
Divisional Units

Field Artillery Regiment

Every Finnish infantry division had a mainly horse-drawn Field Artillery Regiment (Kenttätykistörykmentti, KTR). Artillery regiment offered survey and weather services for all artillery units within a division. Artillery battalions were otherwise nearly independent units. During the Continuation War field artillery regiment was organized as follows:

Strength: 1.813 men
636x horse, 40x motor vehicle, 615x bicycle,
36x light howitzer or cannon (later also heavy howitzer)

Rykmentinkomentaja / Regiment Commander

Rykmentin esikunta (E/KTR) (Regiment HQ) (22 men)
----- Säähavaintoasema (SääAs./KTR) (Weather Detecting Station)

Valomittausosasto (VMitt.Os./KTR) (Light-Ranging Detachment) (51 men)
----- Tasoryhmä (Tasor.) (Plane Squad)
----- 1. - 4. Valomittausryhmä (1.-4.VMitt.R) (1st - 4th Light-Ranging Squad)
----- Puhelinryhmä (Puh.R) (Telephone Squad)
----- 1. - 2. Radioryhmä (1.-2.Rad.R) (1st - 2nd Radio Squad)

I - III Patteristo (I - III/KTR) (I - III Artillery Battalion) (580 men each)

Between autumn 1941 and summer 1942 all field artillery regiments and artillery battalions disbanded part of their oldest men. Personnel strengths were decreased and units had only minimum manning because they didn't need so many men during the static warfare period. In June 1944 when the moving military operations started again field artillery units had difficulties in doing their job well because they simply didn't have enough men. They received more men during the summer.

Artillery Battalion

A typical horse-drawn Artillery Battalion (Patteristo, Psto) of the field artillery regiment was organized as follows:

Strength: 576 men (equipped with cannons only) / 580 men

Patteristonkomentaja / Battalion Commander

Esikunta (E/I Psto) (HQ / I Artillery Battalion) (114 men)
----- Komentojaos (Kom.Js) (Command Section)
----- Asemaojaos (As.Js) (Position Section)
----- Viestiojaos (VJs) (Signals Section)
----- Huoltojaos (HuoltoJs) (Supply Section)

1. - 2. Patteri (1.-2.Ptri) (1st - 2nd Battery) (Light Cannon Battery, 149 men each)
----- Tulenjohtue (Tjue) (Fire Control)
----- ----- I - II Tulenjohtoryhmä (Tjr.) (I - II Forward Observing Squad)
----- Tulipatteri (TPtri) (Gun Battery)
----- Toimitusjaos (Toim.Js) (Delivery Section)

3. Patteri (3.Ptri) (3rd Battery) (Light Howitzer Battery, 153 men)
----- (Organized in a similar way to other batteries, could be also Light Cannon Battery.)

Kolonna (Kol./Psto) (Column) (14 men)

II Artillery Battalion (II Psto) had 4th - 6th Batteries and III Artillery Battalion (III Psto) 7th - 9th Batteries. Some of the batteries could be motorized.

In the summer 1941 there were two basic types of artillery battalions:
- with two light cannon batteries (75 - 84 mm) and one light howitzer battery (76 - 122 mm)
- with three light cannon batteries (75 - 84 mm)

During late 1941 one artillery battalion within field artillery regiment was equipped with heavy howitzers.

Starting since 1943 field artillery battalions were gradually "standardized" to have similar kinds of field guns or at least guns which had same ammunition. The purpose of this change was to simplify ammunition supply and make training easier. Changes were although slow and in the summer 1944 many artillery battalions were still mixed ones.

After the intended conversion field artillery regiment was as follows:
- one artillery battalion equipped with light cannons (75 - 84 mm)
- one with light howitzers (76 - 122 mm)
- one with heavy howitzers (152 - 155 mm)

This was neither very satisfactory because artillery regiment would still have three different gun models with different ammunition. The long-term plan was to replace all smaller calibre guns with 105 and 122 mm howitzers. The first steps towards this direction were taken in 1944.

It is interesting that this plan was actually realized as late as in the 1980's when the last old gun models were finally removed from inventory. So, it took about 40 years to make all changes which were started already during the war!

Independent Field Artillery Units

The main difference between light artillery battalions and heavy artillery battalions was that each heavy battery had only one forward observing squad. All light, heavy and super heavy artillery battalions were basically independent units with a full supply and fire observing capability.

Light Artillery Battalion

Horse-drawn Light Artillery Battalion (Kevyt patteristo, Kev.Psto) was similar to regimental artillery battalion, but was usually entirely equipped with similar kind of light cannons (75 - 76 mm) or howitzers (76 - 122 mm). Motorized light artillery battalion was either truck-towed or truck-carried but each battery had also two light tracked tractors for moving guns. Motorized light artillery battalion was organized as follows:

Strength: 487 men
4x motorcycle, 10x personnel car, 59x truck, 6x tracked tractor, 35x bicycle,
12x light cannon or howitzer

Patteristonkomentaja / Battalion Commander

Esikunta (E/Kev.Psto) (HQ) (109 men)
----- Komentojaos (Kom.Js) (Command Section)
----- Asemaojaos (As.Js) (Position Section)
----- Viestiojaos (VJs) (Signals Section)
----- Huoltojaos (HuoltoJs) (Supply Section)

1. - 3. Kevyt patteri (1.-3.Kev.Ptri) (1st - 3rd Light Battery) (? men each)
(Light Cannon or Howitzer Battery)
----- Tulenjohtue (Tjue) (Fire Control)
----- ----- I - II Tulenjohtoryhmä (Tjr.) (I - II Forward Observing Squad)
----- Tulipatteri (TPtri) (Gun Battery)
----- Toimitusjaos (Toim.Js) (Delivery Section)

Kolonna (Kol./Kev.Psto) (Column) (? men)


Heavy Artillery Battalion

Heavy Artillery Battalion (Raskas patteristo, Rask.Psto) could be either motorized, horse-drawn or a mixed one. Motorized units had heavy trucks for towing guns. Heavy tracked tractors were for moving guns in bad terrain and they were carried on a truck. Since summer 1941 heavy artillery battalions were organized as follows:

Strength: 512 men (equipped with cannons) / 521 men (equipped with howitzers)
4x motorcycle, 10x personnel car, 53x truck, 12x tracked tractor, 17x bicycle,
12x heavy cannon or howitzer

Strength: 642 men
259x horse, motorcycle, 2x personnel car, 12x truck, 169x bicycle,
12x heavy cannon or howitzer

Patteristonkomentaja / Battalion Commander

Esikunta (E/Rask.Psto) (HQ) (Motorized: 109 men)
----- Komentojaos (Kom.Js) (Command Section)
----- Asemaojaos (As.Js) (Position Section)
----- Viestiojaos (VJs) (Signals Section)
----- Huoltojaos (HuoltoJs) (Supply Section)

1. - 3. Raskas patteri (1.-3.Rask.Ptri) (1st - 3rd Heavy Battery)
(Motorized: 128 men if equipped with cannons / 131 men if equipped with howitzers)
----- Tulenjohtue (Tjue) (Fire Control)
----- ----- Tulenjohtoryhmä (Tjr.) (Forward Observing Squad)
----- Tulipatteri (TPtri) (Gun Battery)
----- Toimitusjaos (Toim.Js) (Delivery Section)

Kolonna (Kol./Rask.Psto) (Column) (Motorized: 19 men)


Super Heavy Artillery Battalion

Super Heavy Artillery Battalion (Järeä patteristo, Jär.Psto) was always motorized and towed only with heavy tractors. Their organization was otherwise similar to motorized heavy artillery battalion but they had only nine super heavy howitzers i.e. three guns in a battery.

Sources: PAUJY3, JATHI, SUOSO [10]

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