
Frontier Guard Troops in the Winter War 1939 - 1940

Finnish Frontier Guard [Rajavartiolaitos] was formed in 1919 under the Ministry for Interior Affairs. Its naval part Coast Guard [Merivartiolaitos] was organized in 1930 to fight against smugglers. Like the Finnish Defence Forces also Frontier Guard trained conscripts but in limited numbers. In case a war would broke out the defence of the long eastern border from Lieksa north to the Barents Sea at Petsamo was under the responsibility of the troops formed by the Frontier Guard. During the war Frontier Guard's Staff was planned to form an army corps level headquarters. Coast Guard would be attached to Naval Forces and all land troops to Field Army (land forces).

In 1939 local Frontier Guards formed either Separate Battalions (Erillinen pataljoona, Er.P) or Separate Companies (Erillinen komppania, Er.K). These units together with the conscript units of the Finnish Defence Forces formed the so called Securing Troops [Suojajoukot] which were mobilized first. North from Lake Ladoga regional separate battalions were formed around peace-time Frontier Companies reinforcing these with local reservists. These units are described on the page Separate Battalions 1939 - 1940.

North Finland Group

In November 1939 Frontier Guard's Staff (Commander of Frontier Guard Maj.Gen. W. Tuompo, Chief of Staff Lt.Col. V. Viklund) became North Finland Group (Pohjois-Suomen Ryhmä, P-SR) which eventually commanded three sub-groups:

  • Pohjois-Karjalan Ryhmä (P-KR) (North Karelian Group) Joensuu
    Lt.Col. E. Raappana
    At Ilomantsi region.
  • Kainuun Ryhmä (Kai.R) (Kainuu Group) Kuhmo?
    Was formed during the "Extraordinary Exercise" [YH] but suspended before the war broke.
  • Lapin Ryhmä (LR) (Lapland Group) Rovaniemi
    30.11.39- Lt.Col. O. Willamo, 11.12.39 - 28.2.40 Maj.Gen. M. Wallenius
    For the northernmost Finland. Formed on 30.11.1939.
    Taken under the direct command of Supreme HQ (PM) on 11.12.1939.
    On 28.2.1940 volunteer Swedish Group SFr. (Commander Lt.Gen. E. Linder) took the command in the
    north and most of the former HQ / Lapland Group was moved to Bay of Viborg in south-eastern Finland
    as Coastal Group (Rannikkoryhmä, RR).


Separate Company

In Karelian Isthmus Frontier Guard troops were organized in nine reinforced Frontier Companies (Rajakomppania, RajaK) which were called Separate Companies (Erillinen komppania, Er.K) during the Winter War. 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 8th Separate Companies were almost completely composed of reservists while other companies had mainly paid personnel and were usually better equipped than ordinary units of the Field Army. Also Separate Battalion 3 (Erillinen pataljoona 3, Er.P 3) had one frontier company (Company Chief Capt. L. Paloheimo) in Karelian Isthmus. After the initial phase most companies were subordinated to assist other units mainly in tank killing role.

10th Separate Company operated in northern Lapland and was the northernmost Finnish infantry unit at the beginning of the Winter War. During the first days of the war it met superior Soviet forces (two infantry divisions) and had to retreat. On 1.12.1939 company was attached to Detachment Pennanen which was reinforced with two more companies formed from the additional reservists. They were initially partly without equipment and weapons and were gradually equipped for example with the war booty captured from Soviet forces. New 11th Separate Company could be considered as a Frontier Guard unit.

Separate Company was initially organized as follows:

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
Viestiosasto (VOs.)
(Signals Detachment)
I - IV Kiväärijoukkue (I-IV Kiv.J)
(I - IV Rifle Platoon)
Raskasjoukkue (Rask.J)
(Heavy Platoon) *
----- 1. - 2. Kranaatinheitinryhmä (1.-2.Krh.R) (1st - 2nd Mortar Squad) [1+1x 81 mm mortar] *
----- 1. - 2. Konekivääriryhmä (1.-2.KKR) (1st - 2nd MG Squad) [1+1x 7.62 mm Maxim MG]
----- Hyökkäysvaunutorjuntakonekivääriryhmä (Hv.KKR) (Anti-Tank MG Squad) [13.2 mm HMG] *
Pioneeriryhmä (Pion.R)
(Engineer Squad)
Toimitusjoukkue (Toim.J)
(Delivery Platoon)

* Some companies had various amount of additional Maxim MGs instead of mortars and
13.2mm HMG. These companies had MG Platoon with three to four MGs instead of a
Heavy Platoon. Companies were later equipped with anti-tank rifles.


Frontier / Separate Companies (1939 - 1940)
(from south to north)

Finnish Name (and Abbreviation)

(Name in English),
Company Chief
Rank Name
1. Erillinen komppania (1.Er.K)
(1st Separate Company)
Belonged to U Group. On 5.12.1939 subordinated to
5th Division.
Capt. E. Paloheimo
2. Erillinen komppania (2.Er.K)
(2nd Separate Company)
Belonged to U Group. On 5.12.1939 subordinated to
4th Division.

L. Varko
3. Erillinen komppania (3.Er.K)
(3rd Separate Company)
Belonged to M Group. On 5.12.1939 subordinated to 11th /
2nd Division

Lt. T. Pyykkö
4. Erillinen komppania (4.Er.K)
(4th Separate Company)
Belonged to M Group. On 5.12.1939 subordinated to
II Army Corps (II AK).

J. Markkola (KIA 13.2.40)
V. Oikarainen
(14.2.40- KIA)
5. Erillinen komppania (5.Er.K)
(5th Separate Company)
Belonged to L Group. On 5.12.1939 subordinated to
II Army Corps (II AK).

E. Hyttinen
? (16.2.40-)
6. Erillinen komppania (6.Er.K)
(6th Separate Company)

Belonged to R Group. On 3.12.1939 subordinated to
8th Division.

N. Halla-Seppälä
7. Erillinen komppania (7.Er.K)
(7th Separate Company)
Belonged to R Group. On 3.12.1939 subordinated to
8th Division.

Y. Pitkänen
K. Sihvola
8. Erillinen komppania (8.Er.K) (-22.1.40)
(8th Separate Company)
Belonged to Metsäpirtti Detachment (MO). On 3.12.1939
subordinated to 10th / 7th Division. On 22.1.1940 company was
merged to a special unit Metsäpirtti Frontier Guerrillas.
P. Alaranta (+) *
?. Eklund
9. Erillinen komppania (9.Er.K) (-22.1.40)
(9th Separate Company)
Belonged to Metsäpirtti Detachment (MO). On 3.12.1939
subordinated to 10th / 7th Division. On 22.1.1940 company was
merged into a special unit called Metsäpirtti Frontier Guerrillas.

Lt. A. Suurkari (-22.1.40)
10. Erillinen komppania (10.Er.K)
(10th Separate Company)
Initially under the command of North Finland Group (P-SR).
On 1.12.1939 attached to Detachment Pennanen (Os.P).
M. Tiitola
11. Erillinen komppania (11.Er.K)
(11th Separate Company)
Formed before the Winter War but was partly without equipment
and weapons which were captured from the Soviets.
On 1.12.1939 attached to Detachment Pennanen (OS.P).
Lt. V. Kallio
* Lt. P. Alaranta was the first Finnish officer got killed during the Winter War. He was accidentally shot on
no-man's-land by his own men when he was returning back from a scouting tour with his two combat messengers.


Metsäpirtti Detachment

Metsäpirtti Detachment (Metsäpirtin osasto, MO) (Capt. R. Inkinen, 16.12.39- Capt. O.? Korhonen, 18.12.39- Lt. A. Suurkari) was a command HQ formed during the "Extraordinary Exercise" (YH) for the securing troops on the Eastern Karelian Isthmus. It was formed by Karelian Isthmus Frontier Guard and consisted of 8th and 9th Separate Companies and 2nd Separate Battery (2. Erillinen patteri, 2.Er.Ptri) (Battery Chief Lt. P. Sirola) which was a former Metsäpirtti Civil Guard Battery.

Small Detachment HQ consisted of Commander, Adjutant, Clerk, Messenger Officer, Physician, three Combat Messengers and two Drivers for motor vehicles in addition to a small Radio Squad (Radioryhmä) (strength 0+1+3 = 4 men) and a Signalling Squad (Merkinantoryhmä) for flashlight signalling with two men.

Detachment was initially subordinated to Infantry Regiment 28 (Jalkaväkirykmentti 28, JR 28) (Col. U. Sihvonen). On 2.12.1939 companies were temporarily joined together as a new company (Company Chief Lt. A. Suurkari). On 6.12. MO withdrew across the river Taipaleenjoki but it was not suspended and was thereafter mostly subordinated to various units of 10th / 7th Division. Although on the front defending its own "sector" at river Taipaleenjoki MO also sent patrols which scouted on the Soviet side. In the night on 3./4.1.1940 MO was moved to reserve.

After the rest detachment was reformed and refitted on 22.1.1940 as a company sized special unit called as Metsäpirtti Frontier Guerrillas (Metsäpirtin rajasissit) (Chief Lt. A. Suurkari). It was subordinated to Light Detachment (Kevyt osasto 7, Kev.Os.7) (Commander Cav.Capt. W. Walldén (WIA?), 15.2.40- Lt./Capt.(40) A. Suurkari) which also received the surplus personnel of MO.

Detachment Pennanen

Detachment Pennanen (Osasto Pennanen, Os.P) (1.12.39 - 3.40 Capt. A. Pennanen) was formed on 1.12.1939. It was composed of 10th and 11th Separate Companies, 5th Separate Battery, guerrilla unit Reconnaissance Detachment 9 (TO 9) and a new 3rd Company / Detachment Pennanen (3.K/Os.P) which was formed and equipped during the early days of December 1939 from the personnel of Kolosjoki nickel mines. Os.P belonged to Lapland Group (LR).

Troops in the far north had been gradually reinforced up to the battalion size. Using inconsiderate guerrilla tactics against the Soviet supply lines detachment managed to inflict bitter casualties and eventually stop Soviet advance on 18.12.1939 for the rest of the war. Finnish guerrillas even attacked twice against Soviet airfield at Petsamo.

[ Frontier Jäger Troops 1941 - 1942 ]





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