Bewdley Facts
It is a little known fact that the Hollyoakes 'bum attack' was filmed in Bewdley. The red metro upon which the fictional buggering occured can be found in the museum, dented bonnet and all.
Luke- sodomised
Bewdley was bombed day and night during the Iraq war because American intelligence had identified local trout farmer Dennis Hayes as Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Bewdley council did not point out the mistake to the government because they were too busy preparing for Britain in Bloom. By the time the army had killed Mr. Hayes and realised their mistake, over 200 people were dead.
Bewdley- focked
There are still tens of German prisoners stuck in a prisoner of war camp in Bewdley awaiting release. The town council must pay a �10 administration fee before the Krauts can be set free, but they are shunned each year because the committee spend all their money on bringing shit celebs to the Bewdley Festival. Last year they missed out on returning to their homeland so that Keith Harris and Orville could come and do a half hour talk on bagpipes. The shoddiness of the event was highlighted further when Kieth got his dates mixed up and began a foul mouthed blue comedy routine infront of hundreds of horriffied pensioners.
Orville- offensive
I don't care what you do with it, just get the giant plastic phalice out of my home
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