Elementary 2 Summer Spiritual Convocation August 18-21 2003
# of students who recieved the Holy Spirit: 13
Royal badge Gangster Testimony Chopsticks Testimony
Pr. Chen-
"Samson split a whole lion apart. Do you think Pr. Chen is strong enough to tear a goat apart?"
:Pr. Chen flexes:
Pr. Chen-
So even a goat is hard to tear and Samson tore a lion apart.

Ryan, Ryan, Guess what?!?
My leg is so hairy, it's hairier than all the students in the group!
You look like your about to tell me something really special and you tell me that your leg is hairy....
Pr. Chen teaching us how to play jacks with the rocks during break time:-) He's so good at it. Everybody kept trying to beat his "record" but no one can compete. hehe.
Good Achva group times
Jasper, Ben, Fred, Daniel, Double T
Ben-Always scaring Jasper at night, Making Jasper have major spazums each time Ben growls. Usually the first one to fall asleep. Also the loudest kid in our group.
Jasper-Usually the last one to fall asleep in the group and an early waker. He spaz's out a lot, esp. when Ben makes his funny growling sound. He's also a big fan of Jackie Chan adventures.
Daniel-The smallest kid in our group. He constantly tells me random facts at night. Ex:"My sisters are playing video games now probably.", "My thumb is big..." This kid could also cry (w/ real tears) on purpose. He could also purposely give himself a bloody nose(w/o punching himself).
Double T-The only Canadian in our group. He's probably the kid w/ most manners in our group. He's cool. He's usually hidden within the group, usually not wanting to show himself too much. He's the best behaved. Never talks in classes.
Counselor Ryan-A cool counselor. He'll even let you borrow his clothes, as I had to borrow his shirt and pants and socks since i didn't pack enough. And when he's our counselor it also means we have AV on our side. Like the papers he printed out after our group Achva superbly cleaned the bathrooms. His website is: ryan.tjc.net Pictures from E2 are also there.

Good Amour group times
Lisa, Christine, Royee, Sil
..Sil's the turtle
...Their daily supposedly 9:50 group meeting outside
....Lisa and her nose
Lisa-lisa's very open and friendly... hyper, cheers the group up.
Royee-royee is very sweet and smiley... though she claims to be pessemistic, she kept her chin up and etc.
Sil-Sil is very mature for her age, always the "leader" type, and very very encouraging.
Christine-christine was always there when u needed her and she's willing to contribute and help out.
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