I'm sitting here on a Saturday night watching this stupid infomercial because Conan O'Brien's not on. This man doing the infomercial, Kevin Trudeau, is the author of the novel "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About." The book is about natural cures, claiming there is a natural cure for almost any disease known to man, and he has all the cures listed in his new book. Cures include Cancer, MS, Arthritis, PMS (that would be a great cure), smoking, addictions, Weight Loss, etc etc etc for about 250 different diseases. Apparently he has somehow stumbled on "Natural Cures" for every disease known to man without a doctor's license, funding for research, basis, or reasoning. All he needed was a quack publisher to bind his nonsense. Not only is the work frivelous, but also dangerous. If someone is going to be such a follower as to believe that methods in your book will help their diseases, and not seek professional medical help, their health will only decline. It's sad to see how morons benefit my evolution when their life is the price to pay for someone's get rich quick scheme.

Trudeau has a simple background. He first started out by making falsey shitty products and selling them over infomercials. He received many consumer complaints with the FTC. He was sued for $2 million because of his claim that Coral Calcium Supreme would cure cancer. I guess he broke a lot of hearts at The Hutch. He also came under fire for advertising that Biotape, an adhesive strip would cure arthritis and back pain. Trudeau was banned in 2003 from ever producing, appearing in, or sponsoring an infomercial that advertises a product or service making a claim that any product, program, or service can cure, treat, or prevent any disease or provide health benefits. The order�s ban on future infomercials exempts infomercials for books, newsletters, and other informational publications.

So since books are exempt from the rules, he has written his book and is back on the air making informercials about his stupid book, claiming that "nothing will come of disease research, because hospitals and doctors only want you to be sick, or they would be out of business. When was the last time that a disease was cured?" Forgot Polio there Trudeau. It has been nearly eradicated, as well as measles and mumps, we are vaccinated for those and never get it. And he also claims that all of the money gone into research will never come up with positive results. Interesting, because on the news just before the infomercial was a nice segment about a brand new breakthrough with HIV, infact it was so phenomeonal that the Government has doubled the funding for production and tests. I trust that breakthrough more than I trust taking calcium pills for cancer.

Trudeau spends the most of his informercial screaming about conspiracy. Screaming about how drug companies don't care about effectiveness of drugs, only how well the drug sells. The drug companies ONLY care about money. But your book Trudeau, which sells for $20-30 new, only gives vague descriptions of these so called "Natural Cures." On nearly each page, it says to refer to the website database for a more "indepth explanation." This database costs $10/month to access. You are trying to suck every single penny out for your scam that you can. That's a classic example of the pot calling the kettle black.

Well I'll tell you something Trudeau. Those drugs are selling a lot better than your book because they ARE doing something, apparently doing more than your natural remedies. The nice thing about doctors is that they don't write prescriptions based on commercials they've seen for a drug. Shit, Zoloft sounds new! Why don't you try that one! If healing arthritis and back pain was as simple as putting adhesive strips all over yourself, 3M would be a nobel prize winning company. Trudeau's informercials rely so heavily on claiming conspiracy that he doesn't have to rely on the book to sell itself, he only has to rely on stupid people to buy the book who can believe a stupid story. Only morons would take advice and buy a book and actually test these "cures" on themselves without looking into Trudeau's fraudulant background. Kevin Trudeau is a twat-sack.

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