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Throughout the world of FFVII you will use many different forms of transport to travel the vast world map. Here's a list of them and how to get them to help you on your way...

Midgar Train

This is the first bit of transportation that you get in FFVII, the Midgar train. You don't actually get to control the train but it does transport you to certain parts of Midgar. At the start of the whole game you jump of this train to start the first reactor mission, and you also leave the first mission on this train.


This is Cloud motorbike that he steals from the Shinra building and escapes on. You also fight other bikers while trying to escape. This bike is also used in a game at the Gold Saucer. You don't really travel and get to control it much but its good fun.

Shinra Truck

While cloud is escaping from the Shinra building the rest of the team are in this truck, Cloud has to protect them on his bike. This is also featured in the Gold Saucer game.


Chocobos feature heavily in all Final Fantasy games so you might be familiar with them. When you use a chocobo lure near chocobo tracks you sometimes fight a chocobo, you mist defeat the other enemies to obtain the chocobo. Remember to have the materia attached, otherwise a chocobo won't appear. This is the first mode of transportation you get for the world map. You can breed, race and get different coloured chocobos in FFVII click here to find out more about chocobos.


This is the second mode of transporter you get for the world map, Dio will give this to you after you escape from the desert prison. It can cross shallow rivers and sand.

Tiny Bronco

This is the third mode of transportation you get after escaping on it at rocket town. Unfortunately it can't fly after being shot down by Shinra, but it does make a handy boat which can travel along the coast of the continents.


You get the submarine after the under water reactor, the sub does anywhere underwater on the world where there are a lot of secrets. Explore underwater, but don't bump into emerald weapon unless your hard enough!


You'll acquire this mighty airship at the beginning on the 2nd disk, after you escape from the gas chamber with Tifa. It can fly anywhere on the world map but can only land on grass.




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