Find People Online!
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Hello, folks! It is my honor to bring you the very best website for all your people searching needs! This site will review all the people search engines that are available for people searching and background checks. In fact, some good ones to start with (other than the links I've already posted to the right) would be these four sites:
The next page is all about finding relatives - in fact, this blog is about this person's search for their biological parents. Good info all around here.
Next I've actually got a myspace page with some good information. It is mostly about people search, and has some good advice.
My last suggestion (for now) is another blog about people search. Check it out. It's relatively new, but still worth your time in my opinion.

July Updates!:
Boy, sorry for the slow turnaround. I've just been incredibly busy with everything... life gets crazy sometimes, ya know?!? Anyway, I'm here for you now. I've been gathering some pretty awesome website info for you guys, so don't worry. You can rest assured that I am here for you. And all your people search needs. I only have two links for you guys this time but they are incredible links! Seriously! Okay, the first one is a website telling you all about the great reasons you might need to research someone's Death Records. Then, check out this website to help you Find a Person. Want more? Come back next month! YAY!!!

May Updates!:
Wow, I guess someone was listening to me up there. You know, up there! Yeah, things have cooled down remarkably since my last irritated update. I suppose, I can handle a warm spring, just not a hot one. I feel a lot more excited to find someone find anyone when the weather is nicer. Again, not that the weather is a requirement for any future web detective but it helps. Oh, I laughed so loud at this list of diseases we're glad aren't sexually transmitted.

April Updates!:
Alright, I'm already over spring. It's way too hot! Ick. It feels like summer already - and it's only April. Bring back snow! I'll do people search in the snow! No, really, I will! I can find a person in any season, so bring it back. Spring just brings out all the crazy people, like this irritating writer who wrote a rant To the No Cuss Club and Its Founder, even though he's just a sweet little kid doing an awesome thing. These are the best multivitamins around, and I think that ranter needs them.

March Updates!:
Okay, I don't want to alarm you, but it's spring. Look outside! Look at this weather! It makes me want to dance in the flowers or something. Dance in the rain, maybe? It really makes me want to share all of this with someone, and really reignites my desire to do a person search to find people from my past. Even if you aren't as much of a fanatic to find a person as I am, I know you'll be glad to find someone once you know how to find people, so give it a shot! Enjoy a prescription strength diet while you're at it.

February Updates!:
Hello! Happy Valentines Day! What better day to people search than on V-Day. Go find your sweetheart! If you're single, I bet you're still thinking about a lost love. Who knows, maybe they're still thinking about you too! However, you won't know until you look them up and find out. Instead of being upset and wishing that you had a date, be proactive and use a people search engine and find an old love, and reconnect with public records now. Or, just join a dating site and search people and their profiles there! There are so many out there, one is sure to be a good fit for you.

January Updates!:
Well Happy New Year! Crazy to think that it's already 2008. Last time I checked, it was 1997! The sad part is, I'm totally not kidding. "The Nineties" don't seem that long ago...but it was, and I am sure there are tons of people from that crazy decade you haven't talked to in years. There is no time like the present to find people, and it's never been easier! I found some great links to help you make some New Year's resolutions to find people today! Check 'em out!

Find Someone!
Find a Person
How to Donate to Charity ---Not people search related, but a great New Year's resolution to make!

December Updates:
Hello again, how are you Christmas preperations going? I am so busy I really didn't think I would get time to blog this month, but I managed to sqeeze it in. Christmas shopping is pure madness, I really tried hard to get all mine done earlier in the year, but then they draw you back in with all the great Christmas specials and savings. In people search news I have two awesome sites to let you know about:
people finder
people search
Enjoy and have a great Christmas and New Year

I've been finding so much good stuff lately, I've decided to implement a new kind of organization on my site. Each month I'll put my most recent findings below this text, with the freshest always being at the top. Check back often for more sites that are sure to help you find all the people you want online!

November Reccomendations!: Ok, I am back on my month updating schedule. Life has settled....for now, but we all know how that goes. I'm sure it's just the eye of the storm. I've had a good amount of time to find some quality people search sites for you guys this month. Please check them out becuase they really are helpful for finding people!

People Searches
Find Somone
Consumer-Advocate-Online Dating

October Recommendations!: Hello! Sorry it's been so long, but life is a little crazy. Don't worry, because I didn't forget about finding some good people search sites! I've been busy, but not too busy to find people and let you in on how I do it. So here is this months recommendations you should definitely check out.
Finding People Blog
People Search Engines

August's people search site recommendations
I have two great people search site recommendations this month. I have found both these sites entertaining and helpful. So try finding people with the help of either of these sites:
Zhou's People Search
People Search Digest

July 2007's Recommended Sites: Someone Find Blog - definitely worth taking a look at if you're trying to find someone online.
Find Someone, and enjoy a slightly less serious people search related blog while you're at it.
Prepare For Your Reunion - - This article/list is located at a site called, and while it's mostly humor, they actually have some really useful stuff on there too. This list about how to prepare for your reunion in definitely one of them.
My Favorite Links:
People Search & People Finder Search Engine
Private Eye - Find a Person or do a Background Check
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