Part Two

Area 6 - Inside the Slum Town & Encountering Corneo...

o Explore the slum town - you will find that there are many.... ...interesting people who inhabit this little slum town.

o First, you will need to head to the "girl bar", located towards the lower southeastern end of the slum town, and talk to the towns people there.

[!] If you talk to the manager there (the character in the big red vest), he will ask you if you are looking for females - you can respond: Top Choice -> Ask him if he knows where Tifa is. Bottom Choice -> Tell him you have no interest in his business.

If you chose the top choice, asking him about Tifa's whereabouts, he will tell you that Don Corneo has taken her to his mansion.

o Now head up to Corneo's mansion, located to the very top end of the slum town. Talk to the guard standing front. As you find out that only females are allowed into Corneo's mansion, Aerith suggests that you alter your appearance to disguise as a female.

o You must now obtain a dress for Cloud to disguise in. Go to the clothing shop - talk to the clerk behind the counter. He will tell you unless his father can stop drinking & get to work more, the dress that Cloud seeks will not be completed.

o You must now talk to the father of the clerk - he is in the bar, located right across from the weapon/gun shop.

[!] Talk to the father - once Aerith convinces him to make a dress for Cloud, he will ask you what type of dress you want: Top Choice -> A smooth dress Bottom Choice -> A silky dress

[!] You will be given another set of choices: Top Choice -> A shiny dress Bottom Choice -> A well-blended dress

[Tip!] - Top Choice for 1st + either Top or Bottom for 2nd will get you a "cotton dress" - Bottom Choice for 1st + Top Choice for 2nd will get you a "satin dress" - Bottom Choice for 1st + Bottom Choice for 2nd will get you a "silk dress"

o Now, leave the bar & head back to the clothes shop. The father will be there & will give you the dress.

o Of course, a dress will not be complete without a wig, right? So, after Cloud gets out of the dressing room, you will need to obtain the wig from the wresting arena, located below the weapons/gun shop.

o Talk to the female - she will offer to give you a wig, only if you can beat her hefty brother in a fitness match. After she explains how to operate the buttons for this match, she will ask you if you understand:

[!] You can respond: Top Choice -> You do not understand - please explain once more. Bottom Choice -> You understand - go ahead with the match.

[Tip!] - Press the [square] button to kneel. - Press the [X] button to stand up. - Press the [circle] button to bend over & stance.

Basically, the fitness drill here is to kneel, stand-up, & bend over again & again until the time has run out. The best way to beat the hefty brother in this fitness match, is to keep a very steady pace of pressing the buttons in a consistant pattern of pressing [square], [x], & [circle] over & over.

[!] Choosing the bottom choice, she will go on to explain that you will have 30 secs to beat her brother. You will be given a choice: Top Choice -> Practice first before the match. Bottom Choice -> No practice is needed - go on with the real match.

(I suggest you practice first - the timing of pressing the buttons will require some getting used to)

NOTE: The real match will promptly begin right after the practice.

[Tip!] - If you win, you will get a "blond wig"

- If you tie, you will get a "chapatsu wig"

- If you lose, you will get a "kusege wig"

[!] After obtaining the wig, head back to the clothes shop & go to the dressing room. Aerith will ask you if you are ready to change your clothes - you can respond: Top Choice -> You are ready to change your clothes. Bottom Choice -> Not ready yet.

o If you chose to change your clothes, Aerith will change her clothes as well, but note that once you change, you must proceed to Corneo's mansion -- you cannot go back to the "girl bar" or get the coupon from the restaurant...

o Once disguised in your dress & wig, head up to Corneo's mansion. Talk to the guard - he will now let you in. Once inside, go to the dungeon room, where you will encounter Tifa.

o Surprised at your state of appearance, Tifa will go on to explain that Corneo may have some information that will come invaluable to them. Head up to Corneo's office - where, Corneo will choose from the 3 of you to become

[Tip!] - Corneo will choose TIFA if: You have the cotton dress. - Corneo will choose AERITH if: If you have any of these 3 or more of the special items:

- "silk dress"

- "sexy cologne"

- "blond wig"

- "lingerie"

- "facial make-up"

- Corneo will choose CLOUD if: You must have all the special items listed above.

o Once everyone has arrived in Corneo's bedroom, Corneo will confess to the Shinra's next plan in ridding the abaranche of its menacing existance, along with the little slum town surrounding it, through the destruction of the entire Area 7 of Midgar.

[!] Just as you are about to leave, Corneo will ask you, when should a person expect the worst in a given situation... You can respond: Top Choice -> When a person is prepared to die. Middle Choice -> When a person is winning/victorious. Bottom Choice -> When a person does not know what is going on.

(Every choice will get you the same result - go ahead & pick any)

o A sequence will follow. The president shinra has made his final decision to destroy the entire Area 7 of Midgar, for the sake of ridding the Avalanche....

SONIC SOLDIER: Borgman Ryu ([email protected])--Got the walkthrough from someother page! Tell me who made this page and I will give credit for those who made it!!


Underground Sewers and Abandoned Trains

o Prepare yourself for an immediate battle with a subboss "Apusu".

o Tifa suggests that there may still be time left to save Barrett and the rest of the Abaranche before the entire Area 7 is literally brought down. Battle your way through the sewers & through the abandoned train station.

SONIC SOLDIER: Borgman Ryu ([email protected])--Got the walkthrough from someother page! Tell me who made this page and I will give credit for those who made it!!


Avalanche - Battle to save Area 7

o By the time you reach the entrance to Area 7, Barrett & the Avalanche will already have engaged in battle against the Shinra army at the top of the tower.

(Even after that long fall, Wedge seems to still be alive....)

o Battle your way up the tower & meet up with Barrett. Along the way up the tower, you will even encounter Vicks & JC injured. Upon reaching the top of the tower, prepare for a brief battle with Leno - a Shinra operative who will initiate the destruction of Area 7.

o A CG sequence showing the utter destruction of Area 7 will follow.

o As Barrett expresses his rage over the death of his Avalanche resistance - Vicks, Wedge, and JC - Tifa suggests that Barrett's daughter, Marin, may still be alive.

SONIC SOLDIER: Borgman Ryu ([email protected])--Got the walkthrough from someother page! Tell me who made this page and I will give credit for those who made it!!


Inside the Shinra Building....

o Head off to Aerith's house.

(You will find Aerith's foster mother there, who will explain how she encountered Aerith & her real mother some 15 years ago at the train station - her mother whose dying words were for Elmina to take Aerith to a safe place...and so Elmina had realized...she would never see her husband again, nor did she have any children of her own -- and so, there was nothing else for her to do, but to take Aerith home with her...

Elmina goes on to explain that she somehow knew Aerith was different from others....Aerith retained a certain inner power - a power to which had interested the Shinra corp as well for their own corrupt uses. When Aerith had just brought Marin to her home for safety, the Shinra operatives had taken hold of her -- and Aerith had offered to be taken in exchange for Marin's safe passage.)

Upon learning of this, Barrett solemnly expresses his apology to Elmina for what Aerith did for Marin.

(Barrett goes on to explain his reasoning for leaving Marin behind during the battle -- he wishes to be with Marin more often, but should he be with her, he cannot fight the Shinra corp. And if he does not fight, the planet will die -- and so, he explains how he finds himself in an endless turmoil between being with Marin & saving the planet...)

[!] o Head up the stairs. Talk to Barrett - he will tell you that he will join you to help fight against the Shinra corp to save Aerith at any cost. Marin will then suggest that Aerith may actually be in love with you (Cloud). You can repond: Top Choice -> Tell Marin you do not know anything about it. Bottom Choice -> Tell Marin it would be nice if it were true.

(I will leave this option up to you)

[!] o Go to the next room over - an option will be given to you if you want to rest or not: Top Choice -> Rest. Bottom Choice -> Do not rest.

o Head downstairs & towards the entrance of the house. After everyone has gathered back together, Tifa will suggests to go back to the Slum Town (wall market). Go.

o Head up towards the northern end of the slum town -- you will encounter a bunch of children running about. Follow them - they will lead you to a wall w/a pipe structure up through the middle. If you talk to the child sitting in front of the pipe, he will tell you that the pipe leads up to the upper levels of Midgar, specifically to the Shinra Corp Building.

o Climb the pipe. Towards the top of the pipes, you will find a battery outlet, which will open up a passage for you to proceed. Since you will now need a set of batteries, climb back down to the surface.

o Go to the weapon/gun shop. Talk to the blacksmith on the left side -- he will offer to sell 3 batteries to you for 300 gil. (Choose the top choice to buy)

After buying them, head back up the pipes & use the battery on the outlets. Proceed on through the various obstacles. There will be 3 battery points you will need to cover. (Note: Press the [circle] button to jump onto the swinging wire) (Note: It may take some time before you correctly position yourself to jump. Ignore the messages that keep on popping up repeatedly -- they are just instructions on how to jump on to the swinging wire)

o Once you finally get to the Shinra Corp Building, Barrett will explain that Aerith has probably imprisoned in the upper levels of the building (60-68th level). Tifa & Barrett will briefly get into an arguement in how they should approach inside the building.

Barrett's Method: Bum Rush through the front door & battle your way up to the 60th or so floor. Tifa's Method: Secretly sneek in through the back stairs, without the suspicion of the guards.

[!] You will be given a choice. You can either: Top Choice -> Bum Rush in through the front. Bottom Choice -> Go in secretly through the back stairs.

(I will leave this up to you -- however going through the front will probably gain you more experience points & items, although it will be quite a tedious task.)

o Any path you choose to proceed up the building, you will end up at the 59th floor regardless. Upon reaching the 59th floor, battle against the 3 guards -- one of them will drop a key for the 60th floor.

o Proceed on to the tube elevator -- choose the 60th floor. o Upon reaching the 60th floor, go to the left control operating room - you will have to coordinate each person to successfully cross over to the other side without being caught. Time your movements carefully & accordingly.

[Tip!] - Move only when the guards are crossing & in motion. Once Cloud crosses over, you will have to press the [circle] button to signal the others when to move.

o Proceed on up the stairs to the 61st floor. You will find yourself in the building's "refresh floor", with several other wandering characters.

[!] o Talk to one of the characters walking around. One of them will suspiciously ask what you are doing here - You can respond: Top Choice -> Ask him where Aerith is held. Bottom Choice -> Don't answer him.

Choose the bottom choice, and he will give you the access key to the 62nd floor.

o Now head up the stairs once more, up to the 62nd floor.

o You will notice that the 62nd floor has 4 different colored chambers, each containing 3 sets of bookshelves. Go to the room on the western part of the floor, where Domino will offer to give you the keys up to the 65th floor if you can guess the password correctly. As a bonus, if you can solve his password in the 1st attempt, he will even give you a special materia orb (Zokusei Materia).

o Leave the room & goto any one of the 4 chambers & read a book.

[Tip!] - Now, normally, you would have to research all the books in all 4 chambers - and using your intuition & cognitive reasoning, you would have to try to come up with a valid guess at the password...

HOWEVER....lucky for you, I will provide the correct answer for you (^o^). The correct answer is "Shichoo Bakuhatsu", at least most of the time.... Unfortunately, I have found that the answer is not always the same in each game, so you may find the answer to be different in your game...

o At any rate, go back to the room & talk to Domino once more to make your final answer selection. After obtaining the key up to the 65th floor, head back up the stairs & go to the 63rd floor.

o The 63rd floor is quite optional -- However, it is an opportunity to obtain a "Zentaika materia", which will allow you to cast your normal spells onto multiple enemies.

[Tip!] - The objective of solving the 63rd floor is merely to find the best/shortest route in getting to the coupons, through only opening 3 locked doors. You can only choose 3 doors to unlock, so use them efficiently. Once you obtain the coupons, you can exchange them for special items from the computer console.

- "A Coupon" will get you the "Pendant of the Stars" - "B Coupon" will get you the "Four Slot" - "C Coupon" will get you the "Zentaika Materia"

o Go back up the stairs & head up to the 64th floor. Replenish your characters & save your game here.

o Go back up the stairs & head up to the 65th floor. Upon reaching the 65th floor, you will notice that there are several item/treasure chests located throughout the many rooms -- and you will also notice that most of them locked.

o There will be 1 chest that is unlocked -- locate it & you will obtain a broken piece of the mini-midgar structure, located in the center circular room. Go to the circular room & attach the broken piece onto one of the missing sections of the Midgar structure. You will hear a clicking sound -- that is the sound of one of the other chests unlocking. Now repeat the procedure until you obtain the key to the 66th floor in one of the chests.

o Once obtaining the key, go back up the stairs & head up to the 66th floor.

o On the 66th floor, go to the toilet. You will discover that you could crawl into the air vents.

[!] o You will be given a choice: Top Choice -> The toilet a little dirty - let's flush it first. Middle Choice -> Climb on top of toilet. Bottom Choice -> Leave the toilet.

o Choosing the middle choice, proceed on through the air vents and you will be able to witness the Shinra president's meeting with his officials. You will soon learn that President Shinra has no intention of rebuilding Area 7 of Midgar...

o Leave the toilet - you will notice that the scientist Hojou, from the meeting, is about to head off as well. Follow him up to the 67th floor.

o Keep on following him - a sequence will soon follow.

o Proceed on to the elevator. You will finally encounter Aerith, enclosed within the laboratory capsule -- a sequence will follow.

[!] o Red XIII will join you for your upcoming battle - you will be given a choice to choose who to join in your upcoming battle: Top Choice -> Choose Tifa Bottom Choice -> Choose Barrett

Red will then formally introduce himself - the name screen will pop up. (Customize Red XIII's name to your own preference or leave it as is.)

o Prepare to battle against the subboss.

o Once everyone has gathered together, the remaining characters will tell you that they will be waiting at the elevators on the 66th floor.

[Tip!] - (Make sure not to forget to pick up any materia orbs you may find lying around)

o The lab assistant/guard will be standing around on the upper level of that room -- talk to him. He will give you the key for access up to the 68th floor.

o Your task here is done - head down to the 66th floor to meet up with everyone at the elevator.

o Upon reaching there, you will be captured by the Taaks, the bounty hunters for the Shinra Corp.

o Finding yourself in the prison cells, talk to everyone. (If you go up to the cell entrance, you will be given options: Top Choice -> Talk to Barrett Middle Choice -> Talk to Red XII Bottom Choice -> Talk to Aerith)

o Upon resting, a sequence will follow - you will find your cell door unlocked & the guard killed. Proceed on to the elevator, heading up to the laboratory. (where you found Aerith)

o Find the entrance to the stairs & head up to the 69th floor. At the 69th floor, it is recommended that you save your game here.

o Head up the stairs to President Shinra's floor -- You will soon learn that Sephiroth was responsible for killing the guards & the president.

o Proceed through the door located by the stairs -- you will encounter Rufus - the son of the dead president and now the new self-proclaimed president of Shinra. As the sequence follows, Cloud will tell Barrett to take everyone else to safety, as prepares to face off against Rufus by himself.

o The control will switch over to Aerith's party -- Head to the elevator tubes located on the same floor. Prepare for an intense battle down the elevator!

o The control will now switch back to Cloud's scene -- (Note: Press the start button to proceed) Prepare for a battle against Rufus.

o After Rufus flees from the battle, proceed back down the stairs to meet up with Tifa.
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