Following the Path

I was listening to a Buddhist on National Public Radio this morning. He was talking about our "free market" economy, our capitalism, our materialism, etc. and asking the very pointed and relevant question "how has this made you more happy?"
We live in a society in which we are told to grow, to expand, to gather more and more until we achieve "happiness". Meanwhile, all the happiness we could ever want is right inside us, waiting to bloom. We strive to gain more wealth, we strive to build something "better", and we ignore the fact that everything we want or need is already here - if we could only see it.
In looking to a better future, we overlook the perfection of the present - that which exists AT THIS MOMENT. We long for something that is here RIGHT NOW. We try to achieve a distant goal which is, in reality, here and now - if our mind and soul would only realize that reality.
The next time you think that you're unhappy, stop for a moment and understand that it's your own choice. Make a decision to experience perfection here and now. Follow the path

Oh! - refer to my poem "The Moment"

~Fionn oMurchu 1/29/06
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