Final Fantasy IX
(US version) Square soft 2000, Sony Play Station (Thai language)
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�ش�Ӥѭ�������þ�Ҵ�ͧ Final Fantasy IX �������µç
Disk 1
�������� Prima Vista
���ͧ Alexandria
����ҷ Alexandria
��һ��Ҩ (Evil Forest)
������� Gunitas/����Һ Melda (Gunitas Basin/Melda Plains)
��ӹ���� (Ice Cavern)
����Һ�٧ Nolrich (Nolrich Heights)
�����ҹ Dali
��������Թ��� (Cargo Airship)
��ҹ�� Lindblum (Lindblum Grand Castle)
����Һ Eunorus / ����Һ King Ed
˹ͧ��� Qu (Qu's Marsh)
��� Gizamaluke (Gizamaluke's Grotto)
�����ѡ���е��� (South Gate)
����Һ Burmecian (Burmecian Plains)
Burmecia ���ͧ��觽� (Realm of Eternal Rain)
Disk 2
ʶҹյ��ö (Summit Station)
South Gate ʶҹ��˹�� (South Gate, North Station)
���ͧ Treno �����觤����״ (Dark City Treno)
Gargan Roo
����� Cleyra (Cleyra's Trunk)
���;¾ Cleyra (Cleyra Settlement)
���������� Alexandria
Pinnacle Rocks
������¹�� Lindblum in Ruins (Lindblum in Ruins)
���������˹ͧ��� Qu (Qu's Marsh Excavation Site)
Fossil Roo ��鹷ҧ��ҳ
��ջ��ҹ�͡ (Outer Continent)
Conde Petie
�����ҹ����� (Black Mage Village)
�����آ� Conde Petie (Bliss in Conde Petie)
��鹷ҧ���� (Mountain Path)
Madain Sari
�� Lifa �Ҥ 1 (Iifa Tree, Part One)
��������ҡ� Madian Sari (Trouble in Madain Sari)
��õ����������� Lifa (Battle at Iifa Tree)
Disk 3
�׹��� Alexandria (Return to Alexandria)
����觢ѹ���촷�� Treno (Card Tournament in Treno)
��õ������ Alexandria (The Battle of Alexandria)
������������ Lindblum (Preparations in Lindblum)
�����ҹ����� (The Black Mage Village, Deserted)
��ͷ��´ٴ (Quicksand in the Desert)
��ջ���١��� (Forgotten Continent)
�ѧ���ŷ��� (Desert Palace)
��ջ���١��� (The Lost Continent)
Esto Gaza
���� Gulug (Mount Gulug)
ͧ��˭ԧ������� ��� �������� Hilda Garde 3
���ͧ Alexandria ���������� (Alexandria Fallen)
�ѧ Ipsen (Ipsen's Castle)
����ѡ���з����� (The Four Shrines)
Bran Bal
Disk 4
The End
Final Fantasy 9 logo
�������ѵ�ٷ����� 170 Ẻ
������ Backjack
�����Ѻ�ͧ Eidolon
�Һ Excalibur
�Һ Excalibur II
Kupo Nut �Ѻ Mog
Item ����ŧ�ҡ�Ҥ���
Quina �Ѻ��
��þ��Ѻ Hades
Mognet Central
Kupo Nut ��� Mognet
��ῢͧ Morrid
����ͧ��С�� Nero
Ozma �ѵ�ٷ���觡Ҩ
Quan's Dwelling
Ragtime Mouse
�дѺ Treasure Hunting
Ruby ��������
����­ Stellazzio
�ѵ���������ͧ Treno
��ҹ������� Treno
���ѵ� Chocograph
�ش����� Dead Pepper
��� Air Garden

Ἱ��� World Map
�����ŧ Melodies of Life
�س���ѵ� (Ability)
Item ��Фس���ѵԷ����
��ҹ����� ���ظ ��Ъش
��ҹ����Թ��Ҩҡ Mog
������ PS (FF9) �� PC
Code Action Replay
Zidane Tribal
Vivi Orunitia
Adelbert Steiner
Princess Garnet
Freya Crescent
Quina Quen
Eiko Carol
Amarant Coral

���ͧ��ѧ�ͧ������ (Credit)

��¡�û�Ѻ��ا����ش ��Т������������
  • (05/04/2544) ���� Link ThaiRPG Project ��ҹ��
  • (10/03/2544) �����ٵ� Action Replay, ���ͧ˹��������ͧ��ѧ�ͧ��������ФӢͺ�س, �Ҿ�͹��
  • (09/03/2544) �������ҧ�س���ѵԵ�ҧ�, Item �س���ѵԷ����, ��ҹ��ҵ�ҧ�, Mogshop, ��ҹ�����ظ ������ش ���觢����� ����Ըա����� Final Fantasy 9 �ҡ�� PS �� PC �ͧ�س ������Ҿ������ҧ�����§��
  • (08/03/2544) ���蹷�� 4
  • (07/03/2544) ���蹷�� 3
  • (06/03/2544) ��������´�ͧ����Фõ����ѡ 8 �� ������س���ѵԢͧ���Ф� ����Ἱ���㹩ҡ World Map
  • (05/03/2544) ��䢢����Ť����Ѻ���������١��ͧ��觢�� �����Ҿ��Сͺ�ú�ء�����Ѻ ��觷����ʹ� ��� �����Ѻ�ͧ�ѵ�ٷ�����Ե� ��Ф�������Ǣ�ͧ�Ѻ Ozma, ����Ἱ��� Chocograph, �ش����� Dead Pepper, �ش���ŧ Air Garden ������
  • (19/02/2544) ���蹷�� 2
  • (27/01/2544) �����������ѵ�ٷ������ó� ��� �����Ѻ� Final Fantasy 9
  • (20/01/2544) ���蹷�� 1
  • (05/01/2544) ��觷Ӣ�������Դ˹��¤�Ѻ �з��������� ��� Update ������� �����ҨФú����ó����ش (�з���ŧ������� ����͹ FF8) �Դ�������� ������蹨������褧����������´�������� �ͧ��ҹ�ٵ����Ǣ�ʹٹФ�Ѻ �������¹�ǡ�÷Өҡ Final Fantasy 8 ����Ẻ��ػ����Ǣ�ͷ���Ӥѭ����е͹�������س���ͧ���� Item ��ҧ� ��Ф����Ѻ��ҧ� ������������
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