A Little More About Me! 

Tami's Pic


I am a 35-year-old wife and mother to three. My family and I make our home in central Florida. At the age of 14, I was diagnosed with something called Crohn's disease. It is a disease that occurs in the digestive organs (mainly in the large and/or small intestines, but it can occur anywhere throughout the digestive tract). 

As a result of having this disease, I have undergone four major operations. I am now in "remission", but I still take preventative medication and give myself B-12 injections once a month. Coming from this type of background, I have developed a lot of compassion. I now seek to encourage and comfort others who live with this disease and similar chronic illnesses. 

The only thing that has brought me through all the years of "hell", has been the HOPE I find in Jesus Christ. It's my faith in God's sovereignty and goodness and the promises He's given in His Word to us that have carried me through. At one time I was very mad at Him. I didn't understand WHY He would allow me to have this disease. I now realize that it wasn't Him who gave it to me. It is just another result of living in a sinful world where death and decay are so obviously at work. I know that when the rain falls, it falls on everyone. The only difference is that I have a resource to deal with these trials and tribulations that some others do not.




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