Seifer Almasy
Name: Seifer Almasy
Age: 18
Birthday: December 22
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 6'2"
Occupation: Sorceress's knight
Weapon: Gunblade (Hyperion)
Limit: don't know
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Although he is a talented fighter, his short temper and attitude has earned him the reputation as a "problematic" boy. Even though he admired Squall's strength and abilities, he considered him to be his greatest rival. In order to accomplished his dream, he took up the offer of being a sorceress's knight but not for any sorceress but his own matron, the only woman who is like a mother to him . Seifer did not want to become one but because it was his own matron and his ability did he finally give in to become a sorceress's knight. Even though he was defeated by Squall and the others, he still have Fujin and Raijin by his side.
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