Nicaragua Mission Trip
This is a sign just outside the airport when we got to Managua, Nicaragua.
Mikey and me having fun at the St. Louis airport.
This is the hotel we stayed at.  The walkway was all tile and the scenery was great with palm trees and a moat.
Our first ministry was in a Nicaraguan prison.  They were very accepting when we shared the Gospel of Jesus with them.
Next we went to the marketplace.  We prayed for people as they passed through.
Good eats in Nicaragua!  First at the Tip Top chicken fast food restaurant and then at a TGIFridays where John had to do the Nicaraguan version of the chicken dance when we told the waitress it was his birthday.  A smart man will do anything for cake!!!
This is where the poor folks live.  The children look like something you see on one of those commercials.  If you ever want to just give one of them a big hug, all you gotta do is go there.  Trust me, the commercials aren't made up.
We went door to door praying for families and sharing God's love.
John Larson taking a swing at the pinata at the orphanage.
One of many live volcanoes in Nicaragua.  The only one we visited.
If you think church is boring, you should try this one out, or if you don't want to go that far, come on down to Chatham Worship Center.  Church can be fun, I promise!!!
Even on the way to church we had a lot of fun, singing worship songs on a bus ride 40 miles to church.
Apostle Arturo who made the mission possible (besides God of course) and his son and translator Baruch, AKA Bababooshki.
The infamous vampire bat at the hotel.  He and his family swooped at our heads when we shook the trees.
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