This is what christine chien wrote about ssc....'s been a long time hasn it?
anywayz....i luv u all...u know that...i hope....and thanx to those ppl who did prop me on the last entry...and the others who didn't...u better watch out...i might kick u in the a*hem with my combat boots...
ok..j/k...i feel a lot more edified after SSC...began to talk to ppl whom i didn talk to b4 *cough* phil *cough*...lolz...ok...and was hectic and sad..i just came bak from SSC 30 min. ago...i'll miss u all..keep in touch w/ u online...when i can actually get on!!! the pass 5 dayz ever since the day school ended..i have been sleepin over in my church..and we have sermons and classes, workshops, stuff like that...and we pray a might sound like a drag to u non-SCC pplz..cuz u dunno how fun it is cuz u've never been there b4...ok...anywayz...yeah...had fun w/ jo(sephine) crystal, joyce sharon erica the other christine, diane, pplz. yeah...i really wish SSC was a boarding school..that way i can stay there forever and ever and ever.yea..i sound delirious..lolz...i felt much closer to God...and pray for ppl without the H.S it is our seal of redemption. so seek fullness in the H.S we can all end up in Heaven.. lots of funny things happened...and there were LOADS of inside joke..about everyone...lolz...i'll post some...later on...
anywayz, since today was the last day in SSC until 8 months later.....everybody was flashing pix and it was so bad...i think fred got a few pix of me, grady(whom i later on kicked) phil (whom i also kicked), crystal had my permission, joyce did too since she had to go bak to Cali. sooo sad,..won't be able to see her for another 3 YEARS!!!! Do u know how long that is...three darn years..i'd be 16 by then..sheesh...i need to fly over there and drag her over.bleh...and there were 2 mysterious "perfect" smilies on the wall..and it was so turned out to be from the windows..but we never figured out what made the 2 eyes on the smilies...**shudder**..anywayz...that was when Danny(Queens) and Daniel young(eliz) climbed over the fence and stood on it from the other side...first it was danny and then Dan...and there was the inside joke...behold...

me: this reminds me of something

josephine: reallie?...what?

me: u know that scene in Titanic where Jack and Rose were standing on the ship?

jo: lolz

** we watched Danny and Daniel pose as the couple without even realizing**

me: we shall neame them Jack..and Rose...

josephine: yea...LOLZ

me: no wait Jack and "Ross" (because they're both guyz)

lolz..ok..yea..i'm weird

jo: who's jack and who's ross?

me: dan's ross and Danny's jack

and from then on whenever we looked at them..we'd crack up...yea...u have to be caught up in the moment to get the jokes

then when we were recording as the "trainees" in the AV room during Service

funny junk happened too...we were looking at the pix b4 time

ryan suddenly bursts into the room

ryan: ooooh...didn i tell u kids to not look at that?

me and jo: um...u did?

ryan: u bad bad kids

ryan: u should be out there singing hymns rt now...

me: but we'll wake the dead if we go out

ryan starts singing in the AV room..reaches a high note in which he sang off tune and we all crack up

ryan: now get outta here and go out to sing

me and jo: we don't want to...

ryan: u evil kids...

jo: i tought we were bad...

ryan scoffs and leaves room

ok...after service...phil come in and started touvhing the equipments

phil: i think i'll come in and mess up the tapes and cds

me: get outta here phil

jo: yea..ur not in AV

phil: yes i am * sits down in chair*

ryan comes in: whoa...Geoff looks a lot shorter...lolz

phil gets up and starts stamping the "PAID" stamp thing on paper

fred comes in and catches him in the act

fred: yo dude...ur not supposed to touch u kknow how much ink costs? *takes stamp away from him and places it on a higher shelf*

**takes phil outta the AV room to do something**

me and jo talk about something i don remember

phil comes in with 2 bux in hand and put it in donating box: heres the 2 bux for the 2 stamp things made

me: good now go out

phil: no * starts picking up stamp*

* i grab it away*

* he picks up another*

* i grab it away again*

the whole thing repeated for 5 more times when suddenly

phil: what is it with me and u touching the same stuff?

me: probably cuz i want u to get outta here and not touch things...

jo: yea...go on..get out

me: *tries to shove himut the door and doesn succeed*

me: how come ur so skinny yet i can't push u?..i feel weak..**thinking* whatever happened to the 130% male thing*

jo: so what u doing with the cell phone?

me whispering to her: text messaging his girlfriend?...we both crack up

jo: yeah phil..are u texting ur girlfriend?

*fred comes in and says: more like ur boyfriend..lolz*

phil makes weird expression...:what?

lolz..that was jo and me it was anywayz...ok

then during and jo were passing notes to each other

me: how can i possibly not be able to push phil out AV

jo: that because he's full of Rubbre and don't feel bad

i start cracking up and it was during pastor liang's we both had to pretend to cough to stiffle our laughter...from then on we started calling him "R+B" for Rubber and was mean so we didn tell anyone except for diane...lolz..whenever the three of us saw him we'd laugh our heads off..we didn tell Dan about the "Jack and Ross" thing..we were afraid that we'd get if they don't see my xanga..i'd be safe!!! so...YAY!!!!these moments were sooo priceless..lolz...ok...i'm beginning to not make sense...oh well....anywayz...there was one more thing that happened n the AV room

i don reallie remember if it was because phil took something of joephine or some thing..lolz..oh well...anywayz..there we were in the AV room... Phil did somehting to jo

jo tries to mess up his very gel-ed hair

me: whoa! why is ur hair not messed up

me and jo cracks up

phil: gee...i dunno

me: what kinda gel do u use?

phil: i get the crappiest brand of hair gel

jo: then why is ur hair still standing

phil: because the gel is expensive!!

me: i thought u just said it was crappy...

jo starts cracking up with me and i join her a lil while later.. was funny..and today since ppl were trying to flash pix of me i had to take my yearbook and cover my face as to not get exposed to phil or grady or fred's camera...grr...u guyz are creepy....evil stalkers everytime i turn around there's a camera comeing towards me..either grady or phil...u guyz are so can u do double teaming on me?...i couldn evern ssign crystal's yearbook in peace...

ok so this is what happened...

i escape downstairs and see crystal..i was about to sign her yearbook and phil comes...
i run....grady comes...i rnu back down..phil was stalking somone else.. take crystal's yearbook and run into J1 room w/ out later w/ crystal's yearbook...diane "daughter"..lolz diane...Christine gives me her yearbook i take it and sign it....diane tells me phil is behind me..i turn the other way and continue writing in yearbook diane tries to warn me but i failed to realize, i look up and grady flashed the camera...i scream in frustration....yelled "HOW COULD YOU!??!?!" to phil cuz he told grady to flash his camera at me cuz he couldn get one....i run after grady...attempts to kick him..dropped my pen and when i looked up from picking my pen...he already sat down in forn of his u guyz are ** beyond** low...grrr....

oh and there was a lil suspiscious thing that me and crystal talekd about cuz these two wre getting all mushy gushy on each other but it turned out they were related...not by blood but by marriage of their aunts or uncles or something..i don know...the whole church was some kinda way...except for me and sil and may and crystal and wun-chiao but like they're related to each other...i'm related to my family...and no one else...sad isn't it...ok..looking back on all doesn show anything edifying's some bible verses....

" God is Spirit, so His worshippers must worship in Spirit and in Truth" John 4:24

" The goal of this command is love , which comes from a pure heart, and a good conscience, and a sincere faith" 1 Timothy 1:5

" Don't let anyone look down on you beacuse you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity" 1 Timothy 4:12

ok..pplz..prop me...i think this was the longest entry i had ever hands are sore...ok..anywayz....prop me...i mean it...don't just say propz...u either comment...or say i need to make up the ppl that i need to prop...ok..byez

Proverbs 3:24-26
When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
When you lie down, your sleep will be
Have no fear of sudden disaster
or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,
for the LORD will be your confidence
and will keep your foot from being


WSSC 2003

Some poems in the Reflection Book.

When tomorrow comes, if the sun decides to rise without me.
Where will I go?
When I shut my eyes tonight.
WIll I ever open my eyes on this world again.
When I wake up tomorrow.
Will I be tasting the tears full of joy and jubilee
or of bitterness and sorrow?
How many times I neglected the truth.
Until it became too late.
Now I know, how limited my time was.
I never knew what I had until it left me.
If God chooses to take my life today.
For Him ,will my soul be kept?
How many years I wasted,
I only pray for more time.
As I shut my eyes to rest tonight.
I only wish for more time.
But if the sun rises without me.
I pray to the Lord, that my soul may find its way.

I'll type the other two in other posts.

Proverbs 3:24-26

The lyrics to the hymns we sang that ssc are in the lyrics section of the website. Go to the home page( and then click on the button with the lyrics to hymns and songs.
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