By Gina Dawson

Gliding silently,eternally
The depths holding no boundaries
Forever moving,forcefully taking
He never sleeps; not ever
for that is for the dead
Always restless, forever
a ballet of fierce movements
Now cutting thru the nocturnal waters
Using his half-moon tail like a scythe
Parting your own red seas before you
All creatures fear to look in his eyes
"You have the eyes of the dead",they cry
This is the world of shadows, of myths
Where man is also your humble subject
When he dares to stray into your domain
But the shark spirit does not flee
He is of an ancient order of warriors
Created in part to guard the seven seas
The lost world of Atlantis and all the
Secrets that went down with her long ago
Will never be given up to any of us
The shark spirit has traveled millions
of miles in the blink of an eye
He has lived many times before and after
the reign of the terrible lizard
He will continue to live long after
The memory of mankind is just that...
A memory of a species that had committed
Every possible crime towards nature
Only the shark spirit will ponder
How a great predator not unlike itself
Could have such fear and self-hatred
To go and allow its own extermination
Was beyond all logic and comprehension
We must take time and learn from such
A mighty spirit who has never faltered
in its wisdom for eons
We must be awe inspired when we see it
If and when we are allowed to view
Such a magnificent and challenging sight

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