The Rhody Years!

Photo by Richard Benjamin

I was the second in line at registration 1990. The other student from New Jersey, also had the "I escaped as quickly and as quietly as possible look." Rather then go through the next four years in text, I will say that education wise, JWU is great if you want to learn about the business world and put it into practice. It isn't for you, if you want a "traditional campus" or a strong liberal arts core. The other stigma is that people will always say, "Oh, your a cook!." JWU, has a wonderful reputation in culinary arts and hospitality, but what people do not realize is that it also has a business college. Guess, it could have been worse, what if it were known for sanitation management! Rhode Island has always been a crash pad for me. I guess, it is because it is a beautiful state. In recent years, Providence has really cleaned up a bit (See Picture), not to mention the beaches of South County or the history of Newport. Quintessential New England at its finest!I received my A.S. in 1992, then moved to California, then returned after two years to finish my B.S.- Marketing 1996. Since graduation, I lived in Hamilton, New Jersey then Boston, Massachusetts. I worked in marketing as a Sales and Marketing Coordinator for an insurance replacement car rental agency. After working in industry for two years I realized that my desire is to work in Human Resources, specifically in recruiting. The closest I was able to get to this goal in Rhody was working as a HR Assistant. The downfall, was that there was no room for advancement in that office, so I deceided to take my experience and give the West Coast/Mid-West a try. So far so good, as I have been out here since the end of 1998.
The weather is certainly better, thats for sure! (no snow) MY POST AT WORK-The Front Desk


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