Ways You Can Help Find Amy Sher
Please are some items that you can download onto your computer to help in the ongoing search for Amy Sher. Please consider downloading the flier for posting in your area, the labels for any mail you send out, and banner if you have a website. These items have been created to help circulate Amy's information.
Click the photo below to begin the download for Amy's mailing labels. The labels have been created with Microsoft Word and will print out onto AVERY 5160 labels. These can be found at any office supply store or Wal-Mart. Attach these to each envelope and package that you send out. You never know who may see her information and possibly help solve the case.
Below are some website banners  that you may download to use to link back to this website. Providing a link from your website back to this one helps generate traffic onto Amy's site. The more traffic, the higher probability that a tip can be generated that could help solve this case.
If you have ANY information regarding the disappearance of Amy Sher, you are asked to please call (617)-835-8733 or you may send an email to [email protected].  You may remain anonymous if needed
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