This is my page where I am posting hatemail regarding comments I have made to anime fans who had built Myspace profiles based on anime characters. These jokes basically had to do with them wasting internet space or stealing their lunch money. Some took it better than others, and the people who took it well are now my friends. Some of them have emailed me telling me what their race is, some say they're black, some say they're part Japanese. What difference does that make? What do you want? A fuckin cookie? Note: I am an anime fan. I do not hate people who like anime! This was merely a joke. I sent about 5 messages and have so far received angry replies from over 70 people. Not all of them are posted. If I emailed you one of those 5 statements and it hurt your feelings, I apologize. If you are just another clown jumping on the bandwagon to throw curses and threats, get fucked. The hatemail will be written in bold, my replies will be written in standard font. The hatemail starts here:

>Hey nerd, watch yourself behind every corner, I will be there to take your lunch money. If you are reading this, it's passed your bedtime

Watch your mouth, yo mama's here.

>Hey! Nice one Loser!! Is that what you learn with the money your parents spend on your education?

This is getting really annoying. So unless you plan on sending me your address, or a place we can meet, I would suggest not fucking with me anymore. You see, I don't mess with people who talk shit online.

>What are you gonna do? Beat me up? I suggest you beat up your friend Tasuki because he's taking it like a bitch. He hasn't even sent me a retarded reply yet comparable to yours.

First off, who the fuck is Tasuki? Secondly, I don't let people just talk shit to me. You came here startin' shit, and quite frankly, you don't know me, so you surely don't have the right to talk to me like you do. If you want to continue on, then let me know.

>Well if you stopped making stupid anime pages because you wish you were Japanese, since you seem to have the impression that all Japanese people watch anime, then I wouldn't have to make fun of you. I talk to nerds however I want, nerd. Yes I know you, you're the same as every other damn anime nerd that plagues this planet. I hope you choke on your tongue while you sleep. I call that S.A.N.D.S. Sudden Anime Nerd Death Syndrome.

Here it is. 1) I like anime. I don't want to be Japanese. I like the animation, and made this site because I like the character. 2) If you ever think you know me, a black man, again, I will beat the shit out of you in front of your bitch. 3) How pathetic is your mother fuckin' life, that you spend your time coming after people just trying to relax. Seriously, you must have spent your time beating off while trying to find any site created after an animation. So finish off, tell me where you want to meet up to settle this, or fuck off. I'm here minding mine, I suggest you go mind yours. Really and truly, only bitches go back and forth, and I ain't no bitch. You see, I don't carry my balls in my pocket. So go ahead and run off at the mouth, because I'm gon treat you like the rest of my bitches, because all they do is run off at the mouth too. So now I realize that you're like a woman. Go ahead and keep talking. Uh-huh, Yeah. Keep talking.

>Ha ha ha, you're funny. Being black makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it? Why even bring that up? What do you want for it, a fuckin cookie? Well, if you want to meet, why not Tokyo? Nov. 5th, at the Touyoucho West Entrance on the Ginza subway line. Can you make it? Or are you too unemployed to afford the ticket. Buy the ticket, take the ride. And that's where my girl lives (us white folk refrain from using the word bitch when referring to women, because it's a dirty derogatory generalization). So only bitches go back and forth huh? Need I remind you that this was your 4th reply?? Sounds like a bitch to me if I've ever seen one. You just sound like a bitch that likes to get the last word in.

So "finger" do you know I am part Japaniese? No you don't know that do you? Do you know, my very loving friend, who's real name is Seshomaru, recieved your message? Do you know he puts up an anime profile because he feels like it? Do you know you don't rule other peoples lives? Well you should. People have a right to put up WHATEVER type of profile they want to.

Don't EVER send Seshomaru that kind of message again saying don't put up an anime profile bla bla bla. He is my greatest friend. He does not care what you think, and when you think it. I lost all of my familiy and am living alone right now, and that I am living under an assumed name, for my real name is Rin, and when the time comes, I am going to visit him. I do not need to fight his battles, but when some arrogant idiot wants to mess with people, especially my greatest friend, let me tell you something. I go after those idiots. You "finger" happen to be a very big idiot. Leave my friend alone, for what he does has no concern for you.


>Ha ha, actually your friend sesshomaru does care what I think, or he wouldn't have replied 4 times. What do I care if you're part Japanese? What do you want for it? A cookie?

Oh yeah, I also think it's cute how you role-played in your hatemail. You only succumbed yourself to my point.

Fuck you bitch...burn in the depths of hell u dog rapeing piece of fuck shit you you would like to fuck bush wouldn't u! u fat cunt whore!FUCK YOU U FUCKING FUCKFACE!! WHEN I SEE YOU U ARE SOOO FUCKING DEAD BITCH!!!!!FUCK A DOG U SICK FUCKING FUCK HEAD


Bang Bang
What the Hell is your problem?! What is so wrong with being interested in anime?! What is so wrong with that? Tell me because I am so despaerate to know what the hell your problem is... you waste of flesh! Just because people are interested in other things than you are doesn't mean that you should send a death wish for these people! That is vile and rude... why are you so against fans of Japanese animation... its not like its dangerous or anything you ass! FUCKER!!!!!!!

>Just another ass jumping on the bandwagon. There is nothing wrong with being interested in anime, except for the fact that I can see you have spent so much time watching it and not paying attention in school...moron. Did you read your message before you sent it? Pompous ass.

If this matter concerns you to this level of stupidity... I wouldn't mind it if you were to inform me of your intelligence qoutient... if that isn't too much trouble for a writer of your caliber. Then again, knowing an imbecile's intelligence quotient such as your own, would be a waste of my memory... but if you would like to share your stupidity, I'm sure that my mind can fit two numbers...I am not suggesting that I would decapitate you if you were to not share, but seeing as you can freely express your hatred to people who find anime intriguing, I do not see why you wouldn't share your measly intelligence quotient... Thank You for your cooperation...

>The only reason this concerns me to this level of stupidity is because you morons are flooding my inbox. Some of you say that I don't have anything better to do. Look around. Look at all of these messages. I only posted half of the ones that were received, I tried to weed out of lot of the immatures, and it was really hard to decide amongst the rest. I have never seen a dolt occult with nothing better to do with their lives in my fucking life. You want me to leave you alone? Then quit sending me mail douchebag.

Mr. Finger,

A friend of mine has informed me that you do not like people who have anime myspace profiles. I would just like to know why, if it is not too much trouble. If you, however, all ready hate me due to the fact that I have an anime profile, disregard this message and continue on with your life.


Chii (Ami)

>Cool. I'll do that.

Mr. Finger, Thank you for your time, but I must ask, did I sound rude enough to you that I am to be made fun of? I only asked a mere question about your opinion. On your website, you say that all the hatemail is written in bold. This message wasn't meant to be hatemail. I, like Nick who is under my message, saw a bulletin about you and I just wanted to know why you didn't like anime fans who have myspaces such as mine. I'm sorry if I offended you. Please forgive me.


Chii (Ami)

>Alright Ami, I do apologize for the above. Since your email is not hatemail nor absurdly rediculous I have posted it as bold/italicized to distinguish. Please keep in mind that I was going through these for about 3 hours last night, and I did them in a hurry. No, I do not hate you for having an anime profile. No, I do not hate people who like anime. I was teasing somebody who did, and his words escalated, so did mine. Now we have this circus. No Ami, I do not hate you. I don't know you. Thanks again.

I got some wierd bullitin saying you were making fun of anime nerds, and as one I just wanted to say that not all anime nerds are the way you think we are. I know not all japanese people don't watch anime, infact there is alot of anime i really don't like, i'm just a fan of a few specific cartoons that just happened to come from japan. So this is just saying don't group all anime nerds in one big heap some of us are normal and intelligent people who just really like cartoons and comics, and just between you and me some of those anime profiles are pretty funny. -Nick

>Ah Christ! They're posting bulletins now? I guess I must have set off quite the red alert, homeland security is at it's greatest height now. Thanks for the info Nick. I appreciate your level headedness. I'm sure the top of my page answered your question.

wat do u thik u is trying to messing with miwa u fucken little shit!!!!

>This is what's wrong with the youth of the nation. Crack a fucking book asshole. Primitive Moron. While you were watching TV did you ever check out any of the Hooked on Phonics infomercials?

tell me do you have a problem with people into anime?check out my profile and tell me if you classify me as a nerd

>There is a difference between a fan and a nerd. I am a fan. You look like a fan too. After viewing your profile I can see you're in touch with other things as well. Especially your Jessica Alba obsession. She's fucking hot.

H to the E-L-E-N motha trucker
you an ass hole. why do u have to target little high schoolers that are "nerds". i hope u know nick is very nice he just has an odd hobby for anime. so would u please stop bothering him. i mean ur friggin 21 and picking on a 17 year old...ur a real class act.

>I'm sorry, please forgive me. I was bullied and picked on all through school too, and I was beaten on a regular basis so this is the only way I know how to feel better about myself... and how the hell did you make cheerleading? When you're 17 you should be studying for your SAT's. See any correlation in these emails? These are people who will never go to college or drop out.

You are the type of people who think all anime fans are nerds.That is not true, and they dont all wish they were japanese.GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU GODDAMN ASSHOLE, I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL AND IM THERE TO MAKE IT WORSE!!!I hope you choke on a biscotie and Die!!

>Therapist Joe says: Denial of a problem is the first sign that you have one. That is a tough act you wrote there, kinda cute if I do say so myself. It reminds me of a growling dachsund.

Oh,we have a smrt boy her trying to be calm and cool to screw around with our heads.Is this the way you get off?Insulting people and then talking in an intellectual way to anger us further.I can hanndle think what you typed would make me reply in a way that so many other people already have, with more hatemail?Just because some people are'nt japanese does not meen they shouldent watch anime.This will be the only time i reply like this in this in this message, BURN IN HELL YOU ASSHOLE!!!

>I'm being calm and collected because somebody around here has to be, you people sure as hell aren't. Yes, I am taking an intellectual stance to anger you to piss you off further. I have a PhD in psychology. I know how you think. Who the hell ever said that you shouldn't watch anime if you aren't Japanese? You pulled that one out of your own ass.

You say that some people who like anime wish they were japanese and that you dont like them for it, that makes you a hypocrite.I completely checked out your profile and found that a large number of asian friends, you take a yearly trip to japan, you learned how to speak japanese, and the tattoo on your back is by a japanese artist.If anyone here wants to be japanese its you.

>Holy shit, you read my profile? Great job detective, way to wrap up the investigation! I'm surprised you're the first one who's tried that! And no, I told one person he wished he was Japanese. I said it to Sesshomaru. I did not make that generalization about everybody, but I can see how it would be hard for you to grasp that. Yes, I can do all of those things you stated. I have been there a few times. You? Thought so. But you're quite the expert anyway aren't you? Here are some statistics: An average of 1 in 4 people in Japan watch Anime. There is a district in Tokyo called "Akihabara." It is a place where cosplayers go. There is a reason for that. It is the only place cosplayers can go. People who are cosplayers are not welcome anywhere else, except for Harajuku on Sundays. My point: There is more to Japan than anime. That is what this whole thing has been about. That's what you primates can't seem to grasp.

Smexy Shuichi
who are you and what do you have against anime!!!!!! -just recently hear for someone that you didn't like anime-

>Actually I do like anime. But that is a rather bold statement you're making. What if I didn't like anime? So what? Would that be okay with you? Why do I have to answer to you about my likes and dislikes?

hey well i never said i was mad i was just wondering what you had against anime thats all

>Absolutely nothing. I watch it too. Trigun, Ayashi No Ceres, Fushigi Yuugi, Shaman King, All Studio Ghibli motion pictures, Eva, Tenchi, Naruto, Full Metal Panic/Alchemist, list continues. I had a friend in Oklahoma make an AMV for me from Trigun. The video was completely directed by me in my vision. It is Trigun footage done to the song "In the arms of the angel" by Sarah McLachlan. The video is called "In the Arms of Vash." You can download from Cybermoon Studios, here is the link to the page: Cybermoon Studios. If you're giving me traffic, you may as well give some to my AMV friends as well. They do good work. Download their stuff, including my video. You may get some insight into my artistic vision.

SHUT THE FUCK UP, BITCH. ANIME FUCKIN' RULES. And if you wanna say anything that opposes that, well, all I have to say is BITE MY BONY WHITE ASS!!!!!! BITCH!!!!

>Ah yes, another one who so daringly opposes the 1st Ammendment. Why do I care that you're white? What do you want for it? A fuckin cookie?

this is in song: I-don't-give-a-fuck-you-don't-give-a-fuck-so-shut-the-fuck-up-BITCH!!!!!

>That's a mighty fine poetic song you've come up with. It's too bad to see you've gone so rediculous as to use someone else's primitively lyriced linguo than your own. I wrote a song for you too:

So great you can't write a line without a curse

Shut up or I'm gonna steal your purse.

i have recently been told u have been making fun of the anime pages, I personaly do not care, although i would like to know why.. not everyone who has an anime pages wants to be japanese. I admit there are some of the hopeless souls who are set on trying to be. plz respond with some answers, and a random thumbs up to ur tatoo, is looks to be based on that japanese artist.. wut was his name? hakusai or something along those lines.

>Hokusai Katsushika. And I hope this page is enough to answer your questions.

Lady Ayumi Sakura
I would greatly appreciate if you deleted your account and fucked off.

>I would greatly appreciate if you would do your homework little missy.

are u the butt-head that doesn't like anyone w/ a single hint of anime on their page, & instantly assumes that all those ppl think that every japanese person is into anime?

>No, but I get that a lot. Must be the hair.

butt munch. i'm not even as big of fans as those ppl are.

>What's with you and butt? Get laid.

stop putting my messages on ur fucking site!!!

>Then stop sending me messages. Are you blind? Did you not read my disclaimer on my myspace profile page specifically telling you that when you send me a message, I own it? You consented to me posting this here. Keep sending them, I'll keep posting them. By the way, you sent me this message at half passed midnight! Don't you have school in the morning? Or did your nerd friends not invite you to go out and make crop circles with them tonight?

ok, just tell me, why are u doing this? plz, just send me a real message this time.

>It is simple. I am doing it to be fair. I have nothing to hide. I think it is only fair that all of you have a place where you can view each other's messages in their entire form without people cutting and pasting "certain parts" to aggrevate their friends and post a bulletin about it to start a new war. You can view all of my responses to questions and slander. If you take a look, the questions are properly answered. The slander is returned with slander. I respond according to your level of maturity. Do you think that is unfair? I sent this to you in a real message form, but I also posted it on my webpage to try and get it through to the heads of the rest of the primates.

ok, now why do u hate anime fans?

>I do not hate anime fans. I am an anime fan. There are many animes that I watch and enjoy, regularly. It was a joke that got out of hand. Words kept escalating between me a Sesshomaru. The bulletin he posted was a small piece of the conversation, and taken out of context to be placed in a bulletin and I was a target for your arsonal. Was I deserving? Maybe. But will I sit here and listen to the self-righteous bullshit people fling at me? No. You people just went with it without looking into it, and sent me hatemail up to my 9th life. There were quite a few people who actually "evaluated" the situation before firing away. Those people are my friends now.

why do u think i'm one of them? i may be a fan, but i'm not a fanatic. all i really wanted to know was why u were doing that thing on ur other site, & sumthin else, but i least i'm not the full-on role-playing type, cuz those fanatics are just ______ weird.

>What was I supposed to think? You emailed me first, remember? I don't pick out exceptions in the hatemail. When I am sent a hatemail on the subject, I am going to assume they are apart of it. Simple as that. But on a more positive note, I am glad we got that cleared up, between you and me. Peace.

Eterna Human Form
right, anime sucks, so the one way that thing are interpreted correctly is by all means wrong by you, so were all just a bunch of idiots in the eyes of one who cannot see 3 feet in front of him........ you dont comprehend anime, you do not know the truth behind what we see, i guess you are blind as all trapped within thier own matrix, as i can see you are, yes ive been told what you think of people who do this, and when exactlyy did we say we all wanted to be japanese, ummm rrrrright, so just because we like anime we are atomatically anime nerd who do nothing more, and how did you coem up with this hypothese? i am very interested in the philosohpical bases to this, or if it has any bases to it at all, or are you just trying to repress us because we are in our own happy community, giong for the old witch hunt stlye fun stuff, were just because we like something or act a diffrent way we all desevre to be burned? that is what you are saying, its just like the nazi book buring people, taking what they like because it would be unsane to be reading or liking such things, well mr.finger i wouldnt go pionting the finger and judging people just beacuse you think you are god and desevre to do so, well we like what we do and do it beacuse we like to do so, and if your gonna repress us, well that very judgemental of you and well i dont wanna be japanese and i love anime, and i think theryr are some deep truth behind it that one must pay very hard attention to see, the simple pleasure of life, as many philosopher put it, such as locke and russo, there are pig pleasures and pleasure that last you a life time, and i think this is one of them, so why dont you stop repressing people about how they like to be please

>You know, honestly, I couldn't even bring myself to read your whole message. It sounded a lot like some excerpt from the book of Matthew.

What do you have against asians? You don't like Chinese, you don't mind Japan... WTF!? I'm both! What did we do? Why do you think of people who like anime as nerds? You wanna call anime fans nerds, call Japanese animators nerds, call Japanese game designers nerds, call all asians nerds for all I care, but here's the "tricky" part, TELL IT TO OUR FACES!!! GOT THAT!? You wanna call me a nerd, so be it, I don't care! My friends don't deserve to be called a nerd, but you deserve the title of "Supreme Racist!" 2Final words I have to say... FUCK OFF!!!

>Jesus Christ, where did that come from? I don't remember making any remarks whatsoever about hating a particular race, or liking one over the other. Call me a racist? You're the one who is making race the issue you fucking biggot. I don't see why you have to use your own race as a weapon or a handicap at your own discretion. I don't care what race you are! So you're half Chinese half Japanese? So fucking what? What do you want for it? A fuckin cookie?

did u say u hate people who love anime? cause i heard from a friend who heard from a friend that said u hate people who love anime because they r possers

>Nope. Entirely twisted. Hearsay will stretch as it makes it's way down the line. I'm sorry you had to hear such a stretched version, especially when no one understood it in the first place.

u kno wat i didnt go as hard on u as i should of when i read all those other messages thats wat got me pissed and i may curse and threaten people but i have my reason so here r my list of reasons for me to fuckin threaten u u asshole

1. u r a baka because u got 10000000000000000 anime fans pissed off for callin us nerds. that offends people like me and obviously 1000000000000000000 other people. i have gotten made fun sooooo many times for likin anime. i think this would b my 5th year of likin anime and gettin made fun of.

2. cause u said to everyone 'oooo go pik up a book go read' well u kno wat there r these things called manga and guess wat u read them and another thing if u havethe japanese version of an anime series then u READ the sub titles and another way anime fans read/rite is a thing called fanfiction!!!!!!!!!even thou thats not a real book it still meets ur readin and ritin like me!

3. if u want to call us nerds then y dont u call people who love music y dont u call them nerds or y dont u call people who love britney spears nerds y anime?y not sluts y dont u call them nerds? please tell me i would love to kno. o i just thought of people i bet u would love to make fun of people who love comic book and star wars and skool y dont u call them nerds???????? or book worms?????? or harry potter nerds they r nerds rite (i love harry potter to death im just tryin to get my point thru) sooooooo how bout it come on all those people up there that i named u can make fun of them rite?????????? u kno wat i say to u GO FUCK URSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. i may not b the best student or the best person in the world but i do have my good quailities but some of my friends love anime as much as me and mayb more but they r smarter than me and better then me in mostly every single thing i can think bout, they do all there homwork, still have time to hang out wit friends, go places and still watch anime so b4 u say ' do ur homework or pik up a book' just remember that there r many things u dont kno bout a person but u just found 1 lil detail and not wat they r about!

5. u r a hypocrite u say 'pik up a book' but one of ur hatemail this guy rote u a book and to quote u u said "You know, honestly, I couldn't even bring myself to read your whole message. It sounded a lot like some excerpt from the book of Matthew." so even if he did take it from a book (which bby the way im not implyin) that means that that guy reads and u just dont want to deal with 100000000000000000 people hate replyin


but the truth is - u brought this on urself baka? so wat do u want? A FUCKIN COOKIE?

>So all of those other messages pissed you off huh? Hint for the uneducated: Read the message above it. If you will notice, level headed messages received a level headed reply. Hatemail is answered in the same spite. Look at the first message you sent me. Look at the reply. Now look at this message you are sending me now. Now check out the reply. I will answer this number by number"

1.Exaggerations only hurt your case.

2. A manga huh? Actually I was refering to a textbook. I'm telling you to go get educated. Sounds like you could use a little.

3. Sluts are sluts. Musicians are musicians. I encourage bookworms. I encourage people who go to "Skool" which apparently isn't you.

4. So I don't know some things about people huh? Let me ask you this? What do you know about me? So now you are pushing your opinions on me because of what I "supposedly" think, telling me that I am wrong? Isn't that counterproductive? Possibly a double standard?

5. No, he did not write me a book. He wrote me a strung out message which was so ill-grammatically structured that I could not bring myself to finish it without cutting myself.

6. How dare you use my cookie line. Unoriginal. Get your own. Thought you had yourself a nice little coup de grace (pronounced "Koo Day Graw for morons like you) at the end of your message. On the contrary, it's worthless. So are you.

U KNO WAT FUCK U I DONT NEED U TO TELL ME I NEED AN EDUCATION AND IM WORTHLESS. and i use INTERNET talk i can sp things the way i want to say w/e i want to say like skool i really dont care about u all i kno is that u got 1000000000 people mad and i dont care if i do exaggerate cause thats who i am u think ur sooo high and mighty cause u push people around tellin them that they r rong and they have no life cause it revolves around anime so wat like ur just gonna rite a note to a couple of people and make fun of them for lovin anime and u expect not to get hatemail ur just like a bully at skool and yes i spelt it skool wat u r gonna do make fun of me for b'in myself? this is who i am - a music lovin anime freak. c i can call myself a freak cause its me but u cant. I KNO I AM STUPID OK I ADMIT IT BUT U JUST CANT TELL ME I NEED AN EDUCATION OK? I KNO I DID ALMOST FALL SKOOL FOR THE PAST 4 YEARS BUT ITS NOT BCAUSE OF ANIME IF NE THING ANIME AND MUSIC HELPED ME GET THRU SOOOOO MANY THINGS IN MY LIFE OK PEOPLE LOVE IT FOR DIFFERENT REASONS AND UR JUST A BULLY WHO SAY PEOPLE R STUPID AND U KNO I BET IF U WERE AT MY SKOOL U WOULD HAVE GOTTEN UR ASS KIKED BY NOW AND NOT JUST BY ME SO SHUT UR FUCKIN MOUTH U COK SUCKER!!!!!!!!

>Ya know, maybe your eyes are so glazed over by television static that you had missed the point of what I am trying to say. Why the hell do you care so much about my opinion, and getting your point across to me? You're just as pushy as those bible thumping fuckin soul solicitors that show up on my door step every Saturday morning and tell me if I don't except Jesus I will burn in hell fire. You didn't have to tell me that you were stupid and failed school 4 times. I had come to that conclusion on my own. That seems to be the running verdict with a lot of you primates. And yes, I say it is YOU primates who are forcing your opinion on ME, because all I have been doing is replying. I have spent the last 2 nights sifting through your primitive garbage and trying to make sense of your moron messages, and giving you a deserving reply based on the message you sent. You want it to no longer be a problem? Then quit being so Goddamn concerned about what I think you twat. I am only replying! Every message here except the very first one sent to Sesshomaru has been a reply. Primitive Screwhead.

I have a question for you (note that this is not nikki-chan). Why do you feel the need to see who will get angry at you? Do you get off on people's anger or something? Why don't you just let people like what they like regardless of what you think? Do you feel the need to look down upon them just because you don't agree with some of them. Not all people want to be Japanese. Most people watch anime or read manga's just because they like them. It has nothing to do with being Japanese. It's one of those simple pleasures, just to kick back, relax and watch something. You are 21 years old. At that age, shouldn't you be doing something constructive with your time, rather than putting people down. At this point, why do you even care what is written back to you? Telling people they are stupid just because of they way they write and act. Maybe some people aren't as articulate as they would like to be when they are angry. Do you really feel the need to make high school students and other people feel like they are inferior to you. After all this, all I am trying to say is grow up and get a real life. If you had one, you wouldn't have found the need to make a hate-based mail site. Go back to college or get a job. Whatever floats your boat, just don't attempt to make people feel inferior to yourself, because after all is said and done, is it really worth it?

Dear friend of Crazy Chick,
I am the insane asian friend of the one called "Finger". I have decided that since so many were kind enough to reply to "Finger" that I would take the time to give my input. I take it that your friend "Nikki-chan" who has made an anime based page on "myspace" has decided that her own life was not worth talking about. So after realizing this, she has taken it upon herself to pass herself off as an anime character. At least this is what one would think if they were to view her page. Actually there are many who did this. I think "Finger" sent a rather harmless email, calling someone a "Nerd" but the Japanese translation is "Otaku" which one of its meaning is "Anime Lover". Of course there are other translations to this. In fact some can see this as an insult. But I would take it as acknowledgement that one loves anime. I would call myself an anime fan. In fact if you actually look at "Finger's" website where he has posted many replies you can see that he himself is proudly an admirer of fine Japanese anime. I would beg you to look at the following articles that outline the fine line between watching the occasional anime to making it a life choice.

I am sure you are familiar with Dungeons and Dragons. People who have played this game have been labeled Devil worshipers. But, yes even the great Tom Hanks has been a part of this one. "Mazes and Monsters" if you are unaware of such. Even Vin Diesel has had his moments of Dungeons and Dragons and even video games. Now I would even bet that one who plays video games and Dungeons and Dragons would have had to watch some anime. Following me. Cause here is the important part. The difference between such people as "Finger", Vin Diesel, and Tom Hanks who appriecate fine works of imagination, and those who have replied with Vulgar remarks like "Baka" "Fuck You" and "Bitch" who are making there life around pen and ink characters to the point where they cannot tell the difference between life and the imaginary is simple. They have drawn a line between illusion and reality.

Now we get to you email. Does "Finger" have anything to do better than make people angry? This is the question right? So I am here to answer that. Yes, in fact "Finger" is not trying to make anybody angry. Others are angry at him. He is only replying to messages that have been sent to him. "Hate Mail". I have read the mail that finger has sent to the orginal people. I believe that he is trying to "save" them from themselves before they become so engrossed in anime that they forget about a life. Having social skills to deal with life and all its curves that it throws. Apparently the majority of those who have replied have fallen into despair about their lives that a little criticism has made them go on a rampage of vulgar remarks and "Hate Mail" where they have said the first uncivilized remarks to "Finger". So naturally "Finger" has pointed out their lack of dealing with such social situations. In fact I would not be shocked if said people did not fly into 3-year old fits of rage when angry. These people are dangerous, "Finger" is a visionary. As the Jesus of the new world he is trying to open the eyes of the blind to the real world. What better to do with your time than save people?

So Yes it is really worth it.

Sincerly "Finger's" asian friend.

Please help "Finger's" message to the world and spread this around. Email to 10 people you know and care about or you will fall into they decay of "Otaku".

i just have a couple things to say to u in the calmest way i can cause bitchin bak and forth isnt gonna get far ok i never said u had to love anime all im sayin is dont diss anime THATS ALL IM FUCKIN SAYIN!!!!!!! srry bout that ::takes deep slow breaths:: just please dont make fun of me!!!!!!!!!! thats wat makes u an asshole (and my friend is here and she can vouch for me when i say this) my friend got all As did kikboxin babysit her brothers and sister (3 of them) rite fanfics, sea cadets (she hated it but suked it up) hung out with her friends and family and STILL HAS TIME FOR SOOO MUCH ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she thinks ur a 'motherfuckin bloody bastard' for sayin that and shes scarin me rite now and thats not a good thing. so in conclosion (I REALLY DONT CARE IF I EVEN SPELT NE WORKS RONG BECAUSE IM JUST "THAT STUPID" AS U SAY) dont b a bully and tell people that they r nerds and that they dont have lives and i have just 1 q for u y do u care wat people do in their spare time like watch anime?

>You know, bitchin back and forth isn't gonna get far huh? Then quit sending me email. The first night, I received emails from 90 different people. The second night, I received emails from 20 different people. Tonight I have received emails from less than 10 people. You just can't let it go. Are you so ashamed of who you are that you have to prove yourself to me and yourself? And now you're telling me not to make fun of you. What a novel request. I was not making fun of you, I was replying to you in the same regard in which you wrote to me. Quit being so fucking dense. You threw the first pitch, remember? You said making fun of you makes me an asshole in your message above. So taking into consideration that you wrote me hatemail first, it's time for you to do some self-reflection and actually think, because you obviously haven't thought about what you have written. I know your type. You're a punk-bitch. Do you know what punk-bitches do? Watch the rest of their class graduate. So I'm doing you a favor. You're grounded. I've restricted you from emailing me. Ciao.


let's see i like anime and I AM JAPANESE! so does that still qualify me as a weird white nerd who likes anime? ummm no

>So you're Japanese huh? What do you want for it? A fuckin cookie?


so u fuking think juss bcause we hav anime pages u think we wanna b japanese well u got everything wrong we hav anime pages beacuse we like anime alrite and ur calling me freind a nerd!? u better sthu WHITE GUY me and my AZN freinds will kick ur ass motha fucka and y r u going around telling ppl that u hate anime

>So you're AZN huh? What do you want for it? A fuckin cookie? I'm so sick of you fucking biggots. Although I do have to give you credit, you are a creative individual. I think you made up some words in there. Get in your Honda and leave me alone. And the point of this whole thing was that I DO LIKE ANIME!! Not only are you nerds good at sucking, but also twisting things.

project zero
ya you will burn in hell wants i find you and your little friend will go down and i dont have prombles with asian i like asian people

>So once you find me and my little friend, I think that's what you meant. Which little friend are you talking about? Pick one. Last time I heard I didn't have a partner in crime in this whole ordeal. I like Asian people too. Check out my profile. My girlfriend happens to be one.

So ... you don't like people with anime profiles eh? Well guess what ... your the biggest diaper baby I have ever seen! Talk about wishing you were Japaese. If I ever see you on the streets you are a dead man! I will rip your weener off and force feed you your own nuts!!! What do you think of that tough guy?! Oh ya ... I HATE DIRTY JAPS!!! So there! P.S. EAT SHIT!!!

>So you hate dirty japs huh? Guess you didn't read my little disclaimer! Surprise Cockface! You've gone Public!! So I'm a diaper baby huh? Well you're a poop face.

Oh no, I've gone public?! Boy, you realy got me there! What will I ever do now? Guess what ... I don't give two shits!!! You're an internet fag!!! Now that's public too!

>Wow, more homosexual slander. You know, I just checked out your site. Everything with you is homosexual, using the word gay multiple times, and calling me an "internet fag," sounds to me like you're a little obsessed with the subject. I also scrolled down to your religion, which says "Christain-other." Doesn't your God tell you not to judge? Didn't your Jesus tell you "He who is without sin may cast the first stone?" Well you casted the first stone on me. That's pretty high and mighty of you. In fact, I would go so far as to say that you would consider Jesus Christ himself "gay" compared to you, since that's such a popular word in your primitive dialogue. You're just another Hypocrite, another Holier than Thou pompous bitch. Take your bible and shove it up your ass, since that's where you preach from. Stupid Hypocrite.

I just read this bullitin some kid posted about u baggin on anime people. first of all ur gay and second u got a fuckin gay fake spiderman warlock which u should be ashamed of u fag much less be putting a picture of it online for people to see its sorry ass. u probably dont even know how to play guitar do you. and last of all if thats ur tattoo on ur default pic that just confirms that ur a gay little bitch

do me a favor and choke on ur tongue before it is ripped from your throat

>Wow, we've gone from racial bashing to homosexual bashing? Got a problem with homosexuals? Sounds like you're just insecure. So you have such a low stance and control over the situation that you have to lower yourself to bashing a skill that I have acquired, that you have never heard. I also couldn't help but notice the background to your profile is an H.R. Giger piece, a definately accomplished artist. Did you know Giger was a homosexual? If your remarks of biggotry and intolerance for equality make me a shitty guitar player, does that mean Giger is a shitty artist too? That your taste in art is shitty? A wise man once said, "I call that transference. We hate and mock others for what we see in ourselves." And of course having a tattoo also makes me a homosexual, right? As far as your mocking of tattoos goes, in the words of another great man, "You're just a pussboy who's afraid of needles." Primitive Screwhead. There's plenty cookies to go around. Care for one? Oh yeah, by the way I forwarded your message on to the 5 largest Myspace Homosexual Communities. Two can play this game. I fear for your inbox.

Baka what the hell is wrong wit u leave us alone why the hell do bother people who has anime based backgrounds why the hell are u like that u ass. just leave us alone ur like a fuckin slut wantin 2 sux more dick just get off of ours danm. if u gonna talk about anime based background why do u want to learn japanses so u can go to japan u just like the rest of use u bitch so stop fuckin bitching a bout our backgrounds and go somewere.

>"If I'm going to talk about anime backgrounds why do I learn Japanese so I can go to Japan just like the rest of you?" You narrow minded ignorant piece of shit. You are one of the people that give a bad name to "anime fans" you stupid nerd. So I see how it is. I can't like Japan without liking anime? Is anime the only thing that exists in Japan? Tool.

ha well i watch anime and i am not a nerd. i play foot ball and a lot of other sports. and i am rather good. and one other thing. what do you think would happen if we had no nerds in the world. we would always be at war because there would be no way to stop the testosteron build up. so shut the fuck up you mocho pig.

>So if there were no nerds the world would always be at war because there would be no way to stop the testosteron build up? Good. I am glad you nerds are all keeping the estrogen levels in check.

I got this bulletin today concerning your views, and it seems to me that you are bringing this haitmail upon yourself. I would understand if it is just that you don't like certain people and you want to rant about it, but why do you have to attack people personally? Don't you think that if you attack them, they will attack you back? That's the way the world goes, man.

I don't care if you put this message on your page, because all it would do is to show everybody how hypocritical you are.

Thank you for your time.

p.s. not all people who have pages like these want to be japanese, sometimes it is just a profound appreciation for anime.

>I never disagreed that I was bringing this on myself. That infamous bulletin was simply an excerpt taken from a strung out back and forth conversation. But when did I ever agree that my friends, family and girlfriend have to be brought into this? What fucking right have you? Coward. I could care less about your empty threats to me. Yes, I will put this on my webpage, but honestly I don't see how it makes me a hypocrite, especially since you consented to me posting it. Are you so ignorant and narrow-minded? This website is here for YOUR BENEFIT! I am giving you the opportunity to read each other's questions and ranting, and read my response to each and everyone in Full Context!

Latoya's the lonely loner
f-u mr finger i dont care if u dont like anime pics but since u occupy the same space as us anime lovers u can either live with it or leave myspace, and the reason for myspace is so that everyone can express their own views, we are entitled to do our profiles anywhich way we want to just like u so suck my pussy

>Wow, I love it how this is such an ongoing thing. You are the only people making this ongoing. Yes, myspace is a place for love, peace, hippies yadada yadada. I really love how someone like you can sound so intelligent and enlightened and ruin it all with a suck my pussy remark. I checked your profile. You're 17. Call me next year.

oohh n u have time time to look for ppl that has a myspace like this n sent thme messages ur the LOSER n y the fuck do u care who the hell r u tell me what to do!!!!

>Nope. Found your page when I was searching for REAL people from Tokyo. You primates are sorry excuses. You put up fake profiles because you feel your own lives are so uninteresting and unnecessary to share.

i have my own myspace about me n i dont think my life is uninteresting.....y are u doing this neways? arent u just wasting ur time bcuz u kno u cant convince all the ppl that has a myspace like me to delete there account

>Forgive my late response, I've been at the bar with my friends drinking some Rolling Rock and singing some Karaoke. I never asked anybody to delete their account. That's your farce. What I sent to you was merely a joke, I sent it to 4 other people as well. Send me the link for your real page and I'll re-evaluate you. Why am I doing this? Look at all the losers who have sent me "hatemail." What these punks have been sending me is nothing shy of atrocious. I never cursed at or threatened any of those primates until they did so to me. Not to say the least they have not looked into the situation before they all jumped on the bandwagon and replied in the most vulgar way to a bulletin that was nothing more than a snippet of a back and forth conversation taken out of context. Just to let you know, not that I haven't said it a dozen times on my hatemail page, but I am an anime fan. In fact, Fushigi Yuugi happens to be my favorite anime. I am an admirer, but not the "Otaku" status that so many are proud to be. Don't believe me? Your character is Miaka, the priestess of Suzaku from Fushigi Yuugi. Nuriko is my favorite character. It was a shame that HE had to be the first one to die. Still don't believe me? Check out my pictures on Myspace. You will see a picture of me at the Studio Ghibli museum in Tokyo, one of the places I was dying to see the first time I went, standing next to one of the La Puta characters, though I'm intimidated because he's way bigger than me. My girlfriend's best friend was the Japanese voice actress of Chihiro in Spirited Away. She went by the actress name of Rumi Hiiragi, but I'm not about to give out her real name. I respect Miyazaki greatly, because not only is he an artist, but also a descriptive story teller and an outstanding musician. Before he was an anime director, he was a composer. I embrace imagination, but not getting so wrapped up in ideas, especially ideas that are not your own that you forget your own identity. Maybe not you, but I know a few, personally, who have. It's a crying shame. And I'm sure the same story goes for all of the primates who sent me hatemail. But I do thank you for sending me a message without curses or being degrading this time, it is a nice and civilized change from you. So I have extended you the same courtesy in replying to you in the same fashion. Ciao.


I have evaluated many people from the anime community here, and the majority of them are pond scum. If you have seen the stuff sent to me, people who are jumping on the band wagon to hollar out a "fuck you" or "baka" or "bitch," they're all primates. Those are the people who are screaming the loudest and have the least to say. Many of you are tools who are going to use those obscenities over something that "they heard I said" or send me those messages for the sake of feeling special. I have also made a few friends over this, because they were angry at the pond scum for giving their community a bad name. Let me tell you something that I am. A musician. I specialize in rock and acoustic classical. Let's use rock music as an example. I have many friends that love it. Let's say there is somebody who listens to Reggae who said that people who play Rock music can never write a good piece of music, that all the Rock music sounds the same with different words. Let's say all of my friends who listen to Rock music caught wind of that, and attacked this person with curses like "Fuck You," "Faggot" "Queer" "Gay" "Asshole" or "Bitch," I would be ashamed to call those people my friends. In no way would I want their views to represent me or represent Rock Music. I would tell my friends that did such that they are all blind followers. That is what the pond scum are. Many other people besides those who have emailed me have viewed this page, my page already had a following, and my following read your messages. Your messages to me is how Japanese Anime has been represented to them. You have been ambassadors of anime to many who had never seen it and now will never give it a chance, because of your cock-presentations on behalf of the anime community. Does this make you proud of yourselves?


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