:: distilled ::
aliases: kaonashi, vampire, ancient one, drunk, kook, chocolate bat
age: 16, 23,25,1050 (people's perception)
looks: chinese, japanese, korean, dead (people's perception)
origin: singapore (chinese-peranakan)
blood group: A
f.feature: eyes: cat-shaped, v.v.dark red-brown, used to be black
w.feature: too-small hands (fingers stretch a lot, though)
most outstanding feature: v.v.pale skin, veins galore
f.colour: black, crimson, violet, white
english, mandarin
spattering: malay, italian, japanese
english, italian, japanese, french (je tout petit petit)
books, writing, singing, music, surfing the net, meditating
recorder, piano, acoustic guitar, cello, bongos!
s: piano, violin, harpsichord, bass, drums, guitars
f.food: laksa, japanese food, italian food, bulgogi, chinese food
f.drinks: fruit juices, coffee, whiskey, thai orange juice
things i'd like to do: move to remote island complete with hill, caves, bay,  beach, free-for-all kinokuniya and hmv, and flawless internet access, design apparel, make movies/music videos, observe people at a disco
things i'd love to do: continue studying aikido, record my own music, travel the world at my own leisure, publish my own works aka A Fading Blue, become an immortal (of my own definition)
f.fields: psychology, biochemistry, law, medicine, advertising
things that attract me: intelligence, black, silver, vampires, low voices, guitar riffs a la Lu:na, music-makers (hardware, software, people, instruments), passion, movement, beautiful eyes &hands
f.personal traits: mostly calm & collected, imitating accents*
*accents: irish, scottish, british nobility, cockney, german, russian, singaporean, mainland mandarin, hillbilly, "mat-brudder", italian, french, mexican, indian, sometimes japanese (sumimasen, sensei!)
w.personal traits: a slacker, mood swings/severe schizophrenia: alternate between being a klutz and a stiff aristocrat
f.actors: Johnny Depp, Faggedy-doo-dah (for the Kirin Fire Ad), Tom Cruise, Prasee
f.movies: The Matrix & LOTR trilogies, Moon Child(haven't seen), Kill Bill, Finding Nemo
f.musicians: The Corrs, Gackt, Utada Hikaru, Coldplay, Travis, Santana, Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli, Beethoven, Bonnie Pink, X Japan, Hide
f. melodramatic songs: Mizerable, ...Lifetime Loving You, Aurora, Rain, Sakura Drops, Forever Love
f. uplifting songs: U+K, Orange, Spiral, Misery, The Spirit Of This Place
f. groovy songs: Vanilla, Smooth, Gessekai, All In A Day
f. weird songs
: Illness Illusion, Scorpio Rising, No One Knows
f. rock songs
: Lu:na, Crawling, Doomsday, Scars, Uso Mitaina...
f. virtues
: respect, love, trust, perseverance, Intelligence
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