Interviewer: Why is it that you do not follow ahadeeth?

Quranite: We all do not follow some ahadeeth at some point. We all pick and choose according to our agreeableness with the saying.

Interviewer: So you follow some of the ahadeeth?

Quranite: Sure. I appreciate the ahadeeth of Dante, namely his Comedia, and the hadeeth (saying), "different men delight in different deeds" from the Odyssey because they are meaningful. I think I should mention that the word hadeeth means discourse, tale, story, or narration. It does not refer exclusively to the literature of Muhammad's teachings or practices. The quran is hadeeth [77/50]. In fact the word hadeeth has been used in the quran 27 times [4/42, 78, 140; 6/68; 7/185; 12/6, 21, 101, 111; 18/6; 20/9; 23/44; 31/6; 33/53; 34/19; 39/23; 45/6; 51/24; 52/34; 53/69; 56/81; 66/3; 68/44; 77/50; 79/15; 85/17; 88/1].

Interviewer: So do you have similar views with the Sunnah of Muhammad?

Quranite: The Sunnah of Muhammad is not always agreeable to me. Does he have a sunnah? Sure, we all do. I think however that what the messenger of God followed was the inspiration imprinted on his heart by Gibreel [6/50].

Interviewer: What is the difference between hadeeth and sunnah.

Quranite: Hadeeth as you know is a saying or story. Sunnah means customary action or institution. It comes from the root Sin Nun which means "to follow a path" and has been used in the quran 11 times [3/137; 4/26; 8/38; 15/13; 17/77; 18/55; 33/38, 62; 35/43; 40/85; 48/23]. In the quran the sunnah has been used in the context of God's dealings with the people and using the institution of others as an admonition.
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