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If I had one wish, any wish which I believe would make the U.S. a safer place from terrorists and insider stock trading, as well as lower the price of gas nationwide, and ultimately promote world peace, it would be this: To abolish anime nerds from Japanese language classes nation-wide. I am so sick of anime nerds in my Japanese class, that I begin to think, "Now I can see why Bin-Laden bombed the World Trade Center which he mistook for a Hilton and Mariott Hotel side by side where Anime Conventions were taking place. Now I can see why Martha Stewart sold stock on an inside tip in order to make money to leave the country. Now I can see why gas prices are so high due to the needless and excessive driving to "Anime Expos," as the Saudi Royal Family hates anime nerds and their expos, so we all have to be taxed on gas. And now I see why there can never be world peace as long as the anime nerds are causing us all to go crazy and war on our neighbors. The list goes on to my imagination.

Today in Japanese class, I learned that the word "Momiji" means "Maple Leaf," and also the name of a girl in an anime called "Blue Seed." I really hate the fact that when we learn something in class, some stupid ass student has to jump in and relate it to something that they saw in a Japanese cartoon. To me, there is as much significance in that as there is with a student in a Spanish speaking class relating something they learned to an item they saw on the menu at Taco Bell. "Teacher Teacher! I ate something called a Chalupa once!!!" Do you really think that you are going to impress the teacher by mouthing off about something she's had to listen to from other anime nerds over and over again for her entire teaching career? And these anime nerds take Japanese class for the one reason of being able to understand anime without subtitles, as they themselves stated. I can't believe it. That's like learning Spanish so you can order at McDonald's.

There's more to Japanese than Saturday morning cartoons and Pokemon for your Game Boy Advance. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not completely stereotyping here. There is an exception, because there is a difference between an "Anime Fan" and an "Anime Nerd," and what distinguishes the two is what you are entitled to. You are entitled to like anime, buy anime, wear anime t-shirts, and I guess it's okay to attend expos. You are not entitled educate my class about it, especially when you are not the teacher and it has no relevance to learning Japanese, especially when you're a fat girl trying to be cute by dressing like Sailor Moon. Now, there were a few anime nerds in my 1st year class, and none of them continued on to 2nd year. I guess a few from another class were able to sneak under the barbed wire fence into 2nd year, and I don't understand how, especially when they're not studying and only watching anime on their laptops that they carry around filled with anime video files...and gay porn.

There is also one more distinguishing factor between fans and nerds. Fans shower and change their clothes. They don't wear the same damn thing everyday. Sure, you have the freedom of expression, but not the freedom to sit around in your filth and fuckin stink because you only have one anime shirt so you wear it everyday to show everyone how much you love it. No one will ever love you, and you will die alone. Watching anime does not make you Japanese, and only about 25% of the Japanese population watch anime consistently (since just about everyone over there has seen Studio Ghibli Films, which I can't blame them since they have good stories, and are not watched just because they're anime films). Have fun on your death bed, as your only comfort will be a stuffed pikachu that you won in a raffle at an Anime Expo. The same pikachu that your ex-wife who is an anime nerd tried to get awarded from you during the divorce.


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