Bani Israel, a previous community of believers, are set forth for us as an example in the following ayats/verses.

And Moses said to his people: �God orders you to slaughter a heifer.� They said: �Do you mock us?� He said: �I seek refuge with God that I not be of the ignorant ones.� They said: �Call upon your Lord for us that He may clarify which it is.� He said: �He says it is a heifer neither too old nor too young, an age between that. So now do as you are commanded.� They said: �Call upon your Lord for us that He may clarify what color it is.� He said: �He says it is a yellow heifer with a strong color, pleasing to those who see it.� They said: �Call upon your Lord for us that He may clarify which one it is, for the heifers all look alike to us and we will, God willing, be guided.� He said: �He says it is a heifer which was never subjugated to plough the land, or water the crops, free from any blemish.� They said: �Now you have come with the truth.� And they slaughtered it, though they had nearly not done so. (2:67-71)

This is a powerful set of ayat because they show me that God does not seek to overburden our lives with details that we have to think about. All the little details which Bani Israel are worried about were not necessary.

The order - Sacrifice a heifer.

The response - A) An abrupt call for details and/or clarity as to what the heifer is. B) The color of the heifer. C) They finally want to get drop dead specific, which heifer is it exactly!

Why are the details that they asked for not necessary? We are told in al-quran that God does not forget (see 20:52). Now the question stands, if God does not forget then who are the people to remind God to put in details that He did not have a mind to put there in the first place? Another thing which may be of importance is that Bani Israel was perhaps asking for details as a means of stalling, to withhold what they must do because in their hearts they really did not want to do it. Did they truly want clarity or was there an unwillingness there to carry out the command as ordered? Is choosing to pick the best course not in their best interest since in doing so they will be submitting to God? The sunnah/method of God remains the same and since this is the case with Bani Israel, it just so happened to be the case with Muhammad's people (see 8:5-6). When the truth is made plain, the people will dispute it and asking for details is an example of this.

Another example regarding details which are not given is in the case of Muhammad and his people.

And because you do not bring them a sign, they say: �If only you had brought one.� Say: �I only follow what is inspired to me from my Lord. This is an evidence from your Lord, and a guide and mercy to a people who believe.� (7:203)

The people call for a sign from Muhammad that is not there and the reply of the messenger is simply that he follows only what God has inspired him with. In other words that which God gives is enough for Muhammad (see 29:45-51).

Recite what is inspired to you of the Scripture, and hold the assembly; for the assembly prohibits evil and vice, and the remembrance of God is the greatest. God knows everything you do. And do not argue with the people of the Scripture except in the best manner; except for those who are wicked amongst them; and say: �We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our god and your god is the same; to Him we surrender.� And similarly, We have sent down to you the Book. Thus, those whom We have given the Scripture will believe in it. Also, some of your people will believe in it. The only ones who mock Our revelations are the rejecters. You were not reciting any scripture before this, nor were you writing one down by your hand. In that case, the doubters would have had reason. In fact, it is a clear revelation in the chests of those who have been given knowledge. And it is only the wicked who doubt Our revelations. And they said: �If only signs would come down to him from his Lord!� Say: �All signs are with God, and I am but a clear warner.� Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you the Scripture, being recited to them? In that is a mercy and a reminder for people who believe. (29:45-51)

We see that with God are all signs and that the scripture which is with the people is not enough in their eyes. They are calling for signs that are not there, they are looking for things that God did not choose to put down, not because God forgot to reveal them, or needs to be reminded to reveal certain signs. Take the signs of God as they are and work with them in the best possible manner (see 39:18).
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