FinKLSERV's Guide to mIRC

Step 1: Download mIRC.

Step 2: Install mIRC.

Step 3: Open the program and fill out the info. Full name, Email Address, etc.

Step 4: Double-click on connect and go into "Perform". Click the Add button next to Delete and All networks. Click on EFnet and press "Ok".

Step 5: Type in /join #FinKLSarang for EFnet and make sure Enable perform on connect is checked.

Step 6: *This is the most important thing you need to do to obtain files.* Go into your DCC options and click on folders and select DCC Ignore to Disabled and uncheck the "Turn on ignore back in:"

Step 7: Type in /server servername into the status bar.

Any of these EFnet servers might work for you:

/server irc.Prison.NET

Step 8: Now you are in #FinKLSarang. Type !list to list the File servers that are currently serving files.

Step 9: Pick an Fserve (File Server) and highlight and paste their trigger with your mouse. They have multiple triggers but they are seperated by &. After you have copied it, paste it into the channel. (Not the whole Fserve advertisement please!)

Step 10: When the Fserve realizes your attempt, it will send you a mIRC DCC Chat notice. So accept it.

Step 11: You are now in the Fserve. But how do you download files here? Simple.

Type in dir to get a list of the files in the Fserver.
Type in queues to see how many queues the Fserve has.
Type in sends to see how many sends the Fserve has and when they will finish.
Type in who to see who is on the Fserve with you.
Type in help to see more help options.

Step 12: Now that you typed in dir, so many results come out, eh? Well there is a wide variety to choose from.

Highlight the name of the file with your mouse (without the file size) and type get **.

** being the filename.

Step 13: Now that you typed get and then the file name (refer to the picture below). Why isn't it coming to me yet? Well there is something called queues and you have to wait in line like everyone else. Unless you serve or are an operator, in most cases you get higher priority. Type in sends and queues to see how much longer you must wait.

Have fun downloading and chatting with local mIRC'ers!

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