Market Intelligence 

You may by now be asking what makes FINATECH different. What would you gain from using FINATECH?

The biggest difference is FINATECH' team of information analysts who are here to help you to find cost-effective solutions to your business information problems.

In addition, by that, we don't just mean picking a book off the shelf and selling it to you. That would be easy! If you just need a ready-made solution, browse the pages of the FINATECH Web catalogue where there is a selection of the reports, directories, newsletters, and databases available for immediate purchase.

However, often you need more - much more!

Maybe there is a report that will bring you up-to-speed on a new technology or market. Nevertheless, you have detailed questions. You'd like to talk to a sector analyst, possibly have him meet you and your team so that you can assess directly the implications for your business. Perhaps you need to monitor a particular aspect of the market, but none of the "off-the-shelf" reports or market studies cover the market the way you need the data presenting or analysing - the "one size fits all" approach just does not work for you!

That's why we offer a "mix and match" service so that you get a customised solution - the market report with background data from one firm of analysts; an in-depth personal briefing for senior colleagues from another; and maybe an evolving, updated customised database from a third. But brought to you in one, handy, cost-effective package. 

There's a saying about backing the jockey, not the stable.

And that's what we bring to the business information market - a detailed, working knowledge of which analysts are doing what, so that we can guide you to the top minds, rather than just sell you a service because it comes from a well-known research house.

Only FINATECH, with its detailed knowledge of the analysts and research houses worldwide can provide this unique 'mix and match' service - and all delivered in a package that fits your budget!

It is my ability to draw on this first-hand experience with best institutions in world that makes FINATECH what it is today.

Want to find out more? Call Vandana on +91 (79) 7913175 or e-mail her now.

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