News 24/7
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So the latest news is...
  So the latest headlines are..
They Keep it deep inside
In no one do they confide
Imraj's love for Manpreet is true
He used to love Lara too
Manpreet loves Hamza more
She makes Imraj's heart sore
Shreeya thinks Robert's gorgeous
She made Robert quite nauseus
Afsha& Mitchel, what'sup
It a shame u 2 broke up
Laura in 10H is fancied by 3
Robert&Samraj&Jai you see
They pester her on msn
Cause they think she's fit and cause she's in yr10
Jai & Gurneet were 2 gd 2 last
Oh well, now thats in da past
Louise fancies brother sam!
This is gonna b a sham...
Harish & Lara got it 2gether
They gonna b 2gether 4ever
So now i'll come to the end of this rhyme
for all that were metioned
Might hurt me in time

Ok so, thats the latest news and what were they thinking when they voted BUSH!!!!
You gotta c the incredibles
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Afsha's Gossip page
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Me a rock in diguise
Name: fiona
Email: [email protected]
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