
Birthday: June 29th, 1985
Age: 18
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Race: White
Most Influential Person: Grandfather Jesse Thomas Webster
Happiest When: I get something I worked hard for
Hobbies: Graphics, Games, Cooking, Anime, Finches
Most Memorable Moment: Dual Enrollment during High School
Ambition: Get married, have a few things, have a son, enjoy life and learn all I can
Drives: 93 Black Taurus LX


Food: Yakisoba and Barrel cured pickles
Vacation Spot: Beach
TV Show: X-files
Anime: Gundams or Shadow Skill
Dream Car: One that never breaks
Class in School: HTML
Ice Cream Flavor: Vannila Bean (aka Natural Vannilla)
Pocky: Regular Almond
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