At the Tietomaa Science Centre...


"One Saturday afternoon, I went with some international friends to the Tietomaa Science Centre.... It's very much like the Toronto Science Centre but on a smaller scale....

And well, you must be wondering why we ended up in a rocky area!  Well, it all started when we thought that the science centre could have been reached through a path that we thought was a short cut.

But low and behold, it was a very wet experience for me indeed.  (I accidentally stepped into a big puddle of water, and got my feet wet.  And it's so sweet of Falk and Simone to be constantly caring for me, that i should change my socks so not to catch a cold....

....... but yah... i caught my cold allright!! 

(it was a mixture of the change in weather and my puddle experience)


At the science center, we did lots of neat things....

There was this really cool rollar coaster, with beautiful lights, and I just had to take a picture of it......

Here you see Grace and I in somebody's pants.... the world's fattest man's pants!!  Gosh, it must have been so tough to get up each morning and change into your pants....

And oh, there were many other things we did there.......

As you see, Simone was exercising on the bike (or was it a machine to practice your arm strokes)........go go! go go!!  Simone!! =)

And Simone's in the other picture as well, testing out this device that magnifies materials........

Among all international students,  there were not many science (or engineering) students.  And therefore, I was the engineering freak of the freaks that you could have found here!   Imagine that!

But, I'm so thankful that I found some international friends to go to Tietomaa with me...... woohoo!!   You guys are cool man!!"


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