Interviewer: Homosexuality is taboo in many parts of the world, but it is widely practiced nevertheless. What do you believe concerning homosexuality.

Quranite: I believe we can all CHOOSE our opinions. I basically choose to like women and I do like women. I chose at one point to be very picky with women and to like only a select few, but I have now chosen to be more open with that foolish idea because there are more good looking women than I gave credit for. I believe homosexuality is a corruption of human sexuality. I also believe that one may choose to be a homosexual and engage in those practices. I do not believe one choosing the path of homosexuality can follow the quran because these are paths going in different directions.

Interviewer: Does the quran condone homosexuality?

Quranite: No it does not. The quran speaks of men going to women, not men going to men, or women to women [see: 2/222], and it makes a point to differentiate desire for the same sex as being lewd and desire for the opposite sex as pure [see 7/80-82]. Marriage is never mentioned as being between same sex couples in the quran [24/26 - "...and the good women are for the good men, and the good men are for the good women."] and any sexual activity outside of marriage is fornication, and any during one's marriage with someone other than their spouse is adultery [24/2-17].

Interviewer: Is marriage the strongest argument you have?

Quranite: I believe it to be a very stong argument which shows that homosexuality and its practice is forbidden in God's system. In the quran it is said that one should not be having akhdanin [companions/associates affected with sensual appetency (male/female); see: 4/24-25; 5/5], but rather that one should be chaste, "Let those who are not able to marry continue to be chaste until God enriches them of His Bounty" [24/33]. Marriage as we have seen is a contract between a man and a woman. The quran speaks of the man's duty to support his wife [4/34] and how they are to deal with flirtatious behaviour [4/23; 128]. You will not see instructions on how a husband should be with his husband or a wife with her wife. Any relationship outside of marriage is forbidden and one is encouraged to remain chaste. Therefore if homosexuals cannot be spouses it is forbidden.
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