And We had made a pledge to Adam from before, but he forgot, and We did not find in him the will power. (20:115)

The Danger of �Forgetting� God

A sign is showed onto us from the story of Joseph (12:7). It is narrated that:

And some women in the city said: �The wife of the Governor is trying to seduce her young man from himself; she is taken by love. We see her clearly misguided.� So when she heard of their scheming, she sent for them and prepared a banquet for them, and she gave each one of them a knife. And she said: �Come out to them,� so when they saw him they exulted him and cut their hands, and they said: �God be praised, this is not a human, but a blessed Angel!� She said: �This is the one whom you blamed me for, and I have seduced him from himself but he refused. And if he does not do what I command him, he will be imprisoned, and he will be one of those disgraced.� He said: �My Lord, prison is better to me than what they are inviting me to do. And if you do not turn their scheming away from me, I will fall for them and be of the ignorant.� (12:30-33)

In the above narrative we are presented with a senerio with which I shall begin this article. In this senerio the women of the city clearly see that the wife of the Governor has transgressed against herself in trying to seduce Joseph. The women clearly have an understanding of what is right from what is wrong. The wife of Governor invites these women to a banquet and it is here that we are presented with some allegorical lessons.
(1) The knife represents the dangers that are easily handed to us, and (2) the cutting of the hands represents the consequenses of paying little heed to these dangers.

So what happens? The women are aware of what is right as can be seen in their disdain for the actions of the wife of the Governor toward Joseph. Yet when they see Joseph they seem to forget these ethical codes that they formerly exhibited to be part of their creed of beliefs. For in their forgetfulness they slip and cut themselves. Instead of exulting God for such a wonderful creation as Joseph, they exult in and praise Joseph, forgetting all about God!

The Scripture/s is/are the Reminder/s

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