WINTER WAR 1939 - 1940


Divisional Units

Field Artillery Regiment

During the Winter War divisional light artillery regiment was organized as follows:

Strength: 90 officers + 370 NCOs + about 1.900 men = 2.360 men
1.300x horse, 725x vehicle (horse vehicles, bicycles and motor vehicles),
24...36x light cannon, 12...0x light howitzer

Rykmentinkomentaja / Regiment Commander

Esikunta (E/KTR) (HQ)
----- Komento-osasto (Kom.os.) (Command Department)
----- Tiedusteluosasto (Tied.os.) (Reconnaissance Department)
----- Toimitusryhmä (Toim.R) (Delivery Squad)

I - III Patteristo (I - III/KTR) (I - III Artillery Battalion)


Artillery Battalion

During the Winter War regimental field artillery battalion was organized as follows:

Patteristonkomentaja / Battalion Commander

Esikunta (E/Psto) (HQ)
----- Komento-osasto (Kom.Os.) (Command Detachment)
----- Huolto-osasto (HuoltoOs.) (Supply Detachment)

Esikuntapatteri (EPtri) (HQ Battery)
Patteriupseeri / Battery Officer
----- Komentojaos (Kom.Js) (Command Section)
----- Viestijaos (VJs) (Signals Section)
----- Asemajaos (AsemaJs.) (Position Section)
----- ----- Asemaryhmä (AsemaR) (Position Squad)
----- ----- Mittausryhmä (Mitt.R) (Survey Squad)
----- ----- Kaasusuojeluryhmä (Kss.R) (Gas Protection Squad)
----- Toimitusjaos (Toim.Js) (Delivery Section)
----- ----- Lääkintäryhmä (Lääk.R) (Medical Squad)
----- ----- Eläinlääkintäryhmä (El.Lääk.R) (Veterinary Squad)
----- ----- 1. - 2. Toimitusryhmä (1.-2.Toim.R) (1st - 2nd Delivery Squad)

1. / 4. / 7. Patteri (Ptri) (1st/4th/7th Battery) (Light Cannon Battery)

2. / 5. / 8. Patteri (Ptri) (2nd/5th/8th Battery) (Light Cannon Battery)

3. / 6. / 9. Patteri (Ptri) (3rd/6th/9th Battery) (Light Howitzer or Cannon Battery)

Kolonna (Kol.) (Column)
----- Ampumatarvikekolonna (ATarv.Kol.) (Ammunition Column)
----- 1. - 2. Elintarvikekolonna (ETarv.Kol.) (1st - 2nd Rations Column)


Independent Field Artillery Units

Heavy Artillery Battalion

During the Winter War heavy field artillery battalion was organized as follows:

Strength: ? men
12x heavy howitzer or cannon

Patteristonkomentaja / Battalion Commander

Esikunta (E/Rask.Psto) (HQ)
----- Komento-osasto (Kom.Os.) (Command Detachment)
----- Asemaosasto (AsemaOs.) (Position Detachment)
----- Viestiosasto (VOs.) (Signals Detachment)
----- Huolto-osasto (HuoltoOs.) (Supply Detachment)

1. - 3. Raskas patteri (1.-3.Rask.Ptri) (1st - 3rd Heavy Battery)
----- Tulenjohtue (Tjue) (Fire Direction)
----- ----- Tulenjohtoryhmä (Tjr.) (Forward Observer Squad)
----- Tulipatteri (TPtri) (Gun Battery) (4x heavy howitzer or cannon)
----- Toimitusjaos (Toim.Js) (Delivery Section)

Kolonna (Kol./Rask.Psto) (Column)
----- Ampumatarvikekolonna (ATarv.Kol.) (Ammunition Column)
----- 1. - 2. Elintarvikekolonna (ETarv.Kol.) (1st - 2nd Rations Column)


Sources: PAUJY2, TALHI

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