Who Are Your Children Talking To?

For the sake of proving a point, I preyed on an unsuspecting victim while he was alone, his username and email being censored out of the conversation, using the Best Buy Censor Bar. Yes, on the world of Online Chatting, you may have the wall pulled over your eyes, and be speaking with someone who is more than meets the eye. In the above picture, I listed my stats as a 16 year old female. Now, what's wrong with this picture? Cut the jokes wise-ass. Notice my username, and ask yourself, "What sounds so 16 year old femaleish about that?" This man loves beer? It should be as obvious as that name for everyone to realize that on the world of the World Wide Web, those lonely 40 year old men who are hardcore pedifiles can do something that they can't do anywhere else...pretend they are 16 again.

Now, I ask myself over and over, what's so great about chatting online with people in a different timezone, who you've never met and never will meet? What's so great about living in Seattle and saying, "I have a new friend...he lives in Arkansas." I've never met anyone from Arkansas, so frankly I don't give a rat's ass about anyone there. So, why sit behind a computer for hours and chat with someone you met online, out of state, when you can go out just about anywhere in your area, find a girl and bring her home? And how about that couple that met online, and got married in a chatroom? They had never met, chatted online, and got married in a chatroom. Now, who's with me when I say, "...what?"

So, why not cut the crap, get out in the city a bit, meet real people? I don't understand why some people have such a problem with it. Online chatting is an addiction, so please, if chatting consumes your time, you must go to a "Chat-aholics Anonymous." This is anything from a bowling alley, to a dance club, to a City Park, jeez, just anywhere. Just get away from those Arkansas folk, and do something socially healthy. Believe me, you'll thank me when you get the balls to talk to women who are not typing on the other end of a phone-line, 3,700 miles away. What would you rather do, walk 3,700 miles to meet this girl that you met online, or just a few blocks to a new girl at a coffee shop? The second option seems more valid to me.


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