Intro  Rules  Help


     Welcome to my channel Just a place to get away from everyday chat.
  Irc is a controlled atmosphere where we can all enjoy chatting.
  There are just a few basic rules we all can follow which ensures we all
  remain happy chatters.


  1. The OP is always right
  2. No Spam or Flooding
  3. No more than 2 logins
  4. No psychotic behaviour / Use Common Sense
  5. Do not ask for OP
  6. No Private Messages or other annoyances
  7. Any questions ask the current OP after reading rule number one

  1. Home Page
  2. IRC chat4all server help chat4all manual
  3. Linux questions Linux search engine research first then ask politely in the channel.
  4. IRC clients, help, and everything else related to irc
  5. Any thing else you need help with just ask
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