What's New



All right, I went and got one of those Live Journal things. I’m going to be posting “What’s New” kind of stuff  on there from now on. It’s at www.livejournal.com/users/stefek1410 if anyone cares to read it. I’ll also point back to this website when I post pictures or whatever. Oh yeah, October quotes are up. Signing off.


Yep, I’ve been lazy. I haven’t scanned in any photos for a while and I still have a bunch from Pennsic and the last party at 2294 Ludlow. Glengary was fun as it has been every year. Lots of good will and just happy fighting. I authorized in spear and had a great time (and it protected my still healing rib). On one bridge battle I switched sides (one side was spear deficient) and I killed Duke Tim, Robert and Seamus all in one battle, hehe. But I must admit, “killing” people with a spear seems a bit impersonal and a bit cheap compared to wacking them up close and personal with a sword. It was a blast nontheless. I think the years of high school lacrosse came in handy. I’m also on working on making my first piece of specifically female armor in leather. It is an interesting project to say the least and I’ll post some pictures when I’m done. It’s fantasy armor though, not SCA.


The rib is getting better every day it seems, yay! So it’s off to The Siege of Glengary tomorrow at 5 am to fight off the Atlantian invasion. Should be a fun time despite the 5 hour drive. Maybe Dee and I will get some sleep on the ride, as Duke Tim has graciously offered to drive. Finished another successful Nero Ashbury event. Henry Hart, as always, was a huge contributor to the event’s success. Picked up a CD of Dan Lineaweaver’s band and I am really enjoying it. Check out the band at www.hydratemusic.com.  We’re also taking a trip to the NY Ren Faire on Sunday, weather permitting. I’ve been very busy and haven’t been able to scan in any more Pennsic or party pictures. Maybe next week? But then again, my leather to make my new arm and leg armor arrived, so I may be busy with that. In old news, I went camping for real in NH and it was fun. It’s beautiful up there. I actually hiked for miles to the campsite with tent, food and all that jazz.  I NPCed NeroNH the next week. It was fun, but it’s weird not being in charge of monster camp. I think I prefer PCing other campaigns and wil stick to that. Oh yeah, Henry, Kirsten, Dee and I went to Planet Hollywood in NYC last night. It was very cool. Mid priced decent food, but the different props were awesome. It was like a Hollywood Museum. Personal favorites included an undead soldier from Army of Darkness, Pinhead from Hellraiser and the Ghostbuster uniforms and Slimer prop.


I’m back from Pennsic and back to work. I separated a rib the Monday of war week, but it didn’t stop me from fighting the rest of the battles. It’s amazing what a little advil, a little ice and a lot of willpower can do. Pennsic was rainy, it was muddy and it was hot all in one week. My car is still muddy. Blech. New pictures are up, a few in the SCA section and some from Henry’s party. I got super awesome gauntlets made by Luther Anshelm at Pennsic. They weren’t cheap, but they sure are pretty and fit great. I also got some matching 14th Century elbow and knee armor, I need to strap them and put leather cuisses and vambraces together. It’s going to be a nice “take my time” kind of project so it comes out great. Oh yeah, Gabriel of Maccuswell from my household was knighted this past Pennsic. He deserves it, even though he never squired to anyone. His vigil was at the castle and was very cool in the torchlight. He was knighted on the battlefield on Friday and House Arindale fought in his colors at the field battle. Congratulation Gabriel. This weekend it’s off to the White Mountains of NH to go camping. The things women can talk you into…it should be good for me though, better than sitting around on my butt in front of the computer. Nature is cool.


Another 2294 Ludlow party has come and gone. Special thanks to all those that drove super long distances to be there, especially Shane White and Karl Weaver. I feel like I didn’t get to spend enough time with enough people, but I spent as much time as I could, I guess. From what I’ve heard though, everyone had fun. And Minod, you are the Final Man. I’m also hoping to get some pictures developed from the party today and maybe get them posted before I leave for Pennsic. But not promises. Plans are already underway for an October 25th Halloween/Scott’s Birthday party. We will be requiring all guests to come in costume and the costume must NOT be Nero or SCA garb. Hmmm, a contest with cool prizes seems like a good idea. I am currently considering going as either the Flash or Venom from Spiderman. But there’s a lot of time left yet. I’m also considering going as a tunnel zombie.

Well, only two more days till I leave for Pennsic. I should probably start packing. At least it gets easier to know what to take every year and what to leave behind. I’m leaving a lot behind this year. Shaheen will be travelling out with me, so I’ll have some good company for the ride out. My lady Deirdre is meeting me out there, so I’m sure my fighting will be quite inspired and I look forward to showing around a Pennsic virgin now that I am so experienced with a whole two years under my belt. Ah, booths full of bright, shiney armor. <drool> The annual “How Much Will Scott Spend at Pennsic” contest is also in full swing. I hope my housemates don’t win, as part of the purpose of the contest is to get stuff out of my house.


This past weekend was filled with fun and work and fun work. Friday night we (Will, Luth, Sav and I) hit QXTs. As per the rules of dating, now that I have a girlfriend I got hit on pretty hard at the club. Being the good and chivalrous man I am, I passed her off to Will. She was none too pleased and everyone left alone (except Luth and Sav). Saturday was Southern Region War Camp and much to my surprise, I was picked as a candidate for the Unbelted Champions team. Unbelted simply  means that the members of the team cannot be knights. I was quite surprised at this honor and wouldn’t have stayed out till 3:30 in the morning if I had known it was coming. Evidently my performance at Landsknecht was good enough to get me noticed. I had been fighting for my niece Stephanie that day. It seems her inspiration was quite great. This weekend though I was fighting for my lady, Deirdre. And evidently she was quite inspring as well, as my name was called at court as one of the unbelted champions. I’m very excited about fighting again. Pennsic is in a little over a week! Sunday was spent from 9 am til 9 pm helping Duke Timothy move from his house in Readington to his……house in Readington. Ever move a 1200 pound smelting furnace? I hadn’t either. No fatalities though and though I wouldn’t exactly call it a fun day, it was a bonding day for sure. Boy was everyone dirty by the end of the day.

Saturday is Henry’s birthday party at 2294 Ludlow. I can’t wait. Dee is coming down and we are expecting 40-50 close, personal friends. Should be a blast.  And then four workdays and off to Pennsic for the third time.


Updates galore! Two in a month. I drove all the way up to Maine this past weekend to attend Great Northeastern War. I was accompanied by Deirdre Henninger (Dee). Let me tell you, Maine is weird and quite the driving experience. I stopped to get gas off the Maine Turnpike. Dee ran in to use the bathroom and the attendant (who will be referred to as Gomer) comments “That’s a nice bow.” I tell hims “Yep, it’s hers.” In a scary, slow drawl he says “Hers? You don’t see girls doin’ archery very much. She don’t hunt does she?” Gomer later comments “It’s warm tonight.” and I tell him I can’t really comment as I’m from NJ. I still have PA plates on my car from my recent  move and he later notices them and looks at me really suspiciously and says “I thought you said you was from New Jersey…” That’s some heavy deduction they do up there in Maine.

And Maine roadsigns!  Lots of roadsigns, but they don’t believe in putting compass directions on them. The directions to the site  said “Take Route 26 North”. You get to the intersection of Route 26 and it’s clearly marked as route 26, but it sure doesn’t say north or south.  Ran into this problem on 4 separate occasions. Count the U-turns.

Fighting at the event was fun, but the pollen tore apart my poor, allergized lungs. One of the highlights was our esteemed neighbors, Lord Valerian and Lady Sophia, inviting us to dine with them. They put on quite an awesome spread. We were joined by Sir Angus and his lady, Ankarah and several others. All great people and a lot of fun. We then travelled the circuit and I was given the most amazing treat ever, a fudge dip with nutterbutters to dip into it. My brain almost exploded in peanut buttery/chocolatey goodness.

All in all a great event with a lot of good camaraderie and friendship and one that I hope to attend again next year.  Oh, I also finally bought a pair of braies and some hose. All made out of linen. I finally have some in-period underwear!  Heh.


Two updates in one year. As Strongbad would say “Holy Crap!”  Went to Cambridge last Friday to Hell Night at a club called Manray’s. It was pretty fun, though I’m convinced we dance better in the NY/NJ area. People were having fun though and that’s what counts. And drinks were about $3 cheaper each than in NYC. Went to the NeroNH Faire Day on Saturday. It was lots of fun except for the ten deaths and the wenedhil Trine’a perming and joining the infamous 10% club. On the SCA front, I was humbled by an X chair last night at Duke Timothy’s. My carpentry skills are evidently lacking. But I guess it’s good to be  humbled once in a while. I also saw the Taylor’s new house that they’ll be moving into in a few weeks.  8 person hot tub. Rockin. I also had a rousing game of pokemon cards that seemed to have very few rules with Isabelle and William Taylor.

And this weekend it’s off to Maine with a quick stop in NH first for Great Northeastern War. It’s supposed to be a good one. Hopefully I’ll remember and take some pictures.  Odds are 7 to 3 against though.


Yes, it took 2 years, but there is an update! I’ve added SCA pictures from Aethelmarc War Practice last weekend. Great fighting, very clean and fun and I had what must have been my best day ever in melee fighting. Woohoo!  Also met a lot of cool people and even fought WITH the infamous Tuchux. They weren’t too bad except for their propensity to think that shiny helm = must kill that guy. I don’t know how many times I was screaming “Tuchux, I’m on your side!”.  In persona, I just figured I was a Polish man at arms of the early 15th Century fighting with Tartar and Lithuanian allies. A few of them were bound to hit me, LOL.  All in all, an awesome weekend!


Poor, neglected webpage. It's been almost a year since I updated anything on here. Currently, I'm getting ready to head out to Pennsic War on August 10th. Ten days of medieval mayhem and a real vacation. Woohoo. Hopefully lots of pictures will get taken and I'll post them up here when I can. I also have four rolls from Nero, Ren Fairs and Southern Region War Practice to get developed. I've switched a few words around here and there on this website, but that's about it. More to come.


It's been two months since I've posted anything. I've been to two more Nero games, another Xanodria game and two more ren faires in that time. I also took my niece and nephew to the Land of Make Believe in Hope, NJ. It was a fun time, especially the water ride, but it's definitely made for kids under 12, so be forewarned. I hope to have pictures from the Stirling NY Ren Faire and the Sterling Forest Ren Faire up eventually.


I travelled to the NJ Ren Fair this past weekend. Perhaps it was the heat, but it was very uncrowded. To be blunt, it wasn't very good. The place seemed to be drained of life. The enchanted forest was pretty good, as usual, and of course the fencing booth was fun. The merchant presence was very depleted. I did manage to spend money though, on a new pair of shiny stainless steel greaves from Ice Falcon Armory. They make awesome stuff. It's not cheap, but it's stainless steel, so you can't expect cheap. You do get what you pay for.

Check out Ice Falcon's web page here.


Xanodria was loads of fun. I saw a lot of old faces and a lot of new ones. What a great camp site they have as well. I had a blast exploring it and hanging with the old crowd. Those Xanodrians sure can roleplay their butts off as well. Headed out to the NJ Ren Faire this weekend and probably next weekend as well. I'm also waiting for my new Batman and Robin action figures based on Bob Kane's comics of the 40's to arrive in the mail (yes, I'm a dork).


Well, I'm preparing to go to my first Xanodria weekend in a few years. It should be loads of fun. I'll let you know. The second Nero Ashbury event is over and the Shokan was triumphant in the Tournament of 600. What a great weekend IG and OOG. There are some new pictures up in the larp section of the dark elves. There should be more soon.


The first Nero Ashbury weekend is over. After spending almost 2 hours with Steve Babin doing tag exchanges, I finally got to PC. For those of you who don't know, I am no longer on the plot committee. I'm still the assistant GM of Ashbury (read: I do all the s**t work no one else wants) and I have been given the ambiguous title of plot advisor. I'm in good company though, as the esteemed Will Hahn is also a plot advisor.

It was great to see everyone after five months or so off. Some faces from the past showed up as well in the guise of Steve Mcandrews and Grey! Excellent..... I got lots of exercise running around as my wild elf, Drak, but truth be told, I'd rather be dark elfing. Look for the friendly, kindly Find'rth and friends in May. As per usual, I intended on taking pictures but did not, so don't look for any. Hopefully next weekend.


Well, here I am, updating my webpage for the first time in over a year. A lot has changed in a year, and it's going to take a while to catch the page up. There isn't much here yet, but there will be more in the near future.

I recently attended the Chiller Theatre convention in Newark, NJ with Jesse Grabowski, Luther and Jessica (they're in love, blah!), Dennis Higgins and Alison Egan. The highpoint for me was meeting Tom Savini. He played "Sex Machine" in From Dusk Til Dawn and has done makeup for tons of movies, including Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead. The coolest part is that he asked me if I made my own armor (yes, we all dressed like freaks) and then he complimented me on it. It made my day. It was a very cool convention and you should check it out next time it comes around. Lots of neat stuff to do and more than worth the $15 admission.

Check out Tom Savini's web page here.

Check out Chiller Theatre's web page here.




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