow the nurse I extend my hand to Doctor Kevinson. "Thank you for all you have done for her."


He smiles at me and shakes my hand. "It's my job, but it is nice to be thanked."


I am eager to see Mac and nearly step on the nurse's heels several times before she stops in front of a doorway.  She opens the door and says brightly "Well Colonel, you have some company. I must say he's been very anxious to see you." 


I trail her into the room and see Mac, looking pale, and surprisingly frail. "Hey there, Ninja Girl."  I give her my best flyboy smile, hoping to hide my concern.


"Hey.  They tell me you made sure I got medical help. I guess I owe you." She smiles thinly at me.


"Naw, I think that I still owed you, so we are even.  All I did was call 911 after you called me. You were the one that made sure someone knew you needed help by calling me."


"Really? I don't remember calling you. When the doctors told me you had called it in I thought that we must have met you on the trail or something.  Why did I call you, why didn't Chloe?"  Mac looked at me with a puzzled expression.


My stomach sinks, as a painful dread creeps into my body. "What do you mean, why didn't Chloe? Mac, are you saying that Chloe was with you?"


"Of course she was, didn't she tell you.  She got into town last night, and demanded to come jogging with me this morning.  You know how she gets when she has her mind set on something.  So we went jogging--wait-- if you didn't know Chloe was with me, that means that she isn't with you now, Harm where is Chloe?"  Mac's face shows her panic at the realization that Chloe is not with me.


I go to sit on the edge of her bed and take her hand. "Mac, you are sure that Chloe was with you when you went jogging this morning?"


"Yes! I know she was with me." She answers angrily.


"Okay, calm down." I want her to remain calm, having her blood pressure go up with swelling in her head can't be good. "Chloe wasn't anywhere around when the paramedics found you, nor did I see her when I got there.  Do you remember if maybe she decided to sit and rest while you went on, or maybe decided to go somewhere else in the park while you finished your run?"


Mac laid there for a moment trying to remember.  "All I remember is getting there and starting the run with Chloe, then waking up here. Oh, God Harm, where is she. We have to find her, ugh, Harm I'm going to be sick."


I grab the small bowl they have left on the table and get it to her just as she is sick.  A nurse comes in just then. "Are you okay Colonel?"


"I don't feel well, I am sick to my stomach and my little sister is missing, no I am not alright." Mac snaps at the nurse.


"You need to remain calm, Ms. Mackenzie.  Please, Commander but I am going to have to ask you to leave now." The nurse gives me a look that clearly says that Mac's distress is completely my fault. "We don't usually like to give concussion patients sedatives but Colonel we have to keep your BP down.  You are going to aggravate the swelling in your head." With that she injects the liquid from a small syringe into Mac's IV.


"No, Harm, you can't leave.  We have to find Chloe.  Where could she be?" I don't know what was in that syringe but it was potent. Mac's last sentence was a bit slurred already.


My heart breaks as two tears slowly coarse a trail over her cheeks. "I don't know but I am going to go find out. You just relax and heal. She is probably sitting by your jeep worried about where you are.  I will be back with her in a little bit I am sure." I give her hand a reassuring squeeze and stand to leave.


"Bring her to me soon Harm. Please."  With that the medications Mac is on finally win and her eyes drift close against her will.



I step out of Mac's room and almost run into two police officers.


"Excuse me. I need to talk to you guys."


They both look at me expectantly. "Yeah, what can we do for you?"  The officer who has addressed me is tall, about my height, with bright blonde hair, his name badge identifies him as Sgt. Williams. He looks me over, taking in my uniform and wings.


"My name is Commander Harmon Rabb. I am with the JAG Corps, my partner Lt. Colonel Mackenzie was brought in almost an hour ago with blunt force trauma to the back of her head.  She doesn't remember how it happened, the doctors think she fell and hit it.  I think there may be more to it than that.  She just told me that she was jogging with her little sister Chloe.  When the paramedics got there the Colonel was alone."


"Well could the girl have been scared and not wanted to come out to the paramedics?"


"You don't know Chloe, and even if that were the case, I arrived shortly after. Chloe knows me, she loves me, she would have come out.  Now it may just be that they separated and Mac doesn't remember it because of the concussion. I was wondering if maybe you guys had someone near West Bend Park, and could have them go to the head of Trail Three.  Sarah's Jeep is still there, maybe Chloe has returned to it and is wondering where Mac is."  I watch as the officer absorbs all that I have told him.


"Let's go out to the car, we are not allowed to use our radios in here, don't want to interfere with the medical equipment.  I'll see that a unit is sent over to the park, while we are en route."


Relief floods through me, they don't think I am insane; they are just as concerned as I am. "Thank you. My car is parked out front-"


"Why don't you just ride with us, we can drop you off back here once we find her." Williams partner offers. "By the way I'm Randy Yates"


"I'm Harm. You won't have to bring me back here. I will just pick Mac's Jeep up and drive that. And thanks I would be grateful to ride with you."


"Yeah, your vehicle doesn't have lights and a siren." Williams smiles.






West Bend Park

Trail Three


As the police car pulls up I can see that another car is already there.  Two officers are standing by Mac's jeep. On the way here Williams confirmed that no one matching Chloe's description had been brought into any police station. The two officers look up as the car stops.


The three of us get out and walk over to them.


"What have you got?" Williams asks one of the two new officers.


"Not much, there wasn't anyone here when we arrived and we haven't seen anyone but a couple of joggers since we have been here."


Frustrated and worried I scan the area, looking for anything that would help me find Chloe.  I walk a few feet away from the group of officers.


Cupping my mouth I start yelling for Chloe. "Chloe!  It's me Harm!  Chloe, answer me sweetie. Chloe if you can hear me come toward my voice.  Please, Clo.  Mac is worried about you.  Mac is ok but she needs to see you.  Chloe! Chloe it's Harm if you can hear me shout."  I stop yelling and all five of us hold our breath as we wait, straining to hear a response.  After what feels like an eternity Yates speaks up.


"Harm, do you know the most likely path they would have taken jogging?"


"Yes, I do."


"Well let's start following it. Maybe she is hurt and can't respond.  Zeak, get some other units out here, we may need a few more to help search."


One of the other officers starts speaking into his radio as Yates, puts a hand on my shoulder. "Lead away Commander. Let's go find Chloe."


We start on the trail taking the normal forks that I know Mac would have taken.  We walk slowly, searching the path, and the woods lining it, for any sign of Chloe.  Every jogger we meet we detain to ask if they have seen Chloe or anything unusual on the trail.  Every answer is negative. An hour later we are nearing the end of the three mile loop, still with no sign or clue of where Chloe is.  We continue our slow process, visually searching everything.  I am almost ready to scream when I see something laying the thicket at the side of the trail.


"Hey, I think I see something." The other three men with me look to where I am pointing.  Other officers have arrived and are checking the parts of the trail that I don't think Mac and Chloe would have taken, but better safe than sorry.


"What is it?" Williams asks as we all make our way over to it.


It seems to be metallic, glinting in the sunlight that comes filtering through the trees above.  As we draw near I see that is a hunting knife, it is sitting on top of a nicely folded sweatshirt.  Putting on a latex glove Yates picks up the knife, oh no, I now see that it is bloody.  Williams carefully picks up the sweatshirt, turning to me.


"Do you recognize this Commander?"


I have to swallow past the lump that has suddenly formed in my throat.  "It's Chloe's, Mac gave it to her for Christmas last year."


I look at the Marine green sweatshirt with USMC printed in bold black across the front.  It is ripped and partially soaked with blood.


"Oh, God. Chloe." My voice breaks and I can't stop the tears that well up in my eyes. 


Yates speaks into his radio. "Dispatch, this is two-four-three, our possible missing person just turned into a possible homicide.  Get a detective and CSI's out here now."


He turns to me with sympathetic eyes, "Come on Harm, let's go back to the cars and wait for them to arrive. I am sure they will have some questions for you."


Numbly I nod. I can't tear my eyes away from the sweatshirt, Chloe's bloody sweatshirt.


"Dear God, please let her be alive. Please let us find her alive." I whisper softly.







Chapter Four:




Spoilers: The Stalker






"So Colonel Mackenzie never mentioned anyone being with her while you were on the phone with her?"  Detective Mark Adams looks at me through his wire rim glasses, waiting for my answer. I am sitting on a fence post near the entrance to the trail. Crime Scene Investigators are swarming around me, taking pictures, dusting Mac's jeep for prints, searching for more clues.  I take in the scene around me and suddenly I am very annoyed with the man in front of me.


"No.  But you already knew that because this is the third time you have asked me that question. Listen to me, I know all the tricks, I am with the Navy's Judge Advocate General Corps.  I know how to change the wording of a question so that someone may not realize it is the same question and hope for a different answer.  I know that you are doing your job, but I have told you everything as it happened to the best of my knowledge. If you don't believe me, there isn't anything you can ask at this point that will change your mind." I finish speaking and glared at the detective.  Part of me knows he is just doing his job but another part is angry with him for wasting so much time talking to me. I don't know what happened to Chloe, he needs to find the person who does.


"You haven't given me enough credit Commander.  I believe everything you have told us.  It is just that many people remember much more than they realize. Something that seems trivial and insignificant when it happens may actually be vitally important to the investigation when looked at later.  I just wanted to be sure I had picked your brain clean.  You said that when you left the office a Lt. Roberts took the phone, is that correct?"


I sigh before replying, "Yes."


"How do I get a hold of him for an interview?"


"I can call and let our CO know you are coming.  He can arrange to have Lt. Roberts made available to you." I look up at him for confirmation that this is acceptable.  He nods at me and I reach for my cell phone. It is then that I realize I still have Mac's cell. 


"Um, Detective?" Adams turns back towards me. "This is Mac's phone, it was in the jeep after they took her out of it.  I grabbed it when I locked the Jeep up before I followed the ambulance to the hospital. I didn't realize it was a crime scene then." I finish meekly.


He sighs and smiles at me, "While I realize that and I know you didn't mean to disturb a scene, the CSI's aren't going to be happy with this. Here," he says as he pulls out his cell phone, "Use mine and I'll go break it to Chief Gallows that the jeep has been tampered with as well as the weapon and sweatshirt."


He walks away, leaving me with the unpleasant task of explaining the situation to Admiral Chegwidden.   I look down at the cell phone in my hand, small and silver.  With that thought comes a memory of another small silver object I have seen recently.  I try and block the sight of the bloody knife from my mind but it stubbornly refuses to leave.  I shake my head to clear my vision, and focus on the phone.  Resignedly I flip it open and slowly dial the number.


"Judge Advocate General, Admiral Chegwidden's office." Tiner voice greets me through the phone.


"Tiner this is Commander Rabb, I need to talk to the Admiral."


"Yes, Commander, he has been expecting your call.  We are all worried about the Colonel. I hope she-"


"Tiner! Snap too! I need the Admiral, NOW!"


"Aye, aye, sir!" I can just see Tiner snapping to attention, while blushing slightly in embarrassment.  I hear the familiar click of the call being transferred.


"Commander, please tell me that the search for the missing child at West Bend Park has nothing to do with you or the Colonel."  Rear Admiral AJ Chegwidden's voice was low with urgency.


"I wish I could Sir.  We got Mac to the hospital, she has a severe concussion and some intracranial swelling.  Because of her injuries she doesn't remember the time just leading up to the injury or just after.  When I was finally allowed to see her she asked why Chloe hadn't called me, why she had-"


"Oh, God no." AJ interrupted me. "Chloe is the missing girl?"


"Yes. Sir, we came back to the park when we learned that Chloe was with Mac. We had hoped she would be waiting by the Jeep for us.  She wasn't.  So along with police officers, I walked the path they would have been most likely to jog this morning.  Near the end of the trail we found a bloody hunting knife and a torn and blood soaked sweatshirt."


"It was Chloe's? Are we sure of that?" The Admiral queried.


"Yes, Sir.  It was the sweatshirt Mac got her this past Christmas."


"Damn!!!" I hear him sigh, "Well, once they are done with you, go back to the hospital.  Mac needs to hear this from you and not some news reporter on the television. Since this was an act of violence against a Marine I am going to assign a Jagmen investigation, and before you can ask, no you may not volunteer."


"But Sir, this is Chloe we are talking about here--" There is no way I am being cut out of this search.


"That is precisely why you are not going to be on the team.  Rabb you are too close to it, I know she is the Colonel's little sister, but Harm can you honestly tell me that you have no feelings for this little girl?"


Damn, he has me there.  There has got to be some way around this. 


"No, I can't tell you I don't care about Chloe, I love her like she was my little sister, but everybody does.  No matter who you put on this investigation, they have all met Chloe.  Sir, you know that when I care about somebody I don't rest until I know they are safe.  Please sir, let me stay active in this investigation." I finish speaking and hold my breath waiting for the Admiral's response.


"Okay Commander, BUT Commander Turner is the lead investigator, you will do what he tells you and take his lead. Understood?" I know when to quit, this is the best I am going to get from him, and it is more than I had hoped for.


"Yes, Sir! I won't let you down."


"Now, my original orders still stand.  You are to get back to Mac and let her know what is going on.  Then you are to report back to me to let me know what is happening with the Colonels condition.  I am assuming the D.C. Police are going to want to talk to Bud, since he was on the phone line with the Colonel before the paramedics arrived?" 


"Yes.  The lead Detective's name is Mark Adams.  He seems to know his job, and is an okay guy.  He asked that I call and set up an interview, through you, with Bud for him.  Can I tell him that that will be okay?"


"Commander let him know that when he arrives the Lieutenant will be made available to him no matter what.  Inform him also that at that time we ask he meets with our lead investigator Commander Sturgis Turner." Although to anyone else it would sound like the Admiral had everything under control, I could hear the ever so slight roughness in his voice. This lets me know that he is greatly upset by the situation.


"Aye, aye sir!  Is that all, sir?" AJ is right this is something Mac needs to hear from someone who cares about her, not the television.


"That is all, get to it Commander. Oh, and Harm let Mac know we are all praying for her."


"I will sir, and thank you. I will keep you advised of the Colonels condition. Goodbye."


Well, I think to myself, that wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be.  I get up and walk over to where Dt. Adams is standing, talking to the lead CSI. 


"So is there ANY part of this crime scene that HASN'T been disturbed?"


"Look, I am sorry your job is being made more difficult, you know I would love to make it as easy as possible for you to do your job and catch this guy, but they didn't realize it was a crime scene until nearly two hours after it happened.  Do the best with what you have." Adams had clearly been through this before.


"We always do!" The CSI snapped at him in annoyance.


"I know, and I know that you will again. Ah, Commander Rabb, this is Chief Gallows the head of the Crime scene investigative department here in D.C.  He has a question or two for you."


 I extend my hand toward him.  He waves my hand away saying, "Pleasure, Commander, I'm sure, but I don't want to have to change my gloves.  Can you show me exactly where the phone was in the car when you found it?"


Together we walk over to Sarah's Jeep. 


"It was right here." I point to where it had laid on the front seat.  "I came over, hit the automatic lock button and had started to close the door when I noticed her phone.  Since I had left my phone at the office I took hers so I could keep in contact with the Judge Advocate General's Office."


Gallows looks at me in surprise, "Now why would you do that? Do you have some reason that you feel you need a lawyer?" His eyes narrow in suspicion.


I smile at him and explain, "I AM a lawyer.  Both Sarah Mackenzie and I work at the JAG Head Quarters in Falls Church."


"Oh, sorry, matter of habit. Everyone is a suspect in my eyes until I prove otherwise." Gallows turns back to the jeep, "So you didn't touch anything else at all except the lock and phone?"


"Well just the door, to close it."


"Yes, yes.  I am done with you for now, you can go away now."  With that comment Gallows turns his back on me, "Reed, make sure you dust the outside of that door." He commands the young man who is standing on the passenger side of the jeep.


"You'll have to forgive him, not much with people but he is the best at what he does with a crime scene."


"If he can find Chloe, I will forgive him anything.  Now, the Admiral wants me to let you know that you can come anytime and Lt. Roberts will be made available to you for an interview.  I am also to inform you that since this involves Navy Personnel, that there will be a JAG investigation as well.  We want to work in conjunction with you. We don't want a turf war, we are all after the same thing."


"That is understandable, I assume that you are on this team?"


"Yes, but because I am too close to the situation Commander Sturgis Turner will be lead investigator.  You will meet him when you go to interview the Lieutenant.  Is any of this unacceptable to you?"


"That shouldn't be a problem.  I am sure--"


"Adams, get over here!" A shout from Chief Gallows interrupts him.


Adams briskly moves to the where Gallows stands holding a half sheet of paper.


"We found this tucked up under the car." He looks at Mark Adams and then over at me. He hands the paper to Adams to read after Mark has put gloves on.


Gallows looks at me again, "Commander does the name Dalton Lowne mean anything to you?"


"Yes." I answer confused, "He dated the Colonel about four years ago.  But he is dead, what does that have to do with this?"


Adams who had been reading what was on the paper, lowered it and looked at me with solemn eyes. "Because, apparently he has an older sister who blames Colonel Mackenzie for his death." 


Adams turns and holds the paper up so I can read it.


You took my brother from me.  My baby brother.  You will know what it feels like to have someone take your sibling away from you.  Dalton Lowne loved you and you killed him. YOU KILLED HIM.  Don't worry she won't suffer anymore than Dalton did.



I look up in shock at the two men in front of me. This can't be real. Just then Mac's cell phone starts to ring.


"May I answer it?  It may be JAG or the hospital, this is the number I gave both of them to contact me."


Gallows looks disgruntled but relents muttering, "Sure why not, it's only part of a crime scene."


I flip her phone open, "Rabb."


"Commander Rabb, this is Dr. Kevinson."


"What is wrong?"


"Sir, I am calling to inform you that Colonel Mackenzie is in a coma." 






Chapter Five:





"Coma?" I say again.


"Yes.  Her pressure and pulse started to drop, and the swelling increased as well, we had no other choice but to induce coma to try and minimize the swelling." He paused, when he didn't receive any answer he continued, "Commander? Are you still there?"


"Ye--yes.  When I left she was okay.  She was talking to me and she was okay."


"I know. Head traumas are always unpredictable, that is why we watch them so closely."


"Is there anything else I need to know? I am about to start on my way back to the hospital now."


"No, I don't think so.  She is holding her own right now, but again it is a waiting game."


"Thank you Doctor. I will be there in a little bit."


"Commander, did you find the girl?" Dr. Kevinson asks.


"No-" I have to swallow before I can talk again, "We found some evidence of foul play, Colonel Mackenzie wasn't injured from a fall, she was attacked, and Chloe was taken."


"No...I am truly sorry Commander. I hope that you find her soon."


"So do I. Thank you Doctor. Goodbye."




I shut the cell phone and just stand here holding it.  I want to go to Mac, I have been ordered to go to Mac.  Yet at the same time I feel as if I should go to the office and start the JAG investigation to find Chloe.  Chloe...this wasn't right.  Chloe had nothing to do with the death of Dalton Lowne, she hadn't even known Dalton.  It is almost a blessing that Mac is not aware of what is going on.  After Dalton died she blamed herself, it even drove her to drink again.  It was hard, but she worked through it, she overcame it.  Sarah Mackenzie came to realize that the actions of a man like Coster were not her fault.  I tried to help her through it as much as she would allow me too.  I sigh and run my free hand over my face.  Come on Rabb, get it together.  It isn't often that I lose control and focus, but right now I feel like the rug has been ripped out from under me, and then rolled up to beat me with.  I have no control of anything right now, and I don't know what to do about it.  


"Excuse me, Commander Rabb."


I look at the man standing in front of me. It is Sgt. Williams, Officer Yates is standing a bit behind him.


"We were just getting ready to leave, and we wanted to make sure you didn't need anything else before we left."


I just stare at him for a moment.  It is like my brain is incapable of forming a coherent thought.  I say the first thing that comes to my head, "I need to give this back to Chief Gallows." Holding out the cell phone to show them what I mean.


Yates steps forward to take the phone, "Yeah sure I can give this to him. Why don't you go with Willy here and sit down for a few minutes." 


I watch Yates walk away, I still haven't moved.


Williams looks at me and seems to understand, "Com'mon man, I have a bottle of water in the car with your name on it."


Physically taking my arm he steers me toward the patrol car.  I look over at him, "I'm sorry. I just can't seem to concentrate on anything right now."


"Don't worry about it.  It is what we refer to as 'shell-shock'.  You have been going at full steam for a while now and your body just crashed."


"I don't crash, I am not allowed to, I am a fighter pilot."  I say more to myself than to Williams. I sit down in the passenger front seat with my feet still on the ground outside.


"I thought you were a lawyer." William looks at me with a curious expression. Leaning into the back seat and grabbing two bottles of water, he hands one to me.  He then walks to the front of the car to lean against the car beside the open passenger door.


"I am.  I flew years ago, I still fly F-14's occasionally.  Well actually more often than I thought I would after joining JAG. But I lied to you, I do crash, well did crash."


"Really, when?" I know what the Sergeant is doing. He is trying to bring me out of my shocked state by getting my mind into the mundane, or at least away from the present. It may be working, my brain seems to be regaining its footing.


"Once about ten years ago, once about three years ago, and then the last time this past year."


"Good Lord, and they still let you fly?" Williams was openly shocked.


"The first one was due to an eye infection; I crashed my Tomcat on the deck of a carrier in the middle of a storm.  The second I didn't really crash, I stole a MiG from a Russian Air base and was shot down.  I probably shouldn't have told you that, it is classified information, so don't repeat that. The third was when I was trying to get home for Mac's wedding, we flew into a storm and then the plane malfunctioned, we had to punch out.  I almost died that time. It was Mac who led them to the general area were I was.  She has saved my six more times than I can count."


"Wow, man you must be part feline.  You have nine lives!"  Williams laughed as Yates joined them at the car.


"Yeah, I do seem to have a lucky charm.  I am just afraid that that lucky charm is laying in a bed at Bethesda in a coma." I know I sound miserable, but I don't care.


"Oh, man, I'm sorry Rabb. She's in a coma now?" Yates places a hand on my shoulder.


"Yes.  Here I was worried about how I was going to tell her that Chloe is missing.  Now I am worrying that I may never tell her anything again.  I don't know what to do," I look at each of the men with me, searching their faces for answers, "I don't know if I should go to Mac, I want to.  Then at the same time I feel like I should help find Chloe, although I don't know what I can do there.  Why is this happening! Sarah doesn't deserve this, neither does Chloe.  They are good people who have had to deal with so much sadness and hardship in their lives already!  They don't deserve this." By the time I finish my tirade my voice is no more than a whisper.


Yates squats down in front of me, "Commander, the first thing you need to do is go and see Colonel Mackenzie.  Tell her that Chloe is missing, then tell her what you plan to do about it."


"She is in a coma, what good would that do?" I am confused.


"It's not for her, it is for you.  You need to see her, and let her help you decide what your next course of action should be.  Don't give me that crap about her not being able to do that for you.  She may be in a coma, but man, I have heard the way you talk about her, and the way you talked about Chloe.  They are family, you love them and they love you.  Just seeing her will do you a ton of good.  So let's go, what do you say?"


"As weird as it sounds, you actually make sense." The more I think about it I know he is right.  I need to see Mac before I can do anything else. "Let's go to the hospital fellas."





ICU Room 1121


I slowly push the door open and look in at my Jarhead.  She is still painfully pale and fragile looking.  Hooked up to more monitors than the last time I saw her, she looks like a science experiment gone wrong.  I smile at the thought of how she would react to that last thought, science experiment indeed.  I go to the chair that is sitting next to the bed and sit down. Never taking my eyes off her face I begin to tell her everything that has happened today.


" that is when I came back here.  I need to tell you that you don't need to worry about Chloe.  I am going to find her, and bring her home to you.  I am not going to let anything happen to her, Mac-Sarah I promise you.  Right now I can hear you tell me not to make promises I can't keep.  I tell you again, I haven't yet.  I mean that, not only about this but about the other promises I have made to you.  I will keep them, so you need to just rest and get better.  Besides who else is going to watch my six, if you don't?  Mac, get better, I have to go meet Sturgis and get this investigation going."  I stand up and lean over her, very gently I kiss her forehead.  My chest constricts and I fight to control my emotions.  "I'll see you soon, Jarhead."


I walk out of her room with purpose and determination, I know what needs to be done and I am going to do it.







"Commander, these faxes just came in for you."


"Thank you Petty Officer.  Will you tell Lt. Roberts to come in here please?"


"Of course, sir."


A moment later there is a short wrap on the door.  Sturgis looks up to find Bud standing at the door.


"Come in please Bud. I just wanted to get your opinion of Detective Mark Adams." Sturgis leans back in his chair bringing his hands up in front of him to steeple his fingers.


Bud enters and sits down comfortably in a chair in front of Turner's desk.


"He seems very efficient. He knows his job, asks precise and well aimed questions. He also seems forthright and open with information.  I believe he truly only cares about getting Chloe back, and not who gets the credit for it." Bud said after thinking about it for a moment.


"Well put, Lieutenant.  I agree with your assessment.  Would you be good enough to fax this over to his office.  We just received this information, and I think he would find it beneficial." Sturgis held several sheet of paper out for Bud to take.


Reaching to receive the papers Bud asks "What are they, if you don't mind me asking."


"Information about Dalton Lowne's older sister.  It seems she was in the Navy."


"Really?" Bud asks incredulously.


"Yes. Chief Petty Officer Karen Lowne was discharged in June of 1997.  It was an Honorable discharge due to medical illness.  She was sent to a private mental health hospital after being release from a Navy clinic.  She had a history of sudden violent outbursts. It was determined that she had a bi-polar disorder and mild psychosis that could be treated to some degree with medication.  She didn't know of her brother's death until after she was released. She spent over four years in the hospital before being release in June of 2001."


"That was while the Colonel was TAD, just after Commander Rabb's crash." Bud tells Sturgis.


"Really that is interesting. That answers my question of why she didn't go after Mac then, when she found out about Dalton's murder.  Since she couldn't get to Mac directly, my guess is that she studied up on her. Learned what she could about Mac while she was TAD.  She planned the best way to get back at her, waited until the opportunity presented itself before striking." Strugis glanced up at Bud to gage his reaction to his theory.


Bud was thinking, nodding slightly.  "That sound plausible, but how did she find out about Chloe.  Studying the Colonel wouldn't be too difficult, she has appeared in the Navy and Marine Times numerous times, but those articles would never have mentioned Chloe."


"I don't know how she learned about Chloe, yet.  But don't worry Bud, I will."


"I have no doubt of that Commander."







I am struggling to understand why I am here.  I look around the empty carrier deck and wonder where everyone is.  Even if there aren't any planes in the air right now, there should still be people on the deck.  I hear nothing but the wind and the far off sounds of the waves against the hull of the carrier, far beneath me.  I shouldn't be here, I should be...something tickles at the back of my memory.  I should a hospital?  No, that can't be right.  Why would I be in a hospital?  As a Marine I try to make it a point to stay out of hospitals. I move toward the hatch when it suddenly swings inward to stand open.  I look in to see Chloe standing there.  I run over to her.


"Chloe what are you doing here.  You can't be here."  I step over the knee knocker turning to close and latch the hatch.


I turn to ask Chloe what she is doing here, only to find that she is gone.  What the hell?  I look down the passageways that are on either side of me, but am greeted by the sight of empty grayness.  I glance at the stairs in front of me, and Harm is standing at the top of them, holding his hand out to me.  He is saying something....why can't I hear him.


"Harm, I can't hear you. What's going on?"  He doesn't respond.  I look at his face now, he looks tired and very sad.  He speaks again and I can hear him this time.


"I am going to find her, and bring her home to you.  I am not going to let anything happen to her, Mac-Sarah I promise you." He used my first name...


"Bring who home? Do you mean Chloe? She was just here Harm, she couldn't have gotten that far. If we both look we should be able to find her pretty quickly. Harm why is she here?"  He looks at me as if I haven't said anything.  "Hello earth to Harm!!!" Still no reaction. 


"Who else is going to watch my six, if you don't?  Mac, get better, I have to go meet Sturgis and get this investigation going."


"Harm what are you talking about?  Whose going to watch your six if I don't what?  Get better?  I feel fine.  Sturgis is here? Where?  And what investigation?  Why are the two of you out here on an investigation without me?" Frustrated I look down at the deck to collect my thoughts before I go up those stairs and beat the tar out of my partner.  I take a deep breath and look back up at him.  Only he has now disappeared too. What is going on?  This isn't funny, if they are playing a practical joke I am going to use everything the Marines have ever taught me and hurt all three of them.  That is assuming Sturgis really is on the carrier. I need some coffee.  Okay then, it's decided, I will head toward the officers mess, they always have coffee on in there.  After I have had a cup or two I will decide how best to deal with the three stooges.






Chapter Six:

Moving With Purpose




Fall Church Virginia



"Oh, Commander Rabb, I didn't know you were back." Bud says to me as I join him walking across the bullpen to Sturgis's office.


"I just got back from the hospital. What is going on here? How are you and Sturgis handling this investigation?" I look down at Bud and suddenly I flash back to the awkward naive man he was when he first stepped foot into JAG.  Even with all that is currently going on I have to smile at that memory.


Not looking up from the file he is skimming Bud replies, "We have established that Dalton's sister, one Chief Petty Officer Karen Lowne, was discharge from the Navy in June of 1997."


"Whoa," I stop in mid-stride, "She was in the Navy?"


"Yes, sir." Bud continues to walk towards Sturgis's office door. "If you will just come into Commander Turner's office we will bring you up to speed.


I look at Bud, amazed at how different he is now compared to my first memories of him.  He has grown into a fine officer and competent lawyer and investigator.


Ten minutes later I have been briefed on what is going on.  Det. Adams had obtained the last known address for Karen Lowne, and had sent units checked it out only to find it deserted. This isn't very surprising to me. He also found out where she worked and learned, by talking to her employer, that she hadn't been into work for the previous three days.


"Sirs, this fax just arrived from D.C.P.D."  Tiner looks at us waiting to see which one to give the paper too.  Sturgis has just returned from getting coffee and is still standing closest to the door.  He reaches out and begins to read the fax aloud.


"It is the lab report on the sweatshirt and the knife.  Approximately a pint of blood had soaked into the sweatshirt, type O positive, no other fibers could be-"


"Wait, that has to be wrong." I interrupt him.


"What has to be wrong, Harm?" Sturgis looks over at me questioningly.


"What did you say the blood type was?" I try not to get my hopes up.


"O positive. Why?"


"Then it isn't Chloe's." I am growing more confident with every second that Chloe is still alive and not seriously injured.


"How do you know that for certain?" Sturgis is staring intently at me now.


"Because, Sturgis, Chloe and I have the same blood type, AB.  We use to joke that we were on the most wanted list.  Most wanted blood anyway."


"So if it isn't Chloe's blood, whose is it?" Bud asks not really expecting an answer.


"That Lt. Roberts is the million dollar question.  We know it isn't Mac's she wasn't bleeding when they found her." Sturgis is thinking aloud.


"Well, that and the fact that Mac isn't O positive either." I say more to myself than to anyone else.


Sturgis looks at me strangely, "You know Mac's blood type?"


"Yeah, we both know each others medical information.  It started when she went to Russia with me. Coming back to the question at hand, whose blood is on that sweatshirt?"


"Excuse me sirs, but did the lab report say if the blood on the knife matched the blood on the sweatshirt?" Bud looks at us expectantly.


Turner looks down at the sheet of paper he still holds. Scanning through it quickly he comes to what we are looking for.


"Yes the blood on the knife matches the blood on the shirt, and apparently the CSI's who examined it don't believe that the blood on the knife is from a stab wound.  Something about the way in which the blood is dried on the knife, it looks like blood was poured on to it and left to dry. The dried blood is pooled not smeared, and it appears to be mostly on one side of the blade."


"So someone was trying to stage the evidence to make us think that Chloe had been hurt." Bud states.


"And apparently not doing a very convincing job of it." I snort.


"So, so whoever wants us to think Chloe has been hurt apparently doesn't know much about forensics. Otherwise they would have known that we would be able to tell it isn't  Chloe's blood, and that the blood on the knife staged. The question is whose blood is it and why was it on the knife and shirt?"  Bud was thinking aloud while working out the problem in his head, "Knowing the Colonel she wouldn't have gone down without a fight.  Karen Lowne had to deal with Colonel Mackenzie first, get her out of the way so she could get to Chloe.  To do this she would have had to taken her by surprise." Bud paused to search through the stacks of paper on the desk, looking for something specific within the piles.


"Here, yes, according to her service record Lowne was four inches shorter than the Colonel, and didn't have a strong hand-to-hand combat back ground.  Commander Rabb, did the toxicology report at the hospital find anything unusual in Colonel Mackenzie's blood?"


"They didn't mention anything, but I didn't ask about it either. I think I will call Dr. Kevinson and ask him to double check that.  I see where you're going with this Bud, someone like Lowne would probably have had to use some form of sedative against the Colonel."  I pull out my cell phone, grateful to finally have it back, and dial the hospital while Bud and Sturgis continue to discuss theories.


I step out of the office to complete my call.




The door shuts behind Commander Rabb before Bud changes the subject.


"Commander, do you think Commander Rabb is alright?"


Sturgis stops flipping through the files he is looking at and sighs.  "I think he is doing as well as he can be."


Bud nods in understanding still looking concerned, "It's just that in the past he has always been two steps ahead of me in thinking, now I am leading him through things."


Sturgis chuckles at that.


"Bud, I don't think there is anything wrong with Rabb in that regard.  Don't sell yourself short, Lieutenant.   The past is just that, past!  You have grown into an incredible investigator, and lawyer.  You are no longer Harm's student, you are his peer."


At this Bud appears shocked and then, gradually, pleased.  "Thank you Commander. That means a lot to me."


"It's nothing but the truth."  The phone on Sturgis's desk rings and he picks it up.


"Turner. Yes Sir.  We are on our way."


As he puts the phone down he grabs his jacket, "Come on Bud the Admiral wants to see all three of us ASAP."


"What about?"


"He didn't say, he just told me to get our collective butts to his office NOW!"




Admiral AJ Chegwidden's Office



A knock sounds on the door.


"Enter" The Admiral barks out.


"Commanders Rabb and Turner, and Lt. Roberts reporting as ordered, Sir." I say as all three of us come to attention in front of Chegwidden's desk.


"At ease, all of you.  Please take a seat gentleman."  AJ waited until we had settled ourselves.


"This just arrived," He held up a video tape, "It was addressed to Colonel Mackenzie care of Admiral Chegwidden.  The return address reads only Chloe Madison. I assume it is from Karen Lowne, if she is indeed the one who took Chloe. Lt. Roberts, will you please put this in the VCR?"  Saying this the Admiral held the tape out to Bud.


Bud stood and did as requested.  A close up image of Chloe appeared on the screen.  Her face was dirty and tear streaked.  She had a nasty bruise on her right cheekbone, near her eye, but other than that looked unharmed.  She looked past the camera at the operator with anger blazing in her eyes.  From off camera a harsh female voice barked an instruction at her.


"Go ahead, tell them what I told you to.  Now little lady, you don't want to make me mad you?"


At this the fire in Chloe's eyes grew hotter.  In a calm and steady voice she began to speak, never taking her eyes off of whoever was operating the camera.


"I name is Chloe Madison. Birth date: June 8 1989. Social Security Number: 555-55-4286."


"Damnit! Let's not start this crap again!  You are really pushing it, you little whore!" The off camera voice yelled at her.


I clamp my jaw shut and clench my fists not to react to this woman calling Chloe a whore.  While at the same time I am proud of the way Chloe is handling herself. 


The image on the screen abruptly ends, as the camera is turned off, but just as abruptly comes back.  It is obvious from the image that not much time has passed between the camera being shutoff and turned back on.  Chloe is still framed in the middle of the shot, only now she has a new bright red mark on her left cheekbone, and her bottom lip is puffy, a small trickle of blood escaping from the corner of her mouth.  New tears silently slid down her cheeks, but the fire has not left her eyes.


"Now tell them!!!"  The off camera voice is shrill and almost hysterical.  The woman, presumably Karen Lowne, sounds as if she is close to losing control.


"My name is Chloe Madison. My Birthday is June 8, 1989. My social security number is 555-55-4286."


"Damn!  Remind me to make sure she attends the Academy when the time comes." Chegwidden openly admires Chloe's spunk. "But right now I wish she would just cooperate with this woman.  Chloe doesn't realize how unstable this Karen Lowne is."


"My thoughts exactly, Sir.  As far as the Academy goes, I think Mac will have something to say about that." The others all smile at that comment, then one by one the smiles fade as we all realize that if Mac's condition doesn't improve she may NOT have anything to say about Chloe's future.


Voices from the video draw our attention back to the screen. 


"Tell them what I told you to say, or you will regret this behaviour.  I will not ask you again." Some movement can be heard in the background, off camera.


Whatever Karen has shown Chloe, makes an impression.  Chloe's eyes grow wide and while the fire is still present, there is a new wariness evident in them as well.   Chloe takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders before speaking.


"You aren't going to get away with this you know." She tells the woman off camera before looking directly into the camera and continuing, "I have been taken to teach Mac the pain loose a sibling.  Karen Lowne says she is planning on killing me, but there is one way to prevent this from happening.  She wants Mac charged with murder, and tried in front of a jury.  She wants the world to know that it's Mac's fault that her brother is dead. Harm this place makes me think of you and Sarah."


"That is enough!  You have 24 hours, I want to read about the charges against the Colonel in tomorrow evenings papers, or Chloe here will lose more blood."


After that comment the tape end.


"The person responsible for Dalton Lowne's death has already been tried and convicted!" I look over at Bud as he speaks, the anger and indignation he radiates take me aback.


"We know that Lieutenant, unfortunately this woman is not in a sane state of mind.  We need to buy some time to find Chloe.  I will call the SecNav and explain the situation.  I am sure he can arrange for some dummy article to be printed in several of the local papers." AJ stops and looks at the three men sitting across from him. "Are there any leads so far?"


"Yes, Sir, a big one!" I tell him emphatically.  Sturgis and Bud both look at me a bit surprised.


"Harm the blood is an interesting insight into Karen Lowne but I am not sure I would call it a big lead." Sturgis tells me calmly.


"I'm not talking about that, but we do need to fill the Admiral in on that.  I am talking about the lead Chloe gave us, well me specifically."


I have the complete attention off all three men in the office with me.


"Well Commander are you going to share with us or are you going to keep this to yourself?" AJ asks me dryly.


"I remember, she told you the place she was at reminded her of you and Sarah.  But how is that a lead? Certainly there are lots of place that would remind her of you and the Colonel.  You guys have taken her to a lot of places over the years." Bud inquired, picking up on the message Chloe had managed to get out.


"No Bud, she wasn't talking about Colonel Mackenzie.  Chloe always referred to Mac as Mac, never anything else.  She directed that comment at me specifically, me and Sarah. Not me and Mac."  I stare intently at Bud as the answer finally dawns on him.




Chapter Seven:

Closing In






Unknown Carrier

Unknown Ocean


I set my coffee cup down in frustration.  I am so annoyed, this isn't funny.  If this is a joke or some huge gag, I am going to resign my commission and become an assassin. That way I can devote myself to identifying every single person who is in on this and track them down, making sure they die a slow death. 


I look around at the empty Officers Room.  Everything looks normal.  There is coffee on the warmer. Mugs stacked neatly next to the coffee, spoons, sugar packets, creamers, and coffee stirrers. Everything appears normal, except for the fact that it is as quiet as a tomb. No noise except for the sound of my own breathing, and the hum of the coffee warmer.


I stare into my cup look at the dark liquid in it and sigh.  I know that this can't be a joke, I know that there has to be something seriously wrong for there to be no one aboard an aircraft carrier but me.  Well me and possibly Harm, Chloe and Sturgis.  I doubt that they are actually on this crate with me though; they wouldn't run away from me.  This leaves me with the conclusion that I have finally gone over the edge and I am insane.   I begin to massage my temples when the 'memory' of being in a hospital flashes in my head.  Why do I keep going back to the thought of a hospital?  Sometimes I can almost swear I can smell that antiseptic-medicney smell that all hospitals seem to share in common.  It is NOT a smell that one would expect to smell in the Officers Ward Room aboard a carrier.  Okay Marine, it's time to be pro-active, I tell myself pushing away from the table and standing up.  I will go to the bridge, if this isn't my imagination SOMEONE will have to be on the bridge to steer this floating city.  Glad to finally have a direction to go, I feel a little bit better, more in control of my situation. 


I step into the passageway and suddenly I am standing in the middle of West Bend Park.  I turn around, doing a full three-sixty, taking in my new surroundings.  I am on my favorite jogging trail.  This isn't right, I was just....I suddenly can't remember where I just was and why there is anything strange about being here on the trail.  I mean I am dressed for running, why wouldn't I be here.  I begin my normal stretching routine, preparing my muscles for a run.  A warm breeze causes the leaves above me to flutter creating a spectacular dance of shadows and light on the trail around me.  I stand up and inhale deeply savoring the beauty of the day.  But something isn't right, the breeze smells wrong.  It reminds me of a hospital, now why in the world would the air smell like that? Sighing I shake my head to clear my senses and begin my morning run.






Admiral AJ Chegwidden's Office

JAG HQ, Falls Church VA


(..."No Bud, she wasn't talking about Colonel Mackenzie.  Chloe always referred to Mac as Mac, never anything else.  She directed that comment at me specifically, me and Sarah. Not me and Mac."  I stare intently at Bud as the answer finally dawns on him....)


"Sarah!  It reminds her of you and SARAH!!! Your bi-plane! I'll go get maps of all the airports and airfields within a three hour drive of West Bend Park." Bud says excitedly.


"Why three hours Bud?" I ask with some confusion.


"Well because of the time stamp on the video Commander. The Colonel called you around 7:15 a.m. So if she was hit in the head she probably lost consciousness for some time, we know she usually goes running at 6:15 a.m. so we have to assume that Chloe was taken between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m." Bud pauses to make sure everyone is following him.


"Okay I will buy that Lieutenant, continue." Chegwidden tell him.


"Well see sir, the time stamp on the video said that it had been taped at 10:23 a.m. That means that when you figure in time to subdue Chloe and making sure no one see you dragging a girl around against her will, and what with getting the equipment ready to tape the demand, you are only left with three hours at the most for drive time.  Excuse me sirs, I am going to go get on finding how many airports and airfields we are looking at." After receiving a dismissal nod from the Admiral Bud leaves the office.


"Well once the Lieutenant gets that information we will have our hands full weeding through them.  Commander Turner, I will leave it to you to inform and coordinate with D.C.P.D. concerning this new development.  Commander Rabb, tell me about this afore-mentioned blood test results." After the Admiral gave out the orders Sturgis got up and went to call Detective Adams and let him in on what was going on.


"Well, Sir, the lab work came back.  It shows that the blood on both the knife and the sweatshirt is O positive, Chloe's blood type is AB negative."  I relate the information to my commanding officer.


"So there is no way is hell that the blood is Chloe's!  That is wonderful news.  Do we have any idea whose blood it is?"


"Not at this time.  Sir, there is more.  According to the report the blood on the knife is not consistent with a stabbing.  The investigators who examined the knife believe that the blood was poured onto the knife, and then left to dry."


"Why go to all the trouble of staging a crime scene to make us think Chloe has been injured and then do such a piss poor job of it?"  The Admiral snorted.


"Well, Sir, we think that this goes to support the assumption that Karen Lowne is working alone. She is not in any state of mind to consider the reality of the situation.  Any other competent adult in today's society would have thought ahead to the blood typing and forensic work that is done."


"I agree completely Commander." A new voice enters our conversation.  I turn in my chair to see Detective Adams standing in the Admiral's doorway, Commander Turner behind him.


"Come in please, Detective." The Admiral invites, standing to come around the desk to shake Mark's hand. "Please take a seat."


"Thank you, Admiral Chegwidden.  I was on my way over here to discuss the possibility of seeing some of the records from when Karen was in the Navy, when the office called and told me that Commander Turner here had called and said it was urgent.  So here I am.  What Commander Rabb was saying is right on.  At least it agrees with what our profilers at the station came up with."


Pulling some papers out of the side pocket of his briefcase Dt. Adams handed one to each of us before continuing. "This is a summary of what they came up with. Basically, Karen Lowne is mentally unstable.  She has no real understanding of the ramifications of her actions beyond her own goal.  She is operating with tunnel vision; everything will be made right if Colonel Mackenzie is publicly convicted of the death of her brother.  There is nothing else in her reality but that.  She is determined to do what ever she has to in order to obtain that one goal.  That includes murdering other innocent people.  In her mind she wouldn't be to blame for it that too would be the Colonel's fault.  She would see it as being forced to kill Chloe in order to see that justice was done."


Mark finishes his statement and waits for our reactions. I continue to skim the official profile, but soon realize that Adams had done a good job of summarizing it for us.  I look up from the paper and Sturgis catches my eye.


"I told the Detective that we had received a tape but didn't have time to say much more than that before we came in.  Do you want to tell him about the clue Chloe gave us before he watches the tape or after?" He asks me.


"After, it is easier to explain that way."  I get up and go over to the VCR.  I rewind the tape and then press play.  I sit down again and the four of us watch.  I thought it would be easier to watch it the second time, I was wrong.  This time I am noticing little things like the angry red streaks in the bruise on her face, or the blood that slowly drips from the corner of her mouth after the first round of defiance. My chest hurts and I can barely breathe, as I watch the wariness come into her eyes.  I wonder what Karen must have done or shown to her for Chloe to look like that.  The screen goes black and Sturgis moves to shut it off.


"What did she mean by 'this place reminds me of you and Sarah?' I can only assume that she was talking about the Colonel, except every other time she referred to the Colonel she called her Mac.  So who is Sarah, Commander Rabb?"


"It is good to know that you are good at what you do Detective." I smile and say before answering his question. "Sarah is my Stearman bi-plane.  I have taken Chloe up a couple of times.  She always tells me that she can't understand why I like working on planes so much, the aviation fuel smells funny.  We believe that she is being held on or near an airport or airfield within a three hour drive of the park."


Mark Adams was quiet a minute before responding. "That would be about right, taking into account the time stamp on the video.  The time stamp itself is another piece of evidence supporting the profile we have of Karen.  Careless clues may just be her down fall. Do we know how many airports or fields we are talking about here?"


AJ spoke up, "Not yet, Lt. Roberts is working on that as we speak.  I had asked Commander Turner here to inform you and coordinate the plan from here on out with you."


"I appreciate that Admiral.  I think the best thing to do right now is for me to call my team and have them come over here.  Together as a group our combined teams can sort through the possible locations and weed out the non-probables from the probables.  At that point we can gather up canvassing teams to go in as aviators or mechanics or whatever and nose around the probable sites. See if anyone has heard anything suspicious, seen anything out of the ordinary, without tipping our hand.  Maybe we will get lucky and find something that will end this whole situation positively."  Mark Adams stood, "Now with your permission Admiral, I would like to get my team over here and updated on this information."


"Permission granted. You can have the main conference room as the investigation headquarters, and my people are at your disposal.  I do need a list of names of those on your team to give to Security so they will admit your guys onto the property." AJ picked up a legal pad and a pen, handed it to the Detective and waited while Adams made the hasty list.


"There you go, if I have missed anyone I will come back and let you know." Mark finished writing and handed the pad and pen back to the Admiral.


"Thank you, Commanders please show Mr. Adams to the Conference room." Then raising his voice he said "Tiner get in here!"


The Petty Officer waited until the three of us had exited before trying to get through the door.  As we walked away I hear a little of what the Admiral is saying to Tiner.


"Since you no doubt have been listening in on the situation, would you kindly take this list and make sure Security gets it before the Investigation Team gets here?"


I smile as we make our way through the bullpen, knowing the Admiral was correct in his assumption of Tiner's activity.  I decided that I should take a moment to go to my office and check to see if I have any urgent matters that I need to attend to immediately.


"Hey, Sturgis." I pause before going on, waiting to see that he has heard me. He stops and turns towards where I stand, having stopped several feet behind him. "I need to make sure there isn't anything urgent on my cases, something that can't wait until later."


"Fine by me.  You can find us in the conference room after you are done."  With that he motions for Adams to continue on with him and they walk away, towards the elevators.


I sit down at my desk, I check my e-mail, nothing there that can't wait.  I glance down at my phone and see that the message light is blinking.  I hit the speaker button and dial in the appropriate code to retrieve the messages.


"You have two messages." The tinny female voice tells me.


"Commander, this is Ensign Larte.  I just received a message saying that you have been temporarily detained and that our interview needs to be re-scheduled.  I am just returning that call.  I am available next Tuesday and Wednesday after 5:00 p.m. If either of those times works for you please let me know.  My number is 555-7890.  Thank you."


I make a note of the number and erase the message.


”Harm? It's me Chloe."


I sit up at attention in shock. Chloe?  I glance at the phones LCD display.  It says the message was received at 11:43 a.m. this morning. How is this possible?


"This lady isn't very smart.  She told me to empty my pants pockets, I told her I didn't have any, which is true, so she just let it go.  I didn't tell her that I had my cell phone in the pocket of my sports bra.  Sorry let me get to the point.  I am at some airfield, it is small.  I haven't heard or seen anyone but us.  Why is this happening, Harm?"


The fear that now comes through in her voice causes my chest to tighten, I wish I could hug her and tell her it will all be okay.


"Karen isn't here right now.  She locked me in this windowless room well it has a skylight about thirty feet above me. It stinks really bad in here. It is all cement so I don't think anyone can hear me when I shout.  I am scared Harm.  Earlier I was so mad at her,  I was too mad to be scared, but now I--I--she--Harm she says she is going to kill me if Mac isn't put in prison"


There is a pause and I hear her take a deep breath.


"Suck it up Chloe! Mac taught you better than this. Harm, she stuffed me in the back of a dark blue Ford Taurus.  It looked pretty new. Maybe a 2000.  It had a Pennsylvania license plate that began with 54G.  That is all I can remember, I didn't get a very good look at it.  We drove for a long time, I wish I could tell time like Mac.  I don't know how long, I was passed out for some of it. She put a rag over my mouth and nose after she did it to Mac.  She hit Mac really hard in the head, I hope she is okay.  I woke up in the car, but pretended to stay asleep. I didn't recognize anything we drove by, but I did see a sign, that said there was a bar called Tree Stump 20 miles up the road. I am going to put my phone away now, I'm afraid she might come back soon. I have turned the ringer off, so call and leave me a message telling me what you want me to do.  Please Harm hurry and find me. Oh no my battery is dying, Harm I may not be able to call-"


 The message cut off there, as the battery died. I listen to it again and copy down the information she told me. I save the message and run toward the elevators.  I need to get to the Conference Room.  As I wait on the elevator, my cell phone rings.


"Rabb." I answer it.


"You are a hard man to track down today."


"Webb, I don't have time to deal with you right now. I am in the middle of something important." I am in no mood to deal with this spook at the moment.


"I know that is why I called.  I have some information about the woman who took Chloe. Karen Lowne may not be who you think she is."


"Okay Webb, you have my attention."





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